The Curse Of Cultural Marxism

Just what is "cultural Marxism"? Never heard of it. It sounds like another bit of right-wing strawman fantasy.

Pat at his usual best
Worth the watch

Do you have a bio for the person in your OP video?
Is this what he means by "cultural Marxism"?

Frankfurt School - Wikipedia.

"In contemporary usage, cultural Marxism refers to a far-right antisemitic conspiracy theory which claims that the Frankfurt School is part of an ongoing academic and intellectual effort to undermine and destroy Western culture and values.[49]

"According to the conspiracy theory, which emerged in the late 1990s, the Frankfurt School and other Marxist theorists were part of a conspiracy to attack Western society by undermining traditionalist conservatism and Christianity using the 1960s counterculture, multiculturalism, progressive politics and political correctness."
The odd thing is that this "cultural Marxism" ideology completely ignores what westerners actually want to do. Traditional conservativism and the lunatic fringe of Christianity are not what many of us want. We don't want misogyny, racism, anti-Semitism, etc. This stuff is dirty and we don't need it.
Cultural Marxism describes the methodology lefty liberals and radical anarchist groups are using to destroy America and turn it into a communist state. ... :cool:
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The odd thing is that this "cultural Marxism" ideology completely ignores what westerners actually want to do. Traditional conservativism and the lunatic fringe of Christianity are not what many of us want. We don't want misogyny, racism, anti-Semitism, etc. This stuff is dirty and we don't need it.

Sugar tits

The odd thing is that this "cultural Marxism" ideology completely ignores what westerners actually want to do.

the lunatic fringe of Christianity are not what many of us want. We don't want misogyny, racism, anti-Semitism, etc. This stuff is dirty and we don't need it.

Well almost lol

You can't deny candel is pretty on the money especially when he compares the two ..hes right theyre similar ...

Traditional conservativism however ....youre had to throw that on top didnt ya lol
What are they forcing you to do exactly ?

Lots of us on the right have made these comparisons before ..the hardcore religious right and lefties.

I've done it on this board with the man made global warming green new deal and the old catholic church ....Galileo the science is settled damit! House arrest for you.

Bill lind has been diving into the Frankfurt school history for decades now ...of course he's demonized ...and called racist ...check out some of his books
William rather when you search
He's mostly a military historian ...tactic oriented ...

Any way

guess which one is the establishment right now?
I'll give you a hint muff muffin
The establishment just agreed that the word eskimo is deragatoty and its mob likes to get people fired for no good reason as they fiegn outrage ..

As a right winger and no holier than thou puritan I have a problem with both ...but the insane fringe christan right is no threat to anybody ...they have no power
most the vast majority of Christians and Traditional conservatives are live and let live.

One has power over the entire culture and you should be concerned ...and it ain't the righties

If you removed Traditional conservativism from your line I did for you ...With the progressive cultural marxist left You've kinda stepped outta line and are now ideologically impure ......that would mean gulag for you senorita sexy pants

And whats this misogyny you speak of?
Traditional gender and nuclear family roles? . Most married couple are friends and partners
Most right wing Christan fathers ....are not evil thier mommies and sisters and decent father holds his daughter back from pursuing her goals

As a female youre hard wired to want a family many lefty women in thier 40s regret not having kids or waiting and only having one after study woman after woman ...regret it
Traditional roles .....thiers nothing wrong with it ...nothing evil or repressive or degrading about it

Ask any married guy who is in charge of the house anyway .....whats he gonna say.?...thatd be muh better half ...derp...but she lets me do what I want in da basement and garage lol

If ya wanna take it out into the broader culture ....pun intended broads indeed

Let's say equal pay
Corporations from mid sized to global giants every HR department is run by lefty women today

They do most of the hiring think progressive HR karen with 4 cats is going to let corporate America get away with paying a woman less for the same job ?...its non existent today

But the fight for justice and equal pay continues comrades ....derp support and take action to support change

Women can be whatever they want to be today ones holding yas back ...but they should stop demonizing the Traditional and women should seriously consider it when they're young. Having a traditionalfamily that is ....not when their 40 , pathetic ,and full of regrets

You lefties are not liberal ...especially if ya call yourself a progressive ..youre anything but and you've been fed lie after lie after lie about the right ,Traditional,and classical liberal values
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Pat at his usual best
Worth the watch

Do you have a bio for the person in your OP video?
Is this what he means by "cultural Marxism"?

Frankfurt School - Wikipedia.

"In contemporary usage, cultural Marxism refers to a far-right antisemitic conspiracy theory which claims that the Frankfurt School is part of an ongoing academic and intellectual effort to undermine and destroy Western culture and values.[49]

"According to the conspiracy theory, which emerged in the late 1990s, the Frankfurt School and other Marxist theorists were part of a conspiracy to attack Western society by undermining traditionalist conservatism and Christianity using the 1960s counterculture, multiculturalism, progressive politics and political correctness."

Oh lord
He's already been condemned as a thought criminal so you can just go back to Jacking off to your hero marx

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