The Clintons made $700,000 from speeches the day after Hillary’s ‘dead broke’ comments

After years of observing the Clintons, there is always a truth wrapped around their lies.

In this case, they really were "dead broke" - but not in money. They were and still are morally and ethically bankrupt.
I'm not going to be too worried about owing a few million for the mortgages on my HOUSES if I have an 8 million dollar book deal in the works, and can make 250K for giving a speech.
The obama's are just as bad esp mooch and her multi-million vacations on the public dime. And yet democrats paint themselves as the party fighting "income inequality"!!!

The Clintons made 700 000 from speeches the day after Hillary s dead broke comments - The Washington Post

may 22 2015
On January 6, 2014, Hillary Clinton gave a speech on behalf of GE at an event in Boca Raton, Fla. For her time, she received $220,500 -- meaning that, six days into the year, the Clintons' household income was already four times the median American household income for 2014.

As is now well known, that was not the last speech a Clinton gave last year. The Post has tracked those appearances and the fees they generated. We took that data and plotted it by calendar day.

Most of the events were in the first half of the year. On June 9, at the outset of her tour for her book "Hard Choices," Clinton's now-famous comment about being "dead broke" on leaving the White House aired during an ABC News interview. By that point, the two had already made over $11 million in speaking fees for the year. The day after the comment became public, the couple gave three speeches, grossing $700,000 in fees.

You idiot.

Learn to read.

She said 'when they left the WH'.

The speech she was paid for was given in 2014.

Now, take off your shoes and count the years between the two.

Oh and I see other brain dead RWs went to the same home-school you did.



She is a lying cu*t, I get don't care because YOU are a lying cu*t too....they weren't broke, they never have been but YOU and moron's like you must defend her at ALL cots.

How much is 2014 minus 2001? In years?

Btw a poster that can't spell the word costs or even handle simple apostrophes might wanna be circumspect about using a term like "moron". Just sayin'.
I'm not going to be too worried about owing a few million for the mortgages on my HOUSES if I have an 8 million dollar book deal in the works, and can make 250K for giving a speech.
The Clinton's had huge earning potential in January 2001, most presidents do when leaving office, they did not have huge personal wealth
Hillary said they owed more money than they had in assets when they left the WhiteHouse

Is that dead broke?

And you believed her? What a tool


Do you have proof otherwise?

Common sense and the fact she's a habitual liar says otherwise, tool
Which means you have no usual

Where is your proof, all you have to do is Google and her lies are all over. See...

Hillary Clinton says she and Bill were dead broke PolitiFact
I'm not going to be too worried about owing a few million for the mortgages on my HOUSES if I have an 8 million dollar book deal in the works, and can make 250K for giving a speech.
The Clinton's had huge earning potential in January 2001, most presidents do when leaving office, they did not have huge personal wealth
Exactly, so no need to worry about being broke because it's not going to last long.
Hillary said they owed more money than they had in assets when they left the WhiteHouse

Is that dead broke?

And you believed her? What a tool


Do you have proof otherwise?

Common sense and the fact she's a habitual liar says otherwise, tool
Which means you have no usual

Where is your proof, all you have to do is Google and her lies are all over. See...

Hillary Clinton says she and Bill were dead broke PolitiFact

Their highest possible assets totaled about $1.8 million, while their lowest possible debts were nearly $2.3 million. The most optimistic scenario left them in a hole of about $500,000.
And you believed her? What a tool


Do you have proof otherwise?

Common sense and the fact she's a habitual liar says otherwise, tool
Which means you have no usual

Where is your proof, all you have to do is Google and her lies are all over. See...

Hillary Clinton says she and Bill were dead broke PolitiFact

Their highest possible assets totaled about $1.8 million, while their lowest possible debts were nearly $2.3 million. The most optimistic scenario left them in a hole of about $500,000.

You left out their assets, tool. Just stop, she lied and deep down you know it...or you should.

Do you have proof otherwise?

Common sense and the fact she's a habitual liar says otherwise, tool
Which means you have no usual

Where is your proof, all you have to do is Google and her lies are all over. See...

Hillary Clinton says she and Bill were dead broke PolitiFact

Their highest possible assets totaled about $1.8 million, while their lowest possible debts were nearly $2.3 million. The most optimistic scenario left them in a hole of about $500,000.

