CDZ The Cruz Question

Well, two states have held their presidential nominating contests, and the latest national poll has Ted Cruz in first place. Problem is, no one can say if he is qualified to be on the ballot in the first place. I don't get it. If you want to get on a roller coaster, they have these "you must be this high" signs to make sure you qualify to ride. Do we have less vetting for the process of getting on ballots than we do for getting on a roller coaster? There aren't many qualifications. Just be over 30 and a natural born citizen. Doesn't someone check to make sure these qualifications are being met?

So now what? What if, at some point in this nominating process, Cruz is determined to ineligible? What would that do to the delegates he's racked up? Shouldn't this be definitively determined, as soon as humanly possible? Why are we just leaving this hanging out there?

Is one of his parents a citizen. If yes, then he is a citizen.

Citizen yes. But per the Supreme Court, a naturalized citizen if he was born outside the US.

If Cruz is following an originalist interpretation, he can't be president.
I think the point is being lost here. I have no position about Cruz's eligibility one way or the other. I'm not interested in the opinion of anyone other than that of a legal authority. What I am saying is that this most important of processes doesn't seem to have any pre-screening procedure. You have to file with the FEC, but apparently the FEC does not bother to check anything about those applications other than whether you've received campaign contributions or not. Shouldn't they?
Maybe they should, maybe they do not have the authority, I don't know. Either way there seems to be a question as to whether or not a person, born to a citizen, outside US jurisdiction, is indeed a "natural born citizen". Therefore, it is impossible to resolve the issue until, and unless, the Supreme Court hands down a decision. For that to happen, someone has to make a case and get it before the Court. Noone has done that as of yet.

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