The Cultural Reichstag Fires


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Cultural Reichstag Fires

The Cultural Reichstag Fires | The American Spectator
By Scott McKay ~~ Remember the Reichstag fire? It was perhaps the seminal event that sealed Germany’s fate as a socialist dictatorship before the Allies were finally able to pry that nation out of the jaws of Nazism in 1945 (although for the eastern portion of the country human dignity and freedom wouldn’t come for another 40-plus years thanks to Soviet imperialism)…. If you’re not familiar with that event, the date was February 27, 1933. Adolf Hitler had been sworn in as Germany’s chancellor just four weeks hence, though his Nazi party was in an unstable position at the center of a coalition government holding a small plurality of 32 percent of the seats in the Reichstag — Germany’s parliament under its Weimar Republic. At the time Hitler had an agenda in mind to secure a much larger portion of the Reichstag’s seats in order to create a majority for passing an Enabling Act that would allow him essentially to rule by decree, at an election set for March 5.... By happenstance or contrivance on the part of the Nazis — it’s still a matter for debate — a fire was set in the assembly chamber of the Reichstag building which raged until the structure lay largely in ruins.... There are lots more lesser-known hate-crime hoaxes and other such pure lies directed at those not toeing the leftist line. The thing to understand about this increasing pattern of malicious fakery and fraud is that the Left knows America isn’t Weimar Germany, as often as our current circumstances are analogized to it. There will be no extraconstitutional seizure of political power in this country. Where the Left has power, and where it’s able to control those who don’t agree with its agenda, is in the culture — the news media, the arts, movies and television, academia. And it’s there where the hoaxes are flourishing.... These abuses of that cultural advantage won’t stop, because the people pushing them believe they work. They’re cultural Reichstag fires. And until the pushback — which may be under way with Sandmann’s suit and Smollett’s criminal charges — begins to overwhelm the hoaxes, the Left will do everything it can to exploit them.

Until some very powerful people are indict, prosecuted and convicted, this will continue. Indicting Smollett is meaningless. People named Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Brennan, Clapper, Holder, Clinton, and Obama need to be held accountable. Until then, it’s just more Kabuki Theater. although one would suspect that Trump being reelected in 2020 we will witness some measure of cultural carnage inflicted upon America by Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats.
I truly believe in 2020 we are going to see violence from the PMS Dem terrorist left that we haven’t seen since the 1930's in Germany. This time though we will have to respond.
It is going to get ugly. Especially when Trump wins.
Democrats have given us the 'War on Poverty' the 'War on Drugs' and then the 'War on Terror' that has left us $22Trillion in Debt, $220Trillion plus in Unfunded Liabilities. Trillion dollar Deficits and everywhere there is supposed to be a lock-box (accountants call them Pension Funds, Social Security and Medicare Trust Funds) are BROKE!!! The Osama Obama and Madam Mao Coup D'état was far worse than a FAKE stunt for political gain? The Beria Coup D'état that apparently has been coordinated with the GOP Congress resembles the Storming of the Bastille (abdicate the King/President) or the Russian Revolution that ousted the Romanov Dynasty?
Put simply, Congress that has the Constitutional Power to fix Immigration will NOT do so, but impede the Executive Branch with a Coup D'état leaving the fate of the nation in the Supreme Court that has no enumerated Constitutional Power to decide the fate of an alleged Federal Republic with a Constitution of Enumerated Powers?
We seem to spend a lot of time going over the same ground. We know the problem is the post-modernist and deconstructionist folks who essentially are nihilist in their view of Western Civilization. The real question is what action are we willing to take to oppose them and defend the 2500 years of our common culture? we can sit and write and analyze and complain but what are we willing to do to stop them and end the threat especially these days when there are such folks and other anti-western types sitting in our Congress?
It is rigid thinking to argue that the trust funds are broke and the national debt is so high. That is where the money goes. 25% of our national debt is money the government owes those trust funds and other intergovernmental holding. Putting it "in a lockbox" would be pointless. It has to be invested or the collection is just masturbatory. As 2008 taught us, government bonds is the only safe investment with those important dollars.
No way the author of this thing actually believes all this paranoid hogwash.
It is rigid thinking to argue that the trust funds are broke and the national debt is so high. That is where the money goes. 25% of our national debt is money the government owes those trust funds and other intergovernmental holding. Putting it "in a lockbox" would be pointless. It has to be invested or the collection is just masturbatory. As 2008 taught us, government bonds is the only safe investment with those important dollars.
The SS trust fund is nothing but a box of worthless IOUs. Government bonds are not an "investment" for the government. Sad that so many people don't understand it.
It is rigid thinking to argue that the trust funds are broke and the national debt is so high. That is where the money goes. 25% of our national debt is money the government owes those trust funds and other intergovernmental holding. Putting it "in a lockbox" would be pointless. It has to be invested or the collection is just masturbatory. As 2008 taught us, government bonds is the only safe investment with those important dollars.
The SS trust fund is nothing but a box of worthless IOUs. Government bonds are not an "investment" for the government. Sad that so many people don't understand it.

They are an investment for the beneficiaries. Sad so many people don't understand what trust funds are.
You went full on Godwin's Law violation with the first post

Go sit in the corner. You lose

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