The Cost of Israel


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
What is the true price paid by US taxpayers for their elites unflinching support for Israel?

"By now many Americans are aware that Israel, with a population
of only 5.8 million people, is the largest recipient of U.S. foreign
aid, and that Israel’s aid plus U.S. aid to Egypt’s 65 million people
for keeping the peace with Israel has, for many years, consumed
more than half of the U.S. bi-lateral foreign aid budget world-wide

"What few Americans understand however, is the steep price they
pay in many other fields for the U.S.-Israeli relationship, which in turn is
a product of the influence of Israel’s powerful U.S. lobby on American
domestic politics and has nothing to do with U.S. strategic interests, U.S.
national interests, or even with traditional American support for selfdetermination,
human rights, and fair play overseas.

"Besides its financial cost, unwavering U.S. support for Israel,
whether it’s right or wrong, exacts a huge price in American prestige and
credibility overseas.

"Further, Israel’s powerful U.S. lobby has been a
major factor in delaying campaign finance reform, and also in the
removal from American political life of some of our most distinguished
public servants, members of Congress and even presidents.

"Finally, the Israel-U.S. relationship has cost a significant number of
American lives

"The incidents in which hundreds of U.S. service personnel,
diplomats, and civilians have been killed in the Middle East have
been reported in the media.

"But the media seldom revisits these events, and scrupulously avoids analyzing why they occurred or compiling the cumulative toll of American deaths resulting from our Israel-centered Middle East policies."

Israel's cost to the US?

Too damn much.

Boycott! Divest! Sanctions!
Israelis purchased $20 BILLION in American products last year, making Israel one of the US's largest export markets in the world.
United States International Trade Commission

Thus, Israel is not just America's closest and most reliable ally, Israel is a lucrative one.

Muslims in Iraq have cost Americans $1 TRILLION and thousands of American lives and the Iraqi ingrates do not even appreciate it.
Those Marines would never have been there if Israel hadn't launched another illegal invasion/occupation.

Still remember Hezbollah murdering them.
Bet you don't remember this:

"t was 12 years ago, on March 14, 1983, that the commandant of the Marine Corps sent a highly unusual letter to the secretary of defense expressing frustration and anger at Israel.

"General R.H. Barrow charged that Israeli troops were deliberately threatening the lives of Marines serving as peacekeepers in Lebanon.

"There was, he wrote, a systematic pattern of harassment by Israel Defense Forces (IDF) that was resulting in 'life-threatening situations, replete with verbal degradation of the officers, their uniform and country.'”

Israel First?
Those Marines would never have been there if Israel hadn't launched another illegal invasion/occupation.

Open a book, Jihadi George--US Marines were in Lebanon intervening in the Lebanese civil war.

Your friends in Hizballah murdered 300 Marines in Beirut and you're excuisng them, Jihadi George. Tsk tsk

Israel has invaded Lebanon for the same reason the Allies invaded Nazi Germany, because Lebanon provides safe haven to terrorist factions like Hizballah
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Israelis purchased $20 BILLION in American products last year, making Israel one of the US's largest export markets in the world.
United States International Trade Commission

Thus, Israel is not just America's closest and most reliable ally, Israel is a lucrative one.

Muslims in Iraq have cost Americans $1 TRILLION and thousands of American lives and the Iraqi ingrates do not even appreciate it.
Some context: (All figures in millions of dollars)

Thailand:$18,964.5 Imports for consumption/$6,196.9 Domestic Exports.

Israel:$18,743.0 Imports for consumption/$6237.5 Domestic Exports.

Nigeria:$19,474.0 Imports for consumption/$3,602.3 Domestic Exports.

And Thailand and Nigeria don't even ask for the $7 million per day in US military aid that you-know-who does.

Cut the fucking welfare queens loose!

Sink or swim, Israel.

US International...
Those Marines would never have been there if Israel hadn't launched another illegal invasion/occupation.

Open a book, Jihadi George--US Marines were in Lebanon intervening in the Lebanese civil war.

Your friends in Hizballah murdered 300 Marines in Beirut and you're excuisng them, Jihadi George. Tsk tsk

Israel has invaded Lebanon for the same reason the Allies invaded Nazi Germany, because Lebanon provides safe haven to terrorist factions like Hizballah
For the same reason Nazi's invaded Poland, Princeton Poseur.
Israelis purchased $20 BILLION in American products last year, making Israel one of the US's largest export markets in the world.
United States International Trade Commission

Thus, Israel is not just America's closest and most reliable ally, Israel is a lucrative one.

Muslims in Iraq have cost Americans $1 TRILLION and thousands of American lives and the Iraqi ingrates do not even appreciate it.
Some context: (All figures in millions of dollars)

Thailand:$18,964.5 Imports for consumption/$6,196.9 Domestic Exports.

Israel:$18,743.0 Imports for consumption/$6237.5 Domestic Exports.

Nigeria:$19,474.0 Imports for consumption/$3,602.3 Domestic Exports.

And Thailand and Nigeria don't even ask for the $7 million per day in US military aid that you-know-who does.

Cut the fucking welfare queens loose!

Sink or swim, Israel.

US International...

Complete gibberish, Georgie.

Israelis purchased $20 billion in American goods, making Israel one of the US's largest export markets...
United States International Trade Commission

And, when Israelis are not supporting US goods, Israelis are saving important US companies, like Intel, from extinction.

How Israel Saved Intel...
Business & Technology | How Israel saved Intel | Seattle Times Newspaper
Those Marines would never have been there if Israel hadn't launched another illegal invasion/occupation.

