The Circus Is Set To Close This Week


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
I would not be a bit surprised that faced with the silliness of the Hysterical House Dems and the unwillingness of Senators to join in, that a motion to dismiss the "case" on the grounds that "Trump is a mean poopy-head" - even if true - is not an impeachable offense, will garner bipartisan support.

GOP senators believe they have the votes to block witnesses
It was clear to Senate Republicans on Wednesday after a morning meeting between Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) that the question of having additional witnesses is settled, and the Senate will vote Friday to wrap up the impeachment trial of President Trump.

There was no discussion of witnesses at a Senate GOP lunch meeting Wednesday, which was held a couple hours after McConnell and Murkowski met for about 20 to 30 minutes.

That was seen as a sign by several senators that Democrats will fail to convince four Republicans to join them in calling for witnesses. Without a vote to hear from witnesses, the trial could end as soon as Friday.
Well that sucks.

The only leftardz we will have then are mostly going to be the same ol boring melting snowflakes we already have here on usmb.

Gonna Miss ol pencil neck and Supa Phat Nadz.
Well that sucks. The only leftardz we will have then are mostly going to be the same ol boring melting snowflakes we already have here on usmb. Gonna Miss ol pencil neck and Supa Phat Nadz.
Yanno, I have some concern about what happens to America's snowflakes when forced to come to grips with another 5 years of Trump and the slide of socialism into the dustbin of American history. The twits may actually have to leave Mom's basement, get a job, and pay their own school loans. How rude!
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Well that sucks. The only leftardz we will have then are mostly going to be the same ol boring melting snowflakes we already have here on usmb. Gonna Miss ol pencil neck and Supa Phat Nadz.
Yanno, I have some concern about what happens to America's snowflakes when forced to come to grips with another 5 years of Trump and the slide of socialism into the dustbin of American history. Yanno ... the twits may actually have to leave Mom's basement, get a job, and pay their own school loans. How rude!

Hopefully mass suicide.
The Congress is the last left bastion of power.
After November the House goes back to the GOP when those 31 dems in districts Trump won go back to the GOP.
The general election will be an entertaining circus for political junkies. Trump will win but will his coattails carry both chambers of congress? If they do our federal court system will have a constitutionalist flavor perhaps for decades.
big waste of tax $$$ and time ....
Maybe there is something to be salvaged. The Hysterical House Dem's shoddy, hyper-partisan impeachment exposed a real threat to the separation of powers by trying to hang the POTUS when he refused to play their petulant little game and then bypassing the constitutional remedy for that conflict … the courts.

We need to adjust the House vote minimum for impeaching a POTUS to 60% and perhaps require a percentage of bi-partisanship.

As recently as March of this year, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said impeachment must be "compelling and overwhelmingly bipartisan." She also said removing President Donald Trump is "just not worth it." What the House Dem's did was - as she also noted - "divisive."

The woman is a fraud, a real & present danger to America, and still 3rd in the line of succession!
hat was seen as a sign by several senators that Democrats will fail to convince four Republicans to join them in calling for witnesses. Without a vote to hear from witnesses, the trial could end as soon as Friday
What's the significance of a trial without witnesses?

Trump is already guilty in the Russia scandal—here’s the evidence
hat was seen as a sign by several senators that Democrats will fail to convince four Republicans to join them in calling for witnesses. Without a vote to hear from witnesses, the trial could end as soon as Friday
What's the significance of a trial without witnesses?

Trump is already guilty in the Russia scandal—here’s the evidence
You really should rush that "evidence" over to the House Dems before the Senate dismisses this silly impeachment. Hurry. :laughing0301:

Mother Jones Media Bias Rating

big waste of tax $$$ and time ....

You got that right. A huge waste of tax money and time. Brought to you be the imbecilic Dem House. To bad they can't be made to pay for their shit show.

What a bunch of imbeciles.
You really should rush that "evidence" over to the House Dems before the Senate dismisses this silly impeachment. Hurry.
What's the rush?
There's plenty of time to ensure Trump dies in prison for his many criminal acts

The long, twisted, and bizarre history of the Trump-Russia scandal

1986: Donald Trump is seated next to Russian Ambassador Yuri Dubinin at a lunch organized by Leonard Lauder, the son of cosmetics scion Estée Lauder, who at the time is running her cosmetics business. 'One thing led to another, and now I’m talking about building a large luxury hotel across the street from the Kremlin' in partnership with the Soviet government, Trump later writes in his 1987 book, The Art of the Deal."

Do you think he's lying about that too?
You really should rush that "evidence" over to the House Dems before the Senate dismisses this silly impeachment. Hurry.
What's the rush?
There's plenty of time to ensure Trump dies in prison for his many criminal acts

The long, twisted, and bizarre history of the Trump-Russia scandal

1986: Donald Trump is seated next to Russian Ambassador Yuri Dubinin at a lunch organized by Leonard Lauder, the son of cosmetics scion Estée Lauder, who at the time is running her cosmetics business. 'One thing led to another, and now I’m talking about building a large luxury hotel across the street from the Kremlin' in partnership with the Soviet government, Trump later writes in his 1987 book, The Art of the Deal."

