The Caravan.Packed Like Sardine Cans.Can You Imagine All Of Germs They Are Inhaling?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
:cul2: :hellno: :piss2: :uhoh3: No one has brought this issue up yet, but can anyone imagine being pressed up against many other smelly people for hours and hours? Packed in a hot vehicle up against other hot and smelly individuals, driving north for hours in 90 degree heat? Inhaling fumes from the other 20 or so people in the car?
It would be a miracle if all 7000 of them walk away perfectly healthy when this caravan finally comes to an end.
You couldn't pay any "Normal American" any price to be amongst those people in those hot&sweaty sardine cans.
but, if the caravan was 85% all young female ladies, I think we could name a few democrats who would join the caravan for free ! :woohoo:
The lefties who support this band of invaders insist that these illegal alien invaders is made up mostly of oppressed women and starving children. However,
it seems to be very difficult to find any women or children pictured in most of the crowd
The lefties who support this band of invaders insist that these illegal alien invaders is made up mostly of oppressed women and starving children. However,
it seems to be very difficult to find any women or children pictured in most of the crowd

Hell. The pictures I saw were all of young men.

I didn't see one woman or kid at all.

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