The Civil War Of 2016: U.S. Military Officers Told To Plan To Fight Americans...

As long as we're kicking around unlikely hypotheticals, Jake, what would you do, if there were a non-violent popular uprising? No shooting, no bombing, just massive civil disobedience and non-cooperation on an unprecedented scale. That may be unlikely too, but it would arguably be easier to organize than an armed revolt. Going to send in the troops and start shooting people for that, too? I think you'd have a hard time with that.

Americans are too fat and lazy to do even that

America has the government it has asked for since the Reagan takeover. Americans are their own worse enemy. Americans do not know the meaning of organized protest and do not have the guts to take their government back.
Will the Oath Keepers stand against those factions declared "terrorist" by government, or will they direct their efforts against a terrorist government that would turn the military and law enforcement on the its citizens?

If they turn agaiinst their government they will be traitors and treated as such

What has gotten the Oath Keepers all fired up?

Its not confiscating weapons....its healthcare. They are ready to revolt against their country because of mandatory healthcare

No it's not you fucking hack, it's the disregard of the Constitution by this administration and the government in general that have oathkeepers like me and others fired up.
If the government starts firing live rounds into protesting group's would you support it?

Bull Shit

There has been no violation of the Constitution other than a black liberal is President

Oath Keepers are partisan hacks who manage to pop up whenever a Democrat is elected President

Where were the Oath Keepers when Bush was President? There has been no bigger Constitutional violation than the Patriot Act
bigrebnc is a wannabee unAmerican hack who wants to overthrow constitutional, electoral government, but knows what will happen if he plans to or makes an overt act to do so.

His cowardly aspirations come out as blustering ineptness.
If they turn agaiinst their government they will be traitors and treated as such

What has gotten the Oath Keepers all fired up?

Its not confiscating weapons....its healthcare. They are ready to revolt against their country because of mandatory healthcare

No it's not you fucking hack, it's the disregard of the Constitution by this administration and the government in general that have oathkeepers like me and others fired up.
If the government starts firing live rounds into protesting group's would you support it?

Bull Shit

There has been no violation of the Constitution other than a black liberal is President

Oath Keepers are partisan hacks who manage to pop up whenever a Democrat is elected President

Where were the Oath Keepers when Bush was President? There has been no bigger Constitutional violation than the Patriot Act

Bullshit nothing you fucking lying hack, since you aren't part of the oathkeepers you don't know a god damn thing about them. You're just assuming, suggest you shut the fuck up.
Oathkeepers, if they violate their sworn oaths, will be held accountable, tried, and could be executed if found guilty.

You, bigrebnc and the other wacks of the group, do not decide what is law without accruing its awesome weight on your worthless backs.
bigrebnc continues to demonstrate his cowardly ineptness and is now spamming.
The last time we had major civil insurrections, the Civil Right push and the Vietnam Protests, the people with the guns lost in the end. And the people that trying to change the system succeeded.

Guess you are ready to bow to Obama, and declare him your Messiah? He said his plan is working, how far are you willing to hurt the country to support someone that does not even know the history of this country or understand "individual" freedom?
Will the Oath Keepers stand against those factions declared "terrorist" by government, or will they direct their efforts against a terrorist government that would turn the military and law enforcement on the its citizens?

If they turn agaiinst their government they will be traitors and treated as such

What has gotten the Oath Keepers all fired up?

Its not confiscating weapons....its healthcare. They are ready to revolt against their country because of mandatory healthcare

No it's not you fucking hack, it's the disregard of the Constitution by this administration and the government in general that have oathkeepers like me and others fired up.
If the government starts firing live rounds into protesting group's would you support it?

That will be "only" some protests.... the occupiers will be a welcome diversion to destroying the American economy via gov't chronyism. The will be very selective in those they choose to suppress...
If they turn agaiinst their government they will be traitors and treated as such

What has gotten the Oath Keepers all fired up?

Its not confiscating weapons....its healthcare. They are ready to revolt against their country because of mandatory healthcare

No it's not you fucking hack, it's the disregard of the Constitution by this administration and the government in general that have oathkeepers like me and others fired up.
If the government starts firing live rounds into protesting group's would you support it?

Bull Shit

There has been no violation of the Constitution other than a black liberal is President

Oath Keepers are partisan hacks who manage to pop up whenever a Democrat is elected President

Where were the Oath Keepers when Bush was President? There has been no bigger Constitutional violation than the Patriot Act

Did the "black liberal as President" take an oath to uphold the laws of the land? Has he done that? Did he usurp the power of the congress with his illegal alien policies? Has he upheld DOMA? Has he protected the southern border (or any border for that matter)?
He has told us his plan is working. We must assume that means more unemployment, more living below the poverty line, more living on food stamps, and the more productive people being punished. Is that what you (YOU) are supporting? Your vote will tell.
No it's not you fucking hack, it's the disregard of the Constitution by this administration and the government in general that have oathkeepers like me and others fired up.
If the government starts firing live rounds into protesting group's would you support it?