Open a book, Jihadi George--US Marines were in Lebanon intervening in the Lebanese civil war.

Your friends in Hizballah murdered 300 Marines in Beirut and you're excuisng them, Jihadi George. Tsk tsk

Israel has invaded Lebanon for the same reason the Allies invaded Nazi Germany, because Lebanon provides safe haven to terrorist factions like Hizballah
For the same reason Nazi's invaded Poland, Princeton Poseur.

Not a peep out of Jihadi Georgie over his cohorts in Hizballah murdering 300 Msrines in Beirut.
Israelis purchased $20 BILLION in American products last year, making Israel one of the US's largest export markets in the world.
United States International Trade Commission

Thus, Israel is not just America's closest and most reliable ally, Israel is a lucrative one.

Muslims in Iraq have cost Americans $1 TRILLION and thousands of American lives and the Iraqi ingrates do not even appreciate it.
Some context: (All figures in millions of dollars)

Thailand:$18,964.5 Imports for consumption/$6,196.9 Domestic Exports.

Israel:$18,743.0 Imports for consumption/$6237.5 Domestic Exports.

Nigeria:$19,474.0 Imports for consumption/$3,602.3 Domestic Exports.

And Thailand and Nigeria don't even ask for the $7 million per day in US military aid that you-know-who does.

Cut the fucking welfare queens loose!

Sink or swim, Israel.

US International...

Complete gibberish, Georgie.

Israelis purchased $20 billion in American goods, making Israel one of the US's largest export markets...
United States International Trade Commission

And, when Israelis are not supporting US goods, Israelis are saving important US companies, like Intel, from extinction.

How Israel Saved Intel...
Business & Technology | How Israel saved Intel | Seattle Times Newspaper
In the same sense China purchased $295 billion worth of American goods?
Some context: (All figures in millions of dollars)

Thailand:$18,964.5 Imports for consumption/$6,196.9 Domestic Exports.

Israel:$18,743.0 Imports for consumption/$6237.5 Domestic Exports.

Nigeria:$19,474.0 Imports for consumption/$3,602.3 Domestic Exports.

And Thailand and Nigeria don't even ask for the $7 million per day in US military aid that you-know-who does.

Cut the fucking welfare queens loose!

Sink or swim, Israel.

US International...

Complete gibberish, Georgie.

Israelis purchased $20 billion in American goods, making Israel one of the US's largest export markets...
United States International Trade Commission

And, when Israelis are not supporting US goods, Israelis are saving important US companies, like Intel, from extinction.

How Israel Saved Intel...
Business & Technology | How Israel saved Intel | Seattle Times Newspaper
In the same sense China purchased $295 billion worth of American goods?

Israel's population is just 7 million, Jihadi Georgie. China's population is over 1 billion.

A simple concept that eludes you, moron.
Sink or swim, Israel.

Warren Buffett, Multi-Billion Dollar Purchase of Successful Israeli Company...
Israel is exceptional. I can give you an absolute, unequivocal answer. You can go around the world and it's very impressive to see a country of 7 million create a business like this, I haven't seen anything like this in the US.

When you think about it, if you compare Israel (now) to 1948, it's very, very impressive. It's a remarkable place
Complete gibberish, Georgie.

Israelis purchased $20 billion in American goods, making Israel one of the US's largest export markets...
United States International Trade Commission

And, when Israelis are not supporting US goods, Israelis are saving important US companies, like Intel, from extinction.

How Israel Saved Intel...
Business & Technology | How Israel saved Intel | Seattle Times Newspaper
In the same sense China purchased $295 billion worth of American goods?

Israel's population is just 7 million, Jihadi Georgie. China's population is over 1 billion.

A simple concept that eludes you, moron.
So China bought $295 billion worth of goods from the US and we bought about $65 billion worth of Chinese goods?

In the same sense China purchased $295 billion worth of American goods?

Israel's population is just 7 million, Jihadi Georgie. China's population is over 1 billion.

A simple concept that eludes you, moron.
So China bought $295 billion worth of goods from the US and we bought about $65 billion worth of Chinese goods?


Deflect much, Jihadi Georgie?

Four Star General and former National Security Advisor James Jones...
"We will never forget that since the first minutes of Israeli independence, the United States has had a special relationship with Israel. And that will not change. Why? Because this is not a commitment of Democrats or Republicans; it is a national commitment based on shared values, deep and interwoven connections, and mutual interests.

I can also say from long experience that our security relationship with Israel is important for America. Our military benefits from Israeli innovations in technology, from shared intelligence, from exercises that help our readiness and joint training that enhances our capabilities and from lessons learned in Israel's own battles against terrorism and asymmetric threats"
"The United States is Israel's largest single trading partner. In 2008, bilateral trade totaled $28 billion, an increase of almost 5% over 2007, even in light of the slowdown in global trade.

"The U.S. trade deficit with Israel was $11.9 billion in 2008, including diamonds. Excluding diamonds, the trade deficit was $4.5 billion in 2008. Israel is our 20th largest export market for goods."

Wow...Israel's Number Twenty!

How many more American lives is that worth?

How are those swimming lessons coming?

The U.S. trade deficit with Israel was $11.9 billion in 2008, including diamonds. Excluding diamonds, the trade deficit was $4.5 billion in 2008. Israel is our 20th largest export market for goods.

Economcs 101, Jihadi Georgie: Given Israel's population of just 7 million in contrast to the Us's population of over 300 million, of course, the US will purchase more Israeli exports than Israelis purchasing US exports.

You're so dumb, Jihadi Georgie, it's not even funny.

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