The Covid powerplay show.


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
In a WhatsApp conversation on Dec 13, obtained by The Telegraph, Damon Poole – one of Mr Hancock’s media advisers – informed his boss that Tory MPs were “furious already about the prospect” of stricter Covid measures and suggested “we can roll pitch with the new strain”.

The comment suggested that they believed the strain could be helpful in preparing the ground for a future lockdown and tougher restrictions in the run-up to Christmas 2020.

Mr Hancock then replied: “We frighten the pants off everyone with the new strain.”

Mr Poole agreed, saying: “Yep that’s what will get proper bahviour [sic] change.”
Mr Hancock expressed his worry that talks over Brexit would dominate headlines and reduce the impact, and probed Mr Poole for his media advice. “When do we deploy the new variant,” asked Mr Hancock.

For those that have forgotten, Mr Hancock was the married UK Sec of State for Health & Social Care that instituted very strict, unpopular & useless lockdown orders but was subsequently fired when it was proven he was violating them to carry on an affair with an also married colleague/underling.

Do you vax nannies feel like suckers yet?

"the release of the Lockdown Files"



"Science", "law", and "right and wrong" are all foriegn concepts to the Lunatic Leftoids of LobotomyLand.

Since they cannot comprehend simple principles such as these, they have to make up something to fill in the gaps of what they cannot comprehend. And it's always the WRONGEST thing they can think of.
What those WhatsApp messages reveal is that, when the Government imposed lockdowns, school closures, masks and cruel policies separating families, they did not – as so many of these journalists have insisted – “follow the science”.

Far from it.
Crimes against humanity, naked opportunism and corruption.

To many of us—to me, at least—this was all very obvious, from the very beginning of the #CoroanHoax2020. It was never about science, it was never about protecting anyone from any disease, and I clearly saw this from the start. It was, exactly as you say, naked opportunism and corruption. The lowest of criminals that infest government saw it as an opportunity to enrich and empower themselves, at the expense and to the detriment of those of us that they are supposed to serve.

The Covid Delta Plus Rewards Program here!! :auiqs.jpg:Get your booster now!!
Meh..wait...South Park already did it.

I have a serious question for you members of Alt-Right Nation. Why so selfish?? (with apologies, Heath).
I mean, is it that you just don't give a flying fuck? (thanks Jon Stewart :auiqs.jpg:).
Seriously...One Million plus people think this is fake??
The Covid Delta Plus Rewards Program here!! :auiqs.jpg:Get your booster now!!
Meh..wait...South Park already did it.

I have a serious question for you members of Alt-Right Nation. Why so selfish?? (with apologies, Heath).
I mean, is it that you just don't give a flying fuck? (thanks Jon Stewart :auiqs.jpg:).
Seriously...One Million plus people think this is fake??
How many were purposely killed by the govts by packing nursing homes with covid patients and just outright malpractice and malice.
How many were purposely killed by the govts by packing nursing homes with covid patients and just outright malpractice and malice.
Rules for nursing homes and hospitals that governors and other local lawmakers had to deal with. Rules made up long before the pandemic arrived. You want to debate these policies pre-pandemic??...all for it.

But once the shit hit the fan..what did you want people like Cuomo (who is a complete douche) to do? Turn them out into the streets? Stop deflecting.
That's the bitch with decisions made outside the hair-on-fire hell of having to fish..or cut bait (bodies) during a 10+ emergency.
Rules for nursing homes and hospitals that governors and other local lawmakers had to deal with. Rules made up long before the pandemic arrived. You want to debate these policies pre-pandemic??...all for it.

But once the shit hit the fan..what did you want people like Cuomo (who is a complete douche) to do? Turn them out into the streets? Stop deflecting.
That's the bitch with decisions made outside the hair-on-fire hell of having to fish..or cut bait (bodies) during a 10+ emergency.
How could they have been made before since know ever heard of covid 19?
The Covid Delta Plus Rewards Program here!! :auiqs.jpg:Get your booster now!!
Meh..wait...South Park already did it.

I have a serious question for you members of Alt-Right Nation. Why so selfish?? (with apologies, Heath).
I mean, is it that you just don't give a flying fuck? (thanks Jon Stewart :auiqs.jpg:).
Seriously...One Million plus people think this is fake??

Oh look..another alt-right cuck with meme's (can't think for themselves...cause they're intellectually handicapped).

So, the sign of being able to “think for yourself” is to blindly believe and obey every lie that your government tells you, without daring to question anything, without daring to even open your own eyes and see for yourself what is happening around you?

To sacrifice essential freedoms, to sacrifice your very ability to make a living, to let yourself be injected with dangerous experimental drugs, just because Big Brother tells you that you need to be deathly afraid of an overhyped flu/cold bug?

So, the sign of being able to “think for yourself” is to blindly believe and obey every lie that your government tells you, without daring to question anything, without daring to even open your own eyes and see for yourself what is happening around you?

To sacrifice essential freedoms, to sacrifice your very ability to make a living, to let yourself be injected with dangerous experimental drugs, just because Big Brother tells you that you need to be deathly afraid of an overhyped flu/cold bug?

View attachment 762952
Oh fuck me...another meme. Hey Bobby, I've been out and about since end of July, 2020. The gym, shopping, the occasional restaurant (which I didn't really like b4 2019 anyway).

Let's face it. You don't give a flying fuck (thanks Jon Stewart!!) about your fellow long as you have FREEEDOM!!!
What those WhatsApp messages reveal is that, when the Government imposed lockdowns, school closures, masks and cruel policies separating families, they did not – as so many of these journalists have insisted – “follow the science”.

Far from it.
Crimes against humanity, naked opportunism and corruption.

On the other hand, solid money says we're making waves in the study of myocarditis.
Let's face it. You don't give a flying fuck (thanks Jon Stewart!!) about your fellow long as you have FREEEDOM!!!

I want my fellow Americans to have the same freedoms that I demand for myself, the freedoms that are our birthright as Americans.

You want my fellow Americans to be frightened, cowardly sniveling pussies just like yourself, who will throw all their freedoms away for a faint illusion of “safety”

The great Benjamin Franklin had something to say about your shameful kind.

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”—Benjamin Franklin​

You are a shame and an embarrassment to any true American.
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I want my fellow Americans to have the same freedoms that I demand for myself, the freedoms that are our birthright as Americans.

You want my fellow Americans to be frightened, cowardly sniveling pussies just like yourself, who will throw all their freedoms away for a faint illusion of “safety”

The great Benjamin Franklin had something to say about your shameful kind.

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”—Benjamin Franklin​

You are a shame and an embarrassment to any true American. mean..Anything..but your alt-right life rafts...

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