The Cult of Trump


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
In recent months there have been some op-eds and articles written in the liberal media about the "Cult of Trump", as if millions of Americans between the Appalachian mountains and the Sierra Nevada are conducting sacrifices and rituals in the dead of night under a full moon in the name of Trump. Such rhetoric is demeaning to a whole lot of people, as it was intended to be by the so-called elites who think they are better than the rest of us. We are called "deplorables", and are deemed too stupid to be allowed to vote; we are accused of an obsessive devotion to President Trump that approaches veneration if not outright worship. Which is of course pure poppycock, most Trump supporters approve of what he's been doing while in office from a policy standpoint, but not so many approve of his character or personality. Quite often when he says something controversial there will almost always be people in his own party who disagree or denounce whatever he said or tweeted. That ain't veneration or worship.

The truth is that there are a great many people who don't much like the Democrat Party, deal with it. And that was long before Trump came along, deal with that too. Certainly the GOP is not without fault themselves, and the DC swamp is filled with creatures from both sides of the aisle. Mostly from the Dems though, I don't see the Repubs corrupting, politicizing, and weaponizing the Executive Branch agencies and organizations like the Dems have done.

So, a large faction of voters are fed up and they want a leaner and more more effective gov't that is more responsive to their needs, nothing cult-like about that. Many of them believed that Hillary Clinton was more of the same, and they didn't want more of the same. So, they voted for the hope and change that they didn't get from Obama and the Dems, nothing cult-like about that. And they believed that they needed an outsider to get it done rather than another DC politician, nothing cult-like about that either. Hence, the election of Donald Trump.

In his 1st 3 years, Trump has done a pretty good job in the opinions of many non-democrats. Certainly the man has his faults, as do we all. He can't seem to keep his big mouth shut sometimes, and too often he sticks his foot in there when he starts talking or tweeting. There are a whole lot of Trump supporters who would agree with that. Notice how many GOP senators thought Trump did something wrong when he was acquitted of the Impeachment Articles yesterday. But they believed the allegations did not rise to the level of "high crimes and misdemeanors", so they didn't vote him to be removed from office. That wasn't cult-like, that was honesty.

Denigration of those who have a different opinion from yours is un-American in my book. Disagree with me all you want, that's fine. But don't tell me I'm part of a cult, that's bullshit. Quite frankly, elections in this country are all about choices, and I have a right to make my own choice. If you don't like or agree with my choice, that's your right to say so. But do not vilify me for exercising my rights, that ain't right and if you're doing that then you should be ashamed of yourself.
The liberal mainstream media hate America and have contempt for the people. The more they talk the more they expose themselves this point everyone knows they're radical anti american haters.
Now the orange "Chosen One" is on, whining about how mean the Democrats were to him.
Did you hear him with all that sniffing going on? That is when he is lying. FDT.
In recent months there have been some op-eds and articles written in the liberal media about the "Cult of Trump", as if millions of Americans between the Appalachian mountains and the Sierra Nevada are conducting sacrifices and rituals in the dead of night under a full moon in the name of Trump. Such rhetoric is demeaning to a whole lot of people, as it was intended to be by the so-called elites who think they are better than the rest of us. We are called "deplorables", and are deemed too stupid to be allowed to vote; we are accused of an obsessive devotion to President Trump that approaches veneration if not outright worship. Which is of course pure poppycock, most Trump supporters approve of what he's been doing while in office from a policy standpoint, but not so many approve of his character or personality. Quite often when he says something controversial there will almost always be people in his own party who disagree or denounce whatever he said or tweeted. That ain't veneration or worship.

The truth is that there are a great many people who don't much like the Democrat Party, deal with it. And that was long before Trump came along, deal with that too. Certainly the GOP is not without fault themselves, and the DC swamp is filled with creatures from both sides of the aisle. Mostly from the Dems though, I don't see the Repubs corrupting, politicizing, and weaponizing the Executive Branch agencies and organizations like the Dems have done.

So, a large faction of voters are fed up and they want a leaner and more more effective gov't that is more responsive to their needs, nothing cult-like about that. Many of them believed that Hillary Clinton was more of the same, and they didn't want more of the same. So, they voted for the hope and change that they didn't get from Obama and the Dems, nothing cult-like about that. And they believed that they needed an outsider to get it done rather than another DC politician, nothing cult-like about that either. Hence, the election of Donald Trump.

In his 1st 3 years, Trump has done a pretty good job in the opinions of many non-democrats. Certainly the man has his faults, as do we all. He can't seem to keep his big mouth shut sometimes, and too often he sticks his foot in there when he starts talking or tweeting. There are a whole lot of Trump supporters who would agree with that. Notice how many GOP senators thought Trump did something wrong when he was acquitted of the Impeachment Articles yesterday. But they believed the allegations did not rise to the level of "high crimes and misdemeanors", so they didn't vote him to be removed from office. That wasn't cult-like, that was honesty.

Denigration of those who have a different opinion from yours is un-American in my book. Disagree with me all you want, that's fine. But don't tell me I'm part of a cult, that's bullshit. Quite frankly, elections in this country are all about choices, and I have a right to make my own choice. If you don't like or agree with my choice, that's your right to say so. But do not vilify me for exercising my rights, that ain't right and if you're doing that then you should be ashamed of yourself.
This morning, I got up to run some errands. Two little kids, maybe 5 years old, were riding their tricycles around the neighborhood while holding big Trump flags.

There's nothing special about today in my neighborhood. Just two kids on a Sunday morning carrying Trump flags.

I've never seen anything like that. Seems cult-like to me.

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