The Climate Change Crisis


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
A famous community organizer once said:

“We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times … and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK.”

Does anyone know of anyone who speaks in such terms actually living their lives as if climate change is a crisis?

No. They fly private jets to 5 Star resorts, live in 12,000 ft mansions, drive huge cars.

When they start acting like it's a crisis, then I might start listening.

You're expecting them to lead by example.

Didn't you know that for people like that it's do as I say don't do as I do because they deserve...


Ho-hum. Just more denier uber-greenies demanding that everyone live in caves.

If you deniers want to swear off electricity and hug trees all day and have children named "Starshine" and "Soil", just do it. Just don't expect us to join you. After all, none of us is demanding such crazy things.
I was going to start a new threat on this, but this seems a good place to say it. The never ending climate crisis, I am sad to say that as a Mac user I get news from Apple, and I had to laugh at the story they sent me, titled:


Just as the Russians enlist environmental meatheads to claim gloom and doom for the environment if we keep doing hydraulic fracking because it is putting Putin out of business, they enlist further idiots to write this claptrap. Get a look at what the article says:

I. ‘Doomsday’
Peering beyond scientific reticence.

II. Heat Death
The bahraining of New York.

III. The End of Food
Praying for cornfields in the tundra.

IV. Climate Plagues
What happens when the bubonic ice melts?

V. Unbreathable Air
A rolling death smog that suffocates millions.

VI. Perpetual War
The violence baked into heat.

VII. Permanent Economic Collapse
Dismal capitalism in a half-poorer world.

VIII. Poisoned Oceans
Sulfide burps off the skeleton coast.

If you actually want to see the article, it is HERE:
When Will the Planet Be Too Hot for Humans? Much, Much Sooner Than You Imagine.

The good news is that as the least prepared, the Liberals will be the first to go while the conservatives will exploit the need to make better air conditioners, cheaper food, air purifiers, bullets, and water purifiers to sell to those Libs that survive.
I was going to start a new threat on this, but this seems a good place to say it. The never ending climate crisis, I am sad to say that as a Mac user I get news from Apple, and I had to laugh at the story they sent me, titled:


Just as the Russians enlist environmental meatheads to claim gloom and doom for the environment if we keep doing hydraulic fracking because it is putting Putin out of business, they enlist further idiots to write this claptrap. Get a look at what the article says:

I. ‘Doomsday’
Peering beyond scientific reticence.

II. Heat Death
The bahraining of New York.

III. The End of Food
Praying for cornfields in the tundra.

IV. Climate Plagues
What happens when the bubonic ice melts?

V. Unbreathable Air
A rolling death smog that suffocates millions.

VI. Perpetual War
The violence baked into heat.

VII. Permanent Economic Collapse
Dismal capitalism in a half-poorer world.

VIII. Poisoned Oceans
Sulfide burps off the skeleton coast.

If you actually want to see the article, it is HERE:
When Will the Planet Be Too Hot for Humans? Much, Much Sooner Than You Imagine.

The good news is that as the least prepared, the Liberals will be the first to go while the conservatives will exploit the need to make better air conditioners, cheaper food, air purifiers, bullets, and water purifiers to sell to those Libs that survive.
The fear-mongering left is in full propaganda mode.. They are is shear panic that their ruse to take everyone's freedoms from them is failing..
There is no evidence of man having effect on the global climate, and the actions of those saying otherwise validates they are liars.
I just finished a long range, 30-90 day, forecast for my region. Its not going to be very warm in just a few short weeks in the Northern Rocky Mountain Region. We have already dropped to below freezing in valley locations above 8000 feet. Above 10,000 feet, the day time highs are just 44 deg F and night time lows are 21 deg F. Snow pack in the high mountain valleys has all but ceased to melt the high valleys snow pack, which remains with some areas above 15' of snow.

I am baffled by the inversion layer that has already dropped to below 7,000 feet that holds the heat near surface of the plains. While the mountains are experiencing below average temps, by -10-15 deg F, the valleys are +5+10 deg F above normal simply due to the compression of the air near surface and its winds.

We are already seeing signs of the breakdown to the current warm flows at ground level. The pattern shift is a mid to late fall event and we are not seeing a build up in pressures aloft which would indicate a lifting of the inverted temperature cap.

