The Cat Is Out Of The Bag...

… and no amount of denial, obfuscation, and lies can re-cloak it. Pocahontas Warren doubled her support among Dems - from 8% to15% in just 3 weeks - by promising 42 million Americans with college debt up to $50,000 each in exchange for their votes. Yesterday front-runner Joe Biden unveiled his $1.7 trillion version of AOC's $90 trillion Green Dream and given the faithful's angry responses to even the most mildly pragmatic statements of other candidates - Amy Klobuchar's "We can't afford free college for all" - and John Hickenlooper's more direct "Socialism is not the answer," it is clear to all but the most deluded that the Dem Party is now the Democrat Socialist Party if not yet in name then certainly in ideology.

The 2020 election will be the Democrat Socialists vs America.
And more evidence of the Russia Interference.
And the need for a strong third party grows by the hour.
Yeah we need more of these idiots. FF to :40 second mark you see the fool.
No, I think we've dropped our standards into the mud as it is.
I'd say Johnson is just about as bad as the looney dims running.
He's right about one thing; the system for immigrating and getting work visas is a travesty...When paying a violent criminal coyote $5,000 is seen as a better alternative than doing things legally, you know your bureaucracy is a shit show.
And the need for a strong third party grows by the hour.
Necessity being the mother of invention. I'd say the odds are still not in favor of it but the possibility of a new centrist party emerging that would include the vehemently anti-Trump right (George Will), the anti-Trump Independents, and the anti-socialist Dems is increasing daily.
Those are exactly the statist central planner asswipes who got us into the current mess...They're the last ones anyone should be looking to for a remedy to the situation.
And the need for a strong third party grows by the hour.
And that would be Trump

But you voted for the Swamp Lady
I agree that Trump's nomination and election effectively diminished the old Repub Party but would argue it was and is the people who now own the party and Trump was just the right guy at the right moment. Even when his 2nd term ends it will be difficult for the old guard - the establishment Repubs - to recapture their former glory.

The die is cast and election will be rough for any Dem or Repub to win running as a swamper. Virtually all will cast themselves as populists.
It's always a contest to see which Dem/Socialist can buy enough votes (with OUR money) to win.
"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury."

Alexander Fraser Tytler - Wikiquote - (1854)

That quote explains the motivation behind the Dem's insistence that we keep our borders open.
Who gives a shit who or what the tards run, their dog will lose against Trump.
Must be nice to be able to afford a trophy wife!
And you wouldn't if you could? I'm not a jealous guy but I'd grease Trump's skids in a heartbeat if I thought I was first in line. JFTR, I suspect many voted for Trump just so she would be the FLOTUS.

Who gives a shit who or what the tards run, their dog will lose against Trump.
Must be nice to be able to afford a trophy wife!
And you wouldn't if you could? I'm not a jealous guy but I'd grease Trump's skids in a heartbeat if I thought I was first in line. JFTR, I suspect many voted for Trump just so she would be the FLOTUS.

Of course I would if I could! That's why I said it must be nice.

Whether spoken or not, being rich and powerful is attractive to most women. It's not often that you see a beautiful lady marry a man old enough to be her father if he has a grunt job at Walmart.
Who gives a shit who or what the tards run, their dog will lose against Trump.
Must be nice to be able to afford a trophy wife!
And you wouldn't if you could? I'm not a jealous guy but I'd grease Trump's skids in a heartbeat if I thought I was first in line. JFTR, I suspect many voted for Trump just so she would be the FLOTUS.

Of course I would if I could! That's why I said it must be nice.

Whether spoken or not, being rich and powerful is attractive to most women. It's not often that you see a beautiful lady marry a man old enough to be her father if he has a grunt job at Walmart.
Of course I can say I would if I could party because I'm single. So I'm not dissing my wife.
And the need for a strong third party grows by the hour.
Necessity being the mother of invention. I'd say the odds are still not in favor of it but the possibility of a new centrist party emerging that would include the vehemently anti-Trump right (George Will), the anti-Trump Independents, and the anti-socialist Dems is increasing daily.
The DOW remains high and unemployment is at a record low, inflation is under control and we are at relative peace but you wish for a third party to emerge because you have a psychotic hatred for the president and you can't bring yourself to vote for any of the democrats in the candidate clown car. No surprises here.
I wish for a relevant 2nd party because this country has been well served by our 2-party system and the Democrat Socialist Party is no longer relevant.

JFTR, while I neither supported nor voted for Trump in 2016, I will in 2020 and here's why:

Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low

A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.

Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.

A strong dollar and investment markets.

A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.

Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.

No wonder our bitter, bitter leftards are so hysterical. Anything good for America and Americans they consider to be bad.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
Sanders represented the middle tine of the impossible trident (wiki: ambiguous trident, blivet, etc.). The perception of the voters-at-large must have been such that empirical reasoning coaxed them into believing the truth: at a certain point, socialism becomes impossible. Precious.
Who gives a shit who or what the tards run, their dog will lose against Trump.
Must be nice to be able to afford a trophy wife!
And you wouldn't if you could? I'm not a jealous guy but I'd grease Trump's skids in a heartbeat if I thought I was first in line. JFTR, I suspect many voted for Trump just so she would be the FLOTUS.

Of course I would if I could! That's why I said it must be nice.

Whether spoken or not, being rich and powerful is attractive to most women. It's not often that you see a beautiful lady marry a man old enough to be her father if he has a grunt job at Walmart.
Of course I can say I would if I could party because I'm single. So I'm not dissing my wife.
I'd kill any of my ex-wives for a shot at Melania.

With all due respect of course.

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