Do you think he's lying about that too?
So you think an American biz guy talking to Ruskies about building a hotel in Moscow in 1986 is a crime? Are you by chance a former KGB or Obama FBI guy?
So you think an American biz guy talking to Ruskies about building a hotel in Moscow in 1986 is a crime? Are you by chance a former KGB or Obama FBI guy?
I think Soviet intelligence spotted a greedy crony-capitalist with a room temperature IQ in 1986, flattered him for his building exploits, and laid the groundwork for events we are living through today. Once Trump taxes and other financial documents are investigated, we will be one step closer to revealing the full extent of Trump's treachery.

What If Trump Has Been a Russian Asset Since 1987?
So you think an American biz guy talking to Ruskies about building a hotel in Moscow in 1986 is a crime? Are you by chance a former KGB or Obama FBI guy?
I think Soviet intelligence spotted a greedy crony-capitalist with a room temperature IQ in 1986, flattered him for his building exploits, and laid the groundwork for events we are living through today. Once Trump taxes and other financial documents are investigated, we will be one step closer to revealing the full extent of Trump's treachery.
What If Trump Has Been a Russian Asset Since 1987?

Maybe you slept thru the 2-years of the Mueller Investigation when the democrats had their turn at bat against Trump to prove he colluded with the Russians? Enjoy the next 5-years of Trump in the WH....
Maybe you slept thru the 2-years of the Mueller Investigation when the democrats had their turn at bat against Trump to prove he colluded with the Russians? Enjoy the next 5-years of Trump in the WH....
I never expected lifelong Republican fixer Robert Mueller to examine Trump any more carefully than he "investigated" BCCI or 911. Once Donald is out of office and Democrats control the White House and Congress, we will all find out how corrupt Trump's presidency has been.

Elizabeth Warren wants to create a Justice Department task force to investigate Trump administration corruption

  • "Elizabeth Warren said she would create an independent DOJ task force to investigate corruption by government officials during the Trump administration.
  • The Democratic presidential hopeful said her goal is to restore 'integrity and competence' to the federal government after President Trump leaves office.
  • "'If we are to move forward to restore public confidence in government and deter future wrongdoing, we cannot simply sweep this corruption under the rug in a new administration,' Warren wrote."
Maybe you slept thru the 2-years of the Mueller Investigation when the democrats had their turn at bat against Trump to prove he colluded with the Russians? Enjoy the next 5-years of Trump in the WH....
I never expected lifelong Republican fixer Robert Mueller to examine Trump any more carefully than he "investigated" BCCI or 911. Once Donald is out of office and Democrats control the White House and Congress, we will all find out how corrupt Trump's presidency has been.
Elizabeth Warren wants to create a Justice Department task force to investigate Trump administration corruption

  • "Elizabeth Warren said she would create an independent DOJ task force to investigate corruption by government officials during the Trump administration.
  • The Democratic presidential hopeful said her goal is to restore 'integrity and competence' to the federal government after President Trump leaves office.
  • "'If we are to move forward to restore public confidence in government and deter future wrongdoing, we cannot simply sweep this corruption under the rug in a new administration,' Warren wrote."

Warren is fading. She can pander to her "base" all she wants. Her threats against Trump are as empty as her ____.
Maybe you slept thru the 2-years of the Mueller Investigation when the democrats had their turn at bat against Trump to prove he colluded with the Russians? Enjoy the next 5-years of Trump in the WH....
I never expected lifelong Republican fixer Robert Mueller to examine Trump any more carefully than he "investigated" BCCI or 911. Once Donald is out of office and Democrats control the White House and Congress, we will all find out how corrupt Trump's presidency has been.
Elizabeth Warren wants to create a Justice Department task force to investigate Trump administration corruption

  • "Elizabeth Warren said she would create an independent DOJ task force to investigate corruption by government officials during the Trump administration.
  • The Democratic presidential hopeful said her goal is to restore 'integrity and competence' to the federal government after President Trump leaves office.
  • "'If we are to move forward to restore public confidence in government and deter future wrongdoing, we cannot simply sweep this corruption under the rug in a new administration,' Warren wrote."

Warren is fading. She can pander to her "base" all she wants. Her threats against Trump are as empty as her ____.
Warren is fading. She can pander to her "base" all she wants. Her threats against Trump are as empty as her ____
There's a much bigger threat to Trump (and capitalism) than Warren on the horizon:

Do you think Bernie will be any more sympathetic to "Don the Con" than any of his rivals?

Bernie Sanders: 'The business model of Wall Street is fraud and deception'

"'Today, the most serious problem we face is the grotesque and growing level of wealth and income inequality,' said Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders on Monday."

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