The Bush Admin. Never Lied To Justify the Invasion of Iraq.

Bush didn't lie. He simply repeated information provided to him by others.
Why aren't you just as hard on Susan Rice for her lies?

The propaganda war by the Bush administration to lead the US public opinion on Iraq lasted over a year. It was a monumental. It led to the deaths of over 4 thousand US soldiers and countless Iraqi deaths (not that they didn't matter, we just didn't count um). Meh! He was just repeating information provided by others.......

Susan Rice, who delivered the initial Benghazi talking points to the press, got one wrong, there was no protest that the extremist used as cover before they attack our Consulate, was crucified like she was part of the ones who attacked the building.
I wanted to go after Saddam because it was like he was daring us to do something about him. Just like ISIS is doing now.

Well. That at least sounds honest. But shouldn't it also say that YOU wanted Saddam taken out, killed, whatever, as long as YOU wouldn't risk anything personally. Like your life or the life of a loved one.

It's real easy to wanna fight when you are not the one doing the fighting and dying.
I wonder why this guy put harbored terrorists in quotation marks?

Is this a truther?

Aren't truthers just weird? Wait.....every liberal is a truther. Is this a permeating syllogism or am I stating truth?
I put it in quotes, shithead, because we "harbor" terrorists as well.
The fact is we went in there. The question is "how long does it take for Iraq to develop an army to train itself". In my mind we have zero business being the police dogs of the world. If the Iraqis want their country then fight for it and beat the opposition. If you can't get your army together in the time there is a problem with the trainers or organizers or commanders or something. If this is going to be our MO then heck let's send troops to every nation in the world. Where does it end?
The Bush Administration Never Lied In Order to Justify the Invasion of Iraq

The entire mantra of “Bush lied, people died” has been the refrain of critics of the Iraq War and the Bush Admin. For years. It has been repeatedly used in an attempt to destroy the Bush Admin. And delegitimize the U.S. led invasion for years.
Allowing this to go unchallenged was one of the greatest mistakes of the Bush Admin.
And on two separate levels the claim simply does not hold up.

1) Before the U.S. led invasion, President Bush questioned CIA Director George Tenet about the evidence supporting the existence of WMDs in Iraq. According to the Bob Woodward book, Tenet exclaimed that it was a “slam dunk” in favor of evidence showing WMDs.
What was President Bush supposed to do? Tenet was a Clinton appointee with no reason to lie or suck up to Bush.
The only answer I’ve ever been given is that Bush should’ve looked at the intelligence sources himself. This is completely ridiculous. A president does not go around interviewing Iraqi dissidents.
President Bush would’ve been foolish not to take the positive declarations of the CIA Director at face value.

2) Lying about WMDs in Iraq makes no logical sense. We’re supposed to believe that the Bush admin. Lied to justify an invasion…that would inevitably reveal that lie to the world.
The ONLY explanation I’ve heard regarding this from the “Bush lied” people is that “they figured the war would be so popular that no one would care”. Which is ridiculous beyond belief.

Were there WMDs in Iraq at the time of the invasion? Almost certainly not. But the CIA Director said there were and any president would be foolish not to act on that claim.

If your oncologist insists that you have cancer do you ask to see the lab reports yourself and interview the lab techs? Of course not! Probably you schedule surgery or chemo whichever that same doctor recommends.
Were mistakes made during the occupation of Iraq that cost thousands of American lives? Most certainly. But that is another issue that has nothing to do about the legitimacy of the invasion.

Did the Bush admin. Emphasize the stronger parts of their argument in favor of invading? Of course they did! This is what you do when making a case to a jury or to the American people. You have no obligation to argue both sides. There were plenty of opponents of the invasion to argue the other side.

Either way, there is ZERO evidence that the Bush Admin. ever deliberately and knowingly promoted false information to justify the invasion of Iraq.
The earth is flat. The moon is made of blue cheese. There is a tooth fairy. bush never lied us into a war.

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