Bull Shit

There has been no violation of the Constitution other than a black liberal is President

Oath Keepers are partisan hacks who manage to pop up whenever a Democrat is elected President

Where were the Oath Keepers when Bush was President? There has been no bigger Constitutional violation than the Patriot Act

Bullshit nothing you fucking lying hack, since you aren't part of the oathkeepers you don't know a god damn thing about them. You're just assuming, suggest you shut the fuck up.

Oath Keepers are Traitors. No other way to describe those who advocate and prepare for armed insurrection against their country

If they cared about our Constitution, they would use their Constitutional rights to redress their grievances. Our founding fathers gave citizens strong weapons to control their government and it didn't involve guns. A strong first amendment, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, rights to assemble and most importantly.....a citizens right to vote
The people yapping about an armed rebellion are the losers that cannot function in our present system. They hope by the destruction of that system, and the following choas, that their 'true worth' will be recognized, and they will be on the top echelon of the next system. Of course, they will continue to be losers in whatever system follows, if they survive, for the same reasons they are losers in the present system.
Bull Shit

There has been no violation of the Constitution other than a black liberal is President

Oath Keepers are partisan hacks who manage to pop up whenever a Democrat is elected President

Where were the Oath Keepers when Bush was President? There has been no bigger Constitutional violation than the Patriot Act

Bullshit nothing you fucking lying hack, since you aren't part of the oathkeepers you don't know a god damn thing about them. You're just assuming, suggest you shut the fuck up.

Oath Keepers are Traitors. No other way to describe those who advocate and prepare for armed insurrection against their country

If they cared about our Constitution, they would use their Constitutional rights to redress their grievances. Our founding fathers gave citizens strong weapons to control their government and it didn't involve guns. A strong first amendment, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, rights to assemble and most importantly.....a citizens right to vote

They didn't take another to protect and defend the president they took an oath to defend the Constitution. You're a traitor not us.

Our founding fathers gave citizens strong weapons to control their government and it didn't involve guns.

Yes they did but since those checks and balances no longer exist we no longer have that weapon.

freedom of the press
What good is freedom of the press when the press has become a propaganda machine for the government?

rights to assemble

President Obama Signs “Anti-Protest” Bill H.R. 347
Cowardly drivel from the board's biggest coward, bigrebnc.

bigrebnc continues to demonstrate his cowardly ineptness and is now spamming.

Stopping drinking
You rise up against the Constitution, bigrebnc, you will be put down.

What's stopping you from going after the government? since they have already done that?
And according to you it's not the law so no biggie right?
Answer the question
Cowardly drivel.

Bullshit nothing you fucking lying hack, since you aren't part of the oathkeepers you don't know a god damn thing about them. You're just assuming, suggest you shut the fuck up.

Oath Keepers are Traitors. No other way to describe those who advocate and prepare for armed insurrection against their country

If they cared about our Constitution, they would use their Constitutional rights to redress their grievances. Our founding fathers gave citizens strong weapons to control their government and it didn't involve guns. A strong first amendment, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, rights to assemble and most importantly.....a citizens right to vote

They didn't take another to protect and defend the president they took an oath to defend the Constitution. You're a traitor not us.

Yes they did but since those checks and balances no longer exist we no longer have that weapon.

freedom of the press
What good is freedom of the press when the press has become a propaganda machine for the government?

rights to assemble

President Obama Signs “Anti-Protest” Bill H.R. 347
Bullshit nothing you fucking lying hack, since you aren't part of the oathkeepers you don't know a god damn thing about them. You're just assuming, suggest you shut the fuck up.

Oath Keepers are Traitors. No other way to describe those who advocate and prepare for armed insurrection against their country

If they cared about our Constitution, they would use their Constitutional rights to redress their grievances. Our founding fathers gave citizens strong weapons to control their government and it didn't involve guns. A strong first amendment, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, rights to assemble and most importantly.....a citizens right to vote

They didn't take another to protect and defend the president they took an oath to defend the Constitution. You're a traitor not us.

Yes they did but since those checks and balances no longer exist we no longer have that weapon.

freedom of the press
What good is freedom of the press when the press has become a propaganda machine for the government?

rights to assemble

President Obama Signs “Anti-Protest” Bill H.R. 347

Checks and balances are in full force. Look at what Congress is doing. Oath Keepers are traitors in that they choose to ignore the Constititional will of We the People and threaten armed insurrection because their candidates have not been elected

The very fact that they rise up only when Democrats are in office shows they are partisan hacks
Cowardly drivel.

Oath Keepers are Traitors. No other way to describe those who advocate and prepare for armed insurrection against their country

If they cared about our Constitution, they would use their Constitutional rights to redress their grievances. Our founding fathers gave citizens strong weapons to control their government and it didn't involve guns. A strong first amendment, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, rights to assemble and most importantly.....a citizens right to vote

They didn't take another to protect and defend the president they took an oath to defend the Constitution. You're a traitor not us.

Yes they did but since those checks and balances no longer exist we no longer have that weapon.

What good is freedom of the press when the press has become a propaganda machine for the government?

rights to assemble

President Obama Signs “Anti-Protest” Bill H.R. 347

You have spammed those two words on a regular basis without anything to support your opinion and those two words. I suggest you stop spamming those two words. You're a cowardly troll but fuck dude grow a fucking pair and be a man .

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