The coronavirus may be a pandemic not seen since the spanish flu !


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
whats so scary about this virus is that it is highly contagious ! even if it kills 2 to 3 % of people infected if possibly hundreds of millions getting sick we are in for a bad time ! im stocking up on food rice ,dry beans and things like that ! i think one of the biggest threats may be stores closing because of sickness or no inventory ! they are now locking down towns in Italy ...i may be wrong...i hope im wrong ! but this virus is getting very scary .
better safe than sorry ! i would advise everyone to spend a few extra bucks every time you go to the grocery store to by a little extra food and slowly start to stockpile a back up supply that will last at least a month or 2 ..we seem to still have time so a little xtra on can goods canned meat and fruit bean and rice canned vegies [buy the cheap stuff] peanut butter crackers [off brand to save money ] maybe some peanut butter things like that ! better safe than sorry.
Most large grocery chains deliver. You don't have to go out and mingle. Just spray everything down before you bring it in the house.
This virus is mild compared to the Spanish Flu which had an estimated 10-20% mortality rate. This virus has about a 3% mortality rate. Of those, most are elderly or have COPD. The vast majority of cases are mild.

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