The dangers of bone-headed beliefs


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2010
On the way to the Dark Tower.
The dangers of bone-headed beliefs
Surely it's time for climate-change deniers to have their opinions forcibly tattooed on their bodies.

Not necessarily on the forehead; I'm a reasonable man. Just something along their arm or across their chest so their grandchildren could say, ''Really? You were one of the ones who tried to stop the world doing something? And why exactly was that, granddad?''

On second thoughts, maybe the tattooing along the arm is a bit Nazi-creepy. So how about they are forced to buy property on low-lying islands, the sort of property that will become worthless with a few more centimetres of ocean rise, so they are bankrupted by their own bloody-mindedness? Or what about their signed agreement to stand, in the year 2040, lashed to a pole at a certain point in the shallows off Manly? If they are right and the world is cooling - ''climate change stopped in the year 1998'' is one of their more boneheaded beliefs - their mouths will be above water. If not …

OK, maybe the desire to see the painful, thrashing death of one's opponents is not ideal. But, my God, these people are frustrating. You just know that in 20 years' time, when the costs of our inaction are clear, the climate deniers will become climate-denial-deniers. ''Who me? Oh, no, I always believed in it. Yes, it's hard to understand why people back then were so daft. It's so much more costly to stop it now.''

That's why the tattoo has its appeal.

Read more: The dangers of bone-headed beliefs
Scratch a leftist, find a tyrant.
It has always been about fascism. Global warming has just been a convenient lie to achieve it.
The dangers of bone-headed beliefs
Surely it's time for climate-change deniers to have their opinions forcibly tattooed on their bodies.

Not necessarily on the forehead; I'm a reasonable man. Just something along their arm or across their chest so their grandchildren could say, ''Really? You were one of the ones who tried to stop the world doing something? And why exactly was that, granddad?''

On second thoughts, maybe the tattooing along the arm is a bit Nazi-creepy. So how about they are forced to buy property on low-lying islands, the sort of property that will become worthless with a few more centimetres of ocean rise, so they are bankrupted by their own bloody-mindedness? Or what about their signed agreement to stand, in the year 2040, lashed to a pole at a certain point in the shallows off Manly? If they are right and the world is cooling - ''climate change stopped in the year 1998'' is one of their more boneheaded beliefs - their mouths will be above water. If not …

OK, maybe the desire to see the painful, thrashing death of one's opponents is not ideal. But, my God, these people are frustrating. You just know that in 20 years' time, when the costs of our inaction are clear, the climate deniers will become climate-denial-deniers. ''Who me? Oh, no, I always believed in it. Yes, it's hard to understand why people back then were so daft. It's so much more costly to stop it now.''

That's why the tattoo has its appeal.

Read more: The dangers of bone-headed beliefs
Scratch a leftist, find a tyrant.

was this madness actually published in a newspaper ?
It has always been about fascism. Global warming has just been a convenient lie to achieve it.

Fascism against who?

The rich and the powerful?

Last I looked..the oil lobby started a war in Iraq.

Yeah team.

Fascism can occur insiduously, from the OP screed>

The right tended to be sceptical about climate change from the start and for exactly the same reasons. It's the sort of problem that requires global, communal action, with governments setting rules. It is a problem that requires tools they instinctively dislike using.

If we learned anything from Copenhaugen, it was global governance seeking to foist the expense of 'climate change' directly onto 3rd world countries

ergo, the 'who' in your querie Sallow....
Politically, the right has tattooed this on their foreheads. They have denied that the world was warming for decades, and then when it was obvious that this fabrication could no longer be supported, started saying, "well, it's warming, but it has nothing to do with GHGs and mankind".

Now, as we are starting to see real consequences, the idiocy of denying solid science is going to come back on them. Even today, they are trying to defund science, so as to avoid data that will show what fools they are.
The dangers of bone-headed beliefs
Surely it's time for climate-change deniers to have their opinions forcibly tattooed on their bodies.

LOLOLOLOLOLOL......Daveboy, you are a walking exhibition of the dangers of bone-headed beliefs. Your cult of AGW reality deniers has come to rival the Flat Earth Society in that department.

It works like this..

Stage 1- Deny that global warming need to do anything

Stage 2- Reluctantly admit that there is global warming but deny that man has any impact...nothing we can do about it

Stage 3- Acknowledge that man is impacting the climate........Too late to change anything so keep doing what we are doing
The dangers of bone-headed beliefs
Surely it's time for climate-change deniers to have their opinions forcibly tattooed on their bodies.

LOLOLOLOLOLOL......Daveboy, you are a walking exhibition of the dangers of bone-headed beliefs. Your cult of AGW reality deniers has come to rival the Flat Earth Society in that department.
So you agree with him?

No surprising, really. Leftism can't survive without being mandated by force. And totalitarians sure do seem to enjoy marking their dissidents and undesirables.

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The dangers of bone-headed beliefs
Surely it's time for climate-change deniers to have their opinions forcibly tattooed on their bodies.

Not necessarily on the forehead; I'm a reasonable man. Just something along their arm or across their chest so their grandchildren could say, ''Really? You were one of the ones who tried to stop the world doing something? And why exactly was that, granddad?''

On second thoughts, maybe the tattooing along the arm is a bit Nazi-creepy. So how about they are forced to buy property on low-lying islands, the sort of property that will become worthless with a few more centimetres of ocean rise, so they are bankrupted by their own bloody-mindedness? Or what about their signed agreement to stand, in the year 2040, lashed to a pole at a certain point in the shallows off Manly? If they are right and the world is cooling - ''climate change stopped in the year 1998'' is one of their more boneheaded beliefs - their mouths will be above water. If not …

OK, maybe the desire to see the painful, thrashing death of one's opponents is not ideal. But, my God, these people are frustrating. You just know that in 20 years' time, when the costs of our inaction are clear, the climate deniers will become climate-denial-deniers. ''Who me? Oh, no, I always believed in it. Yes, it's hard to understand why people back then were so daft. It's so much more costly to stop it now.''

