The Clintons made $700,000 from speeches the day after Hillary’s ‘dead broke’ comments


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
The obama's are just as bad esp mooch and her multi-million $ vacations on the public dime. And yet democrats paint themselves as the party fighting "income inequality"!!!

The Clintons made 700 000 from speeches the day after Hillary s dead broke comments - The Washington Post

may 22 2015
On January 6, 2014, Hillary Clinton gave a speech on behalf of GE at an event in Boca Raton, Fla. For her time, she received $220,500 -- meaning that, six days into the year, the Clintons' household income was already four times the median American household income for 2014.

As is now well known, that was not the last speech a Clinton gave last year. The Post has tracked those appearances and the fees they generated. We took that data and plotted it by calendar day.

Most of the events were in the first half of the year. On June 9, at the outset of her tour for her book "Hard Choices," Clinton's now-famous comment about being "dead broke" on leaving the White House aired during an ABC News interview. By that point, the two had already made over $11 million in speaking fees for the year. The day after the comment became public, the couple gave three speeches, grossing $700,000 in fees.
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It's income inequality when a Republican makes money.
It's fair compensation when a Democrat makes money....
The obama's are just as bad esp mooch and her multi-million vacations on the public dime. And yet democrats paint themselves as the party fighting "income inequality"!!!

The Clintons made 700 000 from speeches the day after Hillary s dead broke comments - The Washington Post

may 22 2015
On January 6, 2014, Hillary Clinton gave a speech on behalf of GE at an event in Boca Raton, Fla. For her time, she received $220,500 -- meaning that, six days into the year, the Clintons' household income was already four times the median American household income for 2014.

As is now well known, that was not the last speech a Clinton gave last year. The Post has tracked those appearances and the fees they generated. We took that data and plotted it by calendar day.

Most of the events were in the first half of the year. On June 9, at the outset of her tour for her book "Hard Choices," Clinton's now-famous comment about being "dead broke" on leaving the White House aired during an ABC News interview. By that point, the two had already made over $11 million in speaking fees for the year. The day after the comment became public, the couple gave three speeches, grossing $700,000 in fees.

You idiot.

Learn to read.

She said 'when they left the WH'.

The speech she was paid for was given in 2014.

Now, take off your shoes and count the years between the two.

Oh and I see other brain dead RWs went to the same home-school you did.


You make huge amounts of money and still be dead broke. It all depends on how much you spend.
Hey listen, we can't bribe you while you're in office but how bout we pay you lots o' money for a speech after you leave? (wink wink, nudge nudge)
The obama's are just as bad esp mooch and her multi-million vacations on the public dime. And yet democrats paint themselves as the party fighting "income inequality"!!!

The Clintons made 700 000 from speeches the day after Hillary s dead broke comments - The Washington Post

may 22 2015
On January 6, 2014, Hillary Clinton gave a speech on behalf of GE at an event in Boca Raton, Fla. For her time, she received $220,500 -- meaning that, six days into the year, the Clintons' household income was already four times the median American household income for 2014.

As is now well known, that was not the last speech a Clinton gave last year. The Post has tracked those appearances and the fees they generated. We took that data and plotted it by calendar day.

Most of the events were in the first half of the year. On June 9, at the outset of her tour for her book "Hard Choices," Clinton's now-famous comment about being "dead broke" on leaving the White House aired during an ABC News interview. By that point, the two had already made over $11 million in speaking fees for the year. The day after the comment became public, the couple gave three speeches, grossing $700,000 in fees.

You idiot.

Learn to read.

She said 'when they left the WH'.

The speech she was paid for was given in 2014.

Now, take off your shoes and count the years between the two.

Oh and I see other brain dead RWs went to the same home-school you did.



She is a lying cu*t, I get don't care because YOU are a lying cu*t too....they weren't broke, they never have been but YOU and moron's like you must defend her at ALL cots.

How much is 2014 minus 2001? In years?

Btw a poster that can't spell the word costs or even handle simple apostrophes might wanna be circumspect about using a term like "moron". Just sayin'.
The obama's are just as bad esp mooch and her multi-million $ vacations on the public dime. And yet democrats paint themselves as the party fighting "income inequality"!!!

The Clintons made 700 000 from speeches the day after Hillary s dead broke comments - The Washington Post

may 22 2015
On January 6, 2014, Hillary Clinton gave a speech on behalf of GE at an event in Boca Raton, Fla. For her time, she received $220,500 -- meaning that, six days into the year, the Clintons' household income was already four times the median American household income for 2014.

As is now well known, that was not the last speech a Clinton gave last year. The Post has tracked those appearances and the fees they generated. We took that data and plotted it by calendar day.

Most of the events were in the first half of the year. On June 9, at the outset of her tour for her book "Hard Choices," Clinton's now-famous comment about being "dead broke" on leaving the White House aired during an ABC News interview. By that point, the two had already made over $11 million in speaking fees for the year. The day after the comment became public, the couple gave three speeches, grossing $700,000 in fees.

When Hillary claimed to be dead broke, I thought she was talking about the fact that she and Bill are morally bankrupt.
The obama's are just as bad esp mooch and her multi-million vacations on the public dime. And yet democrats paint themselves as the party fighting "income inequality"!!!

The Clintons made 700 000 from speeches the day after Hillary s dead broke comments - The Washington Post

may 22 2015
On January 6, 2014, Hillary Clinton gave a speech on behalf of GE at an event in Boca Raton, Fla. For her time, she received $220,500 -- meaning that, six days into the year, the Clintons' household income was already four times the median American household income for 2014.

As is now well known, that was not the last speech a Clinton gave last year. The Post has tracked those appearances and the fees they generated. We took that data and plotted it by calendar day.

Most of the events were in the first half of the year. On June 9, at the outset of her tour for her book "Hard Choices," Clinton's now-famous comment about being "dead broke" on leaving the White House aired during an ABC News interview. By that point, the two had already made over $11 million in speaking fees for the year. The day after the comment became public, the couple gave three speeches, grossing $700,000 in fees.

You idiot.

Learn to read.

She said 'when they left the WH'.

The speech she was paid for was given in 2014.

Now, take off your shoes and count the years between the two.

Oh and I see other brain dead RWs went to the same home-school you did.


My question is, who'd give one fucking red cent to hear these whores speak? :dunno:
She said 'when they left the WH'.

The speech she was paid for was given in 2014.

Now, take off your shoes and count the years between the two.

Hey einstein. $700,000 a day ain't dead broke.
"We came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt." The former first lady cited legal fees that she and her husband had to pay during his White House tenure. She said she sorry she made the statement but it's accurate. Obviously her financial status has change since 2001

Hillary Clinton on dead broke comment I regret it - The Washington Post
When Hillary claimed to be dead broke, I thought she was talking about the fact that she and Bill are morally bankrupt.

They are both psychopaths. Bill burned alive 80 americans at waco and hillary stuck with him. Would you stay married to a mass-murderer?
Hey, come on man. They could barely afford the mortgage on their 5th mansion. Cut em some slack for God's sake. ;)
By "the poor" brownie means all those illegal aliens he gave drivers licenses too - in brazen violation of federal law.

The democrats are the party of lawlessness and criminal coddling.
Hillary said they owed more money than they had in assets when they left the WhiteHouse

Is that dead broke?

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