The Bright Side Of Hacking


Sep 23, 2010
China’s hackers may have an upside.

The Chinese breach of the Office of Personnel Management network was wider than first acknowledged, and officials said Friday that a database holding sensitive security clearance information on millions of federal employees and contractors also was compromised.

Chinese hack of federal personnel files included security-clearance database
By Ellen Nakashima June 12

Chinese hack of federal personnel files included security-clearance database - The Washington Post

Wouldn’t it be nice to know the names and addresses of everybody who works for the EPA:

McCarthy: Clean Power Plan Unaffected by Supreme Court
The justices' 'narrow' ruling won't impede an EPA proposal to rein in power plant emissions, the agency's administrator says.
By Alan Neuhauser
July 7, 2015 | 1:30 p.m. EDT

McCarthy Clean Power Plan Unaffected by Supreme Court s Mercury Rule Rebuke - US News

and the State Department:

Republican Congressman Trey Gowdy’s efforts to shed light on the government’s secretive refugee resettlement program continues to play out in letters between himself and the federal agency responsible for resettling thousands of foreign refugees in U.S. cities and towns every year.


In reaction to the State Department’s refusal to fully answer Gowdy’s 14 follow-up questions, which he sent on May 4, he said he is inviting a State Department official to meet with South Carolina’s legislative delegation and answer questions in person.

“The State Department’s response to our office’s 14 follow-up questions was again sorely inadequate and failed to provide answers,” Gowdy said in a statement emailed to WND. “Additionally, our office met with World Relief in April, contrary to State’s most recent letter. Because the State Department was wrong on this account, and because our office did not receive answers to our questions during that meeting with the resettlement agency, we are inviting State Department Assistant Secretary for Legislative Affairs Julia Frifield to provide a briefing to the South Carolina delegation on this issue.”​

The US Senate has long been a nest of traitors. Apparently, the problem is much wider than skeptics knew. Elected Republican or Democrat matters not all when it comes to doing the dirty work for the United Nations. Governor Nimrata Nikki Randhawa Haley just happens to be a Republican:

South Carolina’s Gov. Nikki Haley’s refugee coordinator then quietly approved the Spartanburg resettlement in December – again with no public input or notice.

Feds hammered for secrecy on Muslim refugees
Posted By Leo Hohmann On 06/03/2015 @ 8:59 pm

Feds hammered for secrecy on Muslim refugees

The real secrecy has always been keeping the United Nations in the shadows over at the EPA. It was imperative that Americans never learn that the EPA is a United Nations agency for all intents and purposes. The EPA is very good at keeping secrets. The next time this character testifies before a congressional committee she should be asked point blank if she coalesces her agenda with the UN:


The Supreme Court's ruling on the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards last week will not upend the EPA's proposed Clean Power Plan, Administrator Gina McCarthy said Tuesday.

I expect her to lie, but once she is caught lying she will trigger an avalanche that will help bury the United Nations.

In the same vein, a minor avalanche was triggered by UN-ordered refugees. That secret is out in the open forever no matter how many lies are told to cover up the UN’s authority over America’s immigration policy.

The root of treason

How many Americans know that all of the garbage the United Nations dumps on this country have deep roots in the failed League of Nations. A minimum of research will tell Americans everything they should know about a religion that took on a solid form in the League of Nations. The same religious freaks that worked for the League moved themselves, accompanied by their disease, over to the United Nations in 1945.

Question: Can you image the type of person who is faithful to a religion founded by Karl Marx? If you want to take a crack at the answer post it in an original thread in the Religion and Ethics forum.

It is more than a century since today’s political pandemic began spreading. For most of that time, foreign and domestic America-hating priests managed to hide their agenda as they acquired political power. Like every priest that ever lived they never rest until they contaminate everybody else.

NOTE: Power not only corrupts absolutely, power makes a difference to the worst of humankind:

The only way to make a difference is to acquire power. Hilary Rodham Clinton

Thanks, in large measure to the illegal alien infestation, Americans are slowing coming to the realization of exactly what the United Nations priesthood is doing to them. As soon as enough Americans learn about the traitors working for the United Nations they will also learn the cure:

American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2013 (Previously HR 1146)

HR 75


(a) Repeal- The United Nations Participation Act of 1945 (Public Law 79-264; 22 U.S.C. 287 et seq.) is repealed.

(b) Termination of Participation in United Nations- The President shall terminate all participation by the United States in the United Nations, and any organ, specialized agency, commission, or other formally affiliated body of the United Nations.

(c) Closure of United States Mission to United Nations- The United States Mission to the United Nations is closed. Any remaining functions of such office shall not be carried out.

It's only gonna get worse...

Cyber Hacking Likely to Grow in Frequency, Sophistication
September 10, 2015 WASHINGTON— The lines between cybercrime and espionage are blurring, and unless the United States takes the lead in establishing international norms of online behavior, the frequency and sophistication of cyber hacking attacks will increase, according to leaders of the U.S. intelligence community.
The directors of the FBI, CIA, NSA and other intelligence agencies, speaking before the House Intelligence Committee in Washington, addressed the “cyber challenges” facing the United States and the international community. “Cyber threats to U.S. national and economic security are increasing in frequency, scale, sophistication and severity of impact,” said James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence, in his opening statement. “We foresee an ongoing series of low-to-moderate level cyber-attacks from a variety of sources over time, which will impose cumulative costs on U.S. economic competitiveness and national security.”

High-profile hacks

The committee opened the hearing to the public, in part as a response to the rapidly growing number of high-profile corporate and governmental computer hacks. “These high profile assaults are eroding confidence in our government’s ability to counter the threat, and I share the public’s concern,” said committee chairman Representative Devin Nunes (R-CA). He added that his committee is putting the government’s cyber community “on notice” to do better at preventing computer attacks.

Committee members and witnesses admitted fundamental issues, such as what constitutes an act of cyber war or what the appropriate response should be remain unclear. “We don’t know where the line is drawn between crime and warfare,” said the committee’s top Democrat, Representative Jim Himes (D-CT). “Is stealing classified information from us an act of war or just an act of espionage that we do to each other, and maybe even grudgingly admire those who can pull off that espionage? At what point is it an act of war responded to in the cyber-realm, and at what point is it an act of war that is responded to outside the cyber-realm?”

Focus on Russia, China

Clapper singled out Russia and China as posing the greatest threat, given their highly sophisticated cyber programs and demonstrated willingness to target and steal sensitive data from U.S. corporate and government computer systems. But he also warned Iran and North Korea are risks because of their aggressive and unpredictable regimes. Non-state actors and terrorist groups also pose significant security risks because “they see the Web itself as a weapons system,” said National Security Agency director Admiral Michael Rogers. “The long term end state we need to get [to] here is this idea of acceptable norms of behavior,” Rogers added. “We clearly understand nation states using the spectrum of capabilities they have to attempt to generate insights in the world around them. But that does not mean that the use of cyber for destructive, manipulative purposes is acceptable.”

FBI Director James Comey cautioned the spread of social media also presents new security risks. He cited extremist groups and the “considerable success” they have using social media to recruit, raise funds and spread online propaganda. “Social media works, whether you’re selling sneakers or selling the poison of the so-called Islamic State,” said Comey. “Social media companies have been highly responsive in trying to take down media that is offensive and related to a terrorist group. But the challenge of social media is it’s the most complicated spiderweb in the world.”

Skeptical reaction

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