That's why the tattoo has its appeal.

Read more: The dangers of bone-headed beliefs
Scratch a leftist, find a tyrant.

was this madness actually published in a newspaper ?
The Sydney Morning Herald.
Politically, the right has tattooed this on their foreheads. They have denied that the world was warming for decades, and then when it was obvious that this fabrication could no longer be supported, started saying, "well, it's warming, but it has nothing to do with GHGs and mankind".

Now, as we are starting to see real consequences, the idiocy of denying solid science is going to come back on them. Even today, they are trying to defund science, so as to avoid data that will show what fools they are.

Obviously, world socialism is the only thing that will save us.

Yeah, we keep hearing that. It keeps on being bullshit.
If the public ever realizes the full extent and meaning of what you AGW denier cretins are doing in the service of the oil corp profits, you deniers would probably be hunted down in the streets by angry mobs and strung up from lampposts. And it would be no more than what you so richly deserve for working so stupidly to prevent any effective action to deal with this climate change crisis mankind has created that threatens the lives of billions of humans and large parts of the biosphere. If there is any justice in the world, we may yet see Exxon executives on trial before a world tribunal for 'crimes against humanity'.
Politically, the right has tattooed this on their foreheads. They have denied that the world was warming for decades, and then when it was obvious that this fabrication could no longer be supported, started saying, "well, it's warming, but it has nothing to do with GHGs and mankind".

Now, as we are starting to see real consequences, the idiocy of denying solid science is going to come back on them. Even today, they are trying to defund science, so as to avoid data that will show what fools they are.

But it's a nice tattoo...

If the public ever realizes the full extent and meaning of what you AGW denier cretins are doing in the service of the oil corp profits, you deniers would probably be hunted down in the streets by angry mobs and strung up from lampposts. And it would be no more than what you so richly deserve for working so stupidly to prevent any effective action to deal with this climate change crisis mankind has created that threatens the lives of billions of humans and large parts of the biosphere. If there is any justice in the world, we may yet see Exxon executives on trial before a world tribunal for 'crimes against humanity'.
Bring it, pansy.
The dangers of bone-headed beliefs
Surely it's time for climate-change deniers to have their opinions forcibly tattooed on their bodies.

LOLOLOLOLOLOL......Daveboy, you are a walking exhibition of the dangers of bone-headed beliefs. Your cult of AGW reality deniers has come to rival the Flat Earth Society in that department.

OK.....this is awesome..............

Speaking of bonehead, I nominate this post by Thunder for the award of.............

US Message Board Stupidest Post of the Year = Rolling Thunder

The deniers...........a Flat Earth Society:laugh2:

Only 33% Think Most Americans Blame Humans for Global Warming

Thursday, March 24, 2011

President Obama, former Vice President Al Gore and the United Nations, among others, argue that global warming is chiefly caused by human activity. A plurality of voters recognize that this view is held mostly by liberals rather than by all Americans.

In fact, a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 33% of Likely U.S. Voters mistakenly think most Americans agree that global warming is caused primarily by human activity. Forty-six percent (46%) recognize that the view is held primarily by liberals (To see survey question wording, click here.).

Only 33% Think Most Americans Blame Humans for Global Warming - Rasmussen Reports™

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Global Warming Alarmism Continues To Backfire
Mar. 16 2011 - 1:20 pm

A new Gallup poll is delivering bad news to global warming alarmists, showing Americans are becoming more and more skeptical of hysterical global warming claims. The alarmists are bemoaning these results and saying they need to be more forceful and creative in delivering their message of doom and gloom. But the global-warming religionists are losing credibility with the American public precisely because they are too forceful and creative in delivering speculative global warming claims, not because they are too conservative and demure.

To be sure, the alarmists are on the retreat in the court of public opinion. The Gallup poll shows only 32% of Americans believe global warming will pose a serious threat in their lifetimes. Moreover, only 50% — the smallest number since Gallup began polling on the question in 2003 — believe increases in the earth’s temperature over the last century are due more to human activities than to natural causes.

Global Warming Alarmism Continues To Backfire - James Taylor - Endpoint Analysis - Forbes

Flat Earthers FTMFW!!!!!!!

Global Warming Alarmism Continues To Backfire
Mar. 16 2011 - 1:20 pm

A new Gallup poll is delivering bad news to global warming alarmists, showing Americans are becoming more and more skeptical of hysterical global warming claims. The alarmists are bemoaning these results and saying they need to be more forceful and creative in delivering their message of doom and gloom. But the global-warming religionists are losing credibility with the American public precisely because they are too forceful and creative in delivering speculative global warming claims, not because they are too conservative and demure.

To be sure, the alarmists are on the retreat in the court of public opinion. The Gallup poll shows only 32% of Americans believe global warming will pose a serious threat in their lifetimes. Moreover, only 50% — the smallest number since Gallup began polling on the question in 2003 — believe increases in the earth’s temperature over the last century are due more to human activities than to natural causes.

Global Warming Alarmism Continues To Backfire - James Taylor - Endpoint Analysis - Forbes

Flat Earthers FTMFW!!!!!!!


Here's the problem. The earth doesn't respond to polls. The science is sound, but the money and organization of the deniers is winning and the humans on this planet will lose. The sad part is NONE of you puppets are making billions of dollars raping the planet. You are PR pawns.

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