The Bible Condemns Witchcraft

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
The bible condemns witchcraft. Getting involved in occult practices is very dangerous. According to the authors of books on the subject research has proven that the occult, spiritism, divination, fortune telling, people who become mediums or channels for demon spirits, satanism, witchcraft leads to suicide and insanity. Mental institutions are filled with people who have lost their minds after having been taken over by demons which entered through their involvment with the occult. Consider the following research and bible scripture which confirms these findings:

Witchcraft Can Destroy You
What does the Bible says about Satan?
It is imperative that we understand the identity and the character of these strange supernatural powers. We need to have clearly before us what God says about them and His warning prohibitions against them. Only in this way can we be protected from the deception and terrible retribution that will come from making friends with them.

Special information and unmistakable warnings are to be found all through the Old and New Testaments regarding Satan, demons, evil spirits, familiar spirits, necromancy (trying to talk to the dead), sorcery, witchcraft, divination, and wizardry.

Satan before his fall from heaven was named Lucifer (Isa. 14:12-14), anointed cherub, and covering cherub(Eze. 28:14, 16). Since his fall he is called accuser of the brethren (Rev. 12:10), adversary (1 Peter 5:8), Beelzebub(Matt. 12:24), devil (Rev. 12:9), enemy (Matt. 13:28, 39), father of lies, liar, and murderer (John 8:44), old serpent(Rev. 20:2), power of darkness (Col. 1:13), prince of this world (John 12:31), prince of devils (Matt. 12:24), prince of the power of the air (Eph. 2:2), god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4), spirit that worketh in the children of disobedience(Eph. 2:2), tempter (Matt. 4:3), and wicked one (Matt. 13:19). It is clear that Satan is real, and God wants us to have nothing to do with him!

Satan was once an angel of light. His name, being Lucifer, means “light bearer” (Isa. 14:12-14; Eze. 28:13-19). But rebellion against God in heaven changed him into a demon of darkness. When he was cast out of heaven, the angels who sided with him were cast out with him (Rev. 12:7-9).
Witchcraft Can Destroy You

What does the Bible teach about those who practiced witchcraft and other satanic arts?
According to Scripture, many in ancient Israel “sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the Lord (2 Kgs. 17:16-17).By their sins, they gave themselves into the control of Satan, who then used them to capture still others who sought them for advice! They did this by necromancy, witchcraft, sorcery, familiar spirits, etc., and thus became the slaves of the demonic powers behind the occult and mysterious rites.

Because of their evil influence, and the reliance of some upon them and the “spirits,” witchcraft and wizardry were sternly forbidden.

Spiritualists are an abomination to God“There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch . . or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord: and because of these abominations the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee. Thou shalt be perfect with the Lord thy God.”—Deuteronomy 18:10-13.

Have nothing to do with them“Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God.”—Leviticus 19:31.

Do not listen to their lies“Therefore hearken not ye to . . your enchanters, nor to your sorcerers . . for they prophesy a lie unto you, to remove you far from your land.”—Jeremiah 27:9-10.

God will judge them severely—“And I will come near to you to judgment; and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers.”—Malachi 3:5.

Here we see bible scripture clearly warning us to not have any part of witchcraft, familiar spirits, wizards, people who are involved in the occult. We need to realize that God takes these matters very seriously! It is very dangerous to get involved with the occult. If you have a family member or friend who is involved in such things you need to warn them, find someone who can minister to them - a pastor or christian who is able to explain to them the danger they are putting themselves in and pray for them that the LORD will open their eyes and cause them to flee from it.
Witchcraft Can Destroy You

They hate and even kill followers
The Spirits Are Vile and Vicious
In this chapter, we will notice several intriguing facts about the demon spirits, the demons of witchcraft who pretend to be departed dead.

(1) They utter information which is foolish, trivial, and very often untrue. (2) They are totally evil, vile, and hateful. (3) They are quite rude, and pester everyone willing to become a follower. (4) They get people to kill animals and injure and murder people. (5) It is extremely dangerous to consult a spirit or spiritualist, for it can bring great injury to your mind and body. (6) They terrify, injure, and frequently kill their own followers.

Why then is anyone attracted to the spirit world? It is because of the sense of power which is there. These individuals hope to gain some of that power. But the power remains with the spirits—and it is a power to control the minds and bodies of men and women! Instead of gaining hoped-for power, those who delve into witchcraft and allied evil arts—are themselves overpowered! They are captured and become depressed, mean, and hateful—just like the demons now in possession of them.

By the way, there is no such thing as “white magick,” something that is safe to do. There is no such thing as “nice spirits.” All of Satan’s angels are evil and cruel like their master.

The demons utter information which is foolish, trivial, and very often untrue. It is not worth going to listen to, much less the great peril that such contact brings by going.

“Despite untold numbers of hours of alleged utterances, most of the spirit ‘messages’ are inexpressibly tedious, inane, pointless. Most objective investigators complain that a majority of the strange communications are patently nonsensical and self-contradictory.

“This untrustworthiness of communications purporting to emanate from the ‘spirit world’ was stressed by English physicist Sir Oliver Lodge [a dedicated spiritualist himself], who depreciated the calumny, distortion, and evil of the messages in the course of transmission . . Direct deception has been admittedly present at all stages of spiritualism’s history. In fact, the spiritualist journal, The Medium (May 2, 1874), printed a letter headed, ‘Is There Any Remedy for Lying Spirits?’ ”—Leroy Edwin Froom, Spiritualism Today, p. 36.

“One of the most alarming things about the mediumistic racket is how completely some people put their lives into the hands of ill-educated, emotionally unbalanced individuals who claim a hot line to heaven. As a medium, I was routinely asked about business decisions, marital problems, whether to have an abortion, how to improve sexual performance, and similar intimate and important subjects. That people who ask such questions of a medium are risking their mental, moral and monetary health is a shocking but quite accurate description of the matter.”—M. Lamar Keene, Psychic Mafia, p. 22.