It appears we going to continue to cool and there are no indications it will warm further above 7000 feet. Looking at a very early first snow fall and temperatures are conducive to it already at elevation.

Given pressure gradients and that we are in a La Niña flow, an early lower valley snow fall and cooling is expected by late Aug to mid September. The cooling aloft is massive.. The GAT (Global Average Temperature) is dropping and is very evident above 8000 feet across the Northern Hemisphere. By next year the cooling will be affecting most of the USHCN valley stations and will be undeniable. The US-CRN has already taken a 1.2 deg F drop this year in AT. Its no wonder why the alarmist's are in a panic, their ruse is about to get blown wide apart..
There is no evidence of man having effect on the global climate, and the actions of those saying otherwise validates they are liars.
I just finished a long range, 30-90 day, forecast for my region. Its not going to be very warm in just a few short weeks in the Northern Rocky Mountain Region. We have already dropped to below freezing in valley locations above 8000 feet. Above 10,000 feet, the day time highs are just 44 deg F and night time lows are 21 deg F. Snow pack in the high mountain valleys has all but ceased to melt the high valleys snow pack, which remains with some areas above 15' of snow.

I am baffled by the inversion layer that has already dropped to below 7,000 feet that holds the heat near surface of the plains. While the mountains are experiencing below average temps by 10-15 deg F the valleys are 5-10 deg F above normal simply due to the compression of the air near surface and its winds.

We are already seeing signs of the breakdown to the current warm flows at ground level. The pattern shift is a mid to late fall event and we are not seeing a build up in pressures aloft which would indicate a lifting of the inverted temperature cap.

It appears we going to continue to cool and there are no indications it will warm further above 7000 feet. Looking at a very early first snow fall and temperatures are conducive to it already at altitude.

Given pressure gradients and that we are in a La Niña flow, an early lower valley snow fall and cooling is expected by late Aug to mid September. The cooling aloft is massive.. The GAT (Global Average Temperature) is dropping and is very evident above 8000 feet across the Northern Hemisphere. By next year the cooling will be affecting most of the USHCN valley stations and will be undeniable. The US-CRN has already taken a 1.2 deg F drop this year in AT. Its no wonder why the alarmist's are in a panic, their ruse is about to get blown wide apart..
But here in Orwell's world cold is heat.
There is no evidence of man having effect on the global climate, and the actions of those saying otherwise validates they are liars.
I just finished a long range, 30-90 day, forecast for my region. Its not going to be very warm in just a few short weeks in the Northern Rocky Mountain Region. We have already dropped to below freezing in valley locations above 8000 feet. Above 10,000 feet, the day time highs are just 44 deg F and night time lows are 21 deg F. Snow pack in the high mountain valleys has all but ceased to melt the high valleys snow pack, which remains with some areas above 15' of snow.

I am baffled by the inversion layer that has already dropped to below 7,000 feet that holds the heat near surface of the plains. While the mountains are experiencing below average temps by 10-15 deg F the valleys are 5-10 deg F above normal simply due to the compression of the air near surface and its winds.

We are already seeing signs of the breakdown to the current warm flows at ground level. The pattern shift is a mid to late fall event and we are not seeing a build up in pressures aloft which would indicate a lifting of the inverted temperature cap.

It appears we going to continue to cool and there are no indications it will warm further above 7000 feet. Looking at a very early first snow fall and temperatures are conducive to it already at altitude.

Given pressure gradients and that we are in a La Niña flow, an early lower valley snow fall and cooling is expected by late Aug to mid September. The cooling aloft is massive.. The GAT (Global Average Temperature) is dropping and is very evident above 8000 feet across the Northern Hemisphere. By next year the cooling will be affecting most of the USHCN valley stations and will be undeniable. The US-CRN has already taken a 1.2 deg F drop this year in AT. Its no wonder why the alarmist's are in a panic, their ruse is about to get blown wide apart..
But here in Orwell's world cold is heat.
Everything I have looked at and graphed this week is showing a negative trend. I am of the opinion that we are already seeing the drop in temp, due to solar minimum and that the Oceans have given up their buffers. Not even a step increase post El Niño but a potential step decrease is forming.

But we all know that Climate Change is always bad and caused by man..

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