You left out their assets, tool. Just stop, she lied and deep down you know it...or you should.
See the statement.......Their highest possible assets totaled $1.8 million

If they used that money to buy a home, it does nor raise their total assets
Common sense and the fact she's a habitual liar says otherwise, tool
Which means you have no usual

Where is your proof, all you have to do is Google and her lies are all over. See...

Hillary Clinton says she and Bill were dead broke PolitiFact

Their highest possible assets totaled about $1.8 million, while their lowest possible debts were nearly $2.3 million. The most optimistic scenario left them in a hole of about $500,000.

You left out their assets, tool. Just stop, she lied and deep down you know it...or you should.
See the statement.......Their highest possible assets totaled $1.8 million

If they used that money to buy a home, it does nor raise their total assets

"We rate the claim Mostly False" :)
Which means you have no usual

Where is your proof, all you have to do is Google and her lies are all over. See...

Hillary Clinton says she and Bill were dead broke PolitiFact

Their highest possible assets totaled about $1.8 million, while their lowest possible debts were nearly $2.3 million. The most optimistic scenario left them in a hole of about $500,000.

You left out their assets, tool. Just stop, she lied and deep down you know it...or you should.
See the statement.......Their highest possible assets totaled $1.8 million

If they used that money to buy a home, it does nor raise their total assets

"We rate the claim Mostly False" :)

Clinton's had more liabilities than assetts
Where is your proof, all you have to do is Google and her lies are all over. See...

Hillary Clinton says she and Bill were dead broke PolitiFact

Their highest possible assets totaled about $1.8 million, while their lowest possible debts were nearly $2.3 million. The most optimistic scenario left them in a hole of about $500,000.

You left out their assets, tool. Just stop, she lied and deep down you know it...or you should.
See the statement.......Their highest possible assets totaled $1.8 million

If they used that money to buy a home, it does nor raise their total assets

"We rate the claim Mostly False" :)

Clinton's had more liabilities than assetts

Dude, just stfu already
Hillary said they owed more money than they had in assets when they left the WhiteHouse

Is that dead broke?

Not when they are guaranteed a big income that will get them out of debt in a hurry. They never went without anything. People who are broke face losing their homes and have no money to buy food.
And you believed her? What a tool


Do you have proof otherwise?

Common sense and the fact she's a habitual liar says otherwise, tool
Which means you have no usual

Where is your proof, all you have to do is Google and her lies are all over. See...

Hillary Clinton says she and Bill were dead broke PolitiFact

Their highest possible assets totaled about $1.8 million, while their lowest possible debts were nearly $2.3 million. The most optimistic scenario left them in a hole of about $500,000.

That's an ignorant way of looking at it.

When Bubba left office, he had a guaranteed pension for life and taxpayer subsidized expenses.

In addition, he and Hillary had book deals and speaking fees in the offing.

One is DEAD BROKE when one doesn't have the income to sevice debts. That is hardly the situation with the Clintons.
I'm not going to be too worried about owing a few million for the mortgages on my HOUSES if I have an 8 million dollar book deal in the works, and can make 250K for giving a speech.
The Clinton's had huge earning potential in January 2001, most presidents do when leaving office, they did not have huge personal wealth
Exactly, so no need to worry about being broke because it's not going to last long.

This quote from the article you posted makes it impossible to believe they were dead broke:

"A few weeks before they left the White House, the Clintons were able to muster a cashdown payment of $855,000 and secure a $1.995 million mortgage. This hardly fits the common meaning of "dead broke.""

Too funny.

Hillary said they owed more money than they had in assets when they left the WhiteHouse

Is that dead broke?

Not when they are guaranteed a big income that will get them out of debt in a hurry. They never went without anything. People who are broke face losing their homes and have no money to buy food.
I think the last president that had an income before taking office, that even approached that of the working man, was Harry Truman and that was over 70 years ago. He never made over $10,000 in any year before his presidency and in most years a lot less.

However, the idea that a candidate should have lived by the sweat of his brow is preposterous. Sorry Joe, the country doesn't need a plumber as president.

Presidential candidates first and foremost need to be successful politicians. Yes, that hated of all professions; politics is exactly the experience presidents need. Secondly, they need a good understanding of how the federal government works. They need to know know the ends and outs of getting legislation through congress, what works and what doesn't. They need an understand of world politics. They need experience in negotiating and management. They should be on a first name basis with national and world leaders in government and the private sector. And of course they need to be highly intelligent, have a good understanding of the needs of the people, and be honest and have strong moral principles . No one president has it all but the closer the better.

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