The Consumer Film


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Can consumerism defeat the evil of convenience-driven immaturity (e.g., Napster)?


Superman was dead, according to all accounts, especially since comic book writers officially pronounced him as deceased. However, one idealistic comic book writer named Ajay Satan wanted to resurrect the Man of Steel by declaring (in a story!) that the superhero was healed (in his spirit) by the magical hands of Wonder Woman, a representative of optimism in the modern world. Superman could not be dead if Wonder Woman's love would save him from the depths of oblivion. Now, comic book fans were called to arms to bring back to life America's favorite good-guy by drawing on modernism folkloric themes regarding Valentine's Day.


Could savvy comics-marketing bring Superman back from the proverbial grave? It would take a great deal of wonderful advertising to convince a morally despondent and convenience-consumerism 'soaked' American public that the 'splendor' of Valentine's Day cards (with Superman and Wonder Woman printed on them in romantic poses) could salvage the 'spirit' of the Man of Steel. Ajay Satan decided to publish tandem Valentine's cards with Superman and Wonder Woman on one side of the card and Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus on the other side of the card. The marketing campaign was called the 'Valentine's Love Featurette.'

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Steven Spielberg was so impressed with Ajay Satan's unusual idea that the decided to make a premise-film titled Saving Consumer. In the film, Ajay (depicted by Hollywood movie superstar Tom Cruise) gave speeches during interviews trying to convince the American public that what really killed Superman was not lackadaisical or irresponsible comic book story-writing but rather a general moral apathy towards consumerism calligraphy. The film went on to argue that Ajay would be hailed as a modernism diplomat of Valentine's Day, Christmas, and Halloween, since, of course, he reminded American society of the intrinsic value of art-themed propaganda. Cruise would win the Best Actor Oscar for his offbeat portrayal of Ajay!



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