They are extremely rude, and continually pester those willing to become followers.

“Eminent spiritualists constantly complain that ‘they are frequently plagued by the intruding spirits of devils’(Sir Oliver Lodge, Raymon, p. xi). Stainton Moses, another spiritualist, in Spirit Teachings, warns of ‘foes of God and man’ who are malignant spirits (p. 243). In another book, he tells how a ‘motley crowd’ of spirits rush in, ‘eager to seek communication with living men’ (Spirit Identity, p. 16). As a result, there is fraud and conniving by ‘malignant, depraved, cunning, and untruthful spirits’ (ibid.). It is not a wholesome picture. But these are some of the unconcealable ‘fruits’ on the tree of spiritualism.”—Leroy Edwin Froom, Spiritualism Today, p. 36.

The evil spirits are evil, vile, and hateful.

“Sir William Barrett, who often took part in experiments with Mrs. Travers Smith, goes a step further and tells of depraved communication ‘interspersed with profane and occasionally obscene language’ (The Threshold of the Unseen, p. 250). Another writer says that ‘mischievous messages’ are often followed by ‘mental damage’ to the medium (Mable V. Robertson, The Other Side of God’s Door, Preface). Others likewise write of the ‘evil spirits’ that inject themselves and seek to degrade the medium (T.A.R. Purchas, The Spiritual Adventures of a Business Man, pp. 218-219). Such fruitage obviously comes from beneath.”—Ibid.

These evil spirits get people to kill animals, and injure and murder people.

“Murder after murder has been linked to the [witchcraft and spirit séance] craze, with the murderers openly admitting to police or to reporters that they worshiped Satan. Police, more and more frequently, are finding grim evidence of both animal and human sacrifices.”—George Vandeman, Psychic Roulette, p. 100.

“The worship of Satan has deep historical roots. Known as satanism, it is found expressed in various ways. Black magic, so-called “white magic,” the Black Mass, facets of the drug culture, and blood sacrifice all have connections with satanism.

(In Escape from Witchcraft, Roberta Blankenship explains what two girls, both satanists, wrote to her as part of their initiation ritual):

“They had to go to a graveyard in the dead of night, walk across a man-sized cross, and denounce any belief in Christ. Afterwards, a ritual was performed and the girls had to drink the blood of animals that had been skinned alive.”—Roberta Blankenship, Escape from Witchcraft, p. 1.

“In April 1973, the battered, mutilated body of a 17-year-old boy, Ross ‘Mike’ Cochran, was found outside of Daytona Beach, Florida. An Associated Press story said, ‘The verdict of police is that Cochran was the victim of devil worshipers, killed in a frenzied sacrificial ritual.’

“Lynn McMillon, Oklahoma Christian College professor, reports, ‘One variety of satanism consists primarily of sex clubs that embellish their orgies with satanist rituals. Another variety of satanists use street drugs in their rites.’ ”—Lynn Walker, Supernatural Power and the Occult, p. 1.

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In this segment we see the crimes that are committed by those involving themselves in the occult and we also see that these demons can and do turn on their followers. Whereas man is created in the image of God and in the likeness of God Genesis 1: 26 and whereas Satan was cast out of heaven, was defeated at the cross by Jesus Christ - his last strategy is to take what God created in His Own image and destroy it. The truth is "the force" Lucifer, despises mankind and if he can succeed in deceiving them into following him and turning against God - he has a measure of satisfaction in knowing that at the end of that persons life he will cause them to end up in hell where they will be tormented forevermore. The person believes that Lucifer will keep his word, that he will keep his promises of reward in hell but he will not keep those promises because telling the truth is a virtue and Satan does not have any virtues. Demons do not have any virtues. While the person may enjoy a measure of power from demons while here on the earth this will not be the case once they die and find themselves in hell. There are no humans in hell sharing power with Lucifer or any demons. They are only the subject of great torment, torture, suffering and pain at the hands of these demons. They are at the mercy of these demons for eternal torment. It is a most horrific fate and one we should not wish on any human being.
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Witchcraft Can Destroy You
The lure of the spirit world
Stories of Capture
and Escape

But more often of capture and eventual destruction, rather than escape.
First, we will consider several stories of capture and ultimate ruin,—sometimes from only one encounter with a witch or spiritualist.

Roy Anderson tells of an ocean journey from Australia to New Zealand. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, famous both as the author of the Sherlock Homes Series and as a leading spiritualist, was on the ship. Anderson’s cabin mate, who lived in Sydney, was a salesman for a large engineering company.

When he mentioned that he was going to speak with Doyle, Anderson warned him not to do so. “You will probably end up being a spiritualist.” But the salesman shrugged off the advice.

Returning later, he told Anderson that Doyle had told him about several of his ancestors. And then the salesman announced that he was going to become a spiritist (another name for a spiritualist). As soon as the ship docked, he immediately resigned from his firm and told his wife they were moving with Doyle to England, to help him in his work. Now under the control of another power, there is no indication that he ever escaped (R.A. Anderson, Secrets of the Spirit World, pp. 77-78).

“I began reading anti-Christian books and they gave me what I wanted, reasons for rejecting Christianity. Books about the occult excited me the most. It really turned me on to realize that there was a power out there waiting for me, from a different source than I’d heard about in church.

“One night I was watching a Satan worship service on television. A high priest was praying to Satan . . I thought, this must be the other side, the other Force . . and I’m going to try it!

“So I told God to get lost, that even if he was real I didn’t want him in my life anymore. I shook my fist in his face and cursed him. I wanted the supernatural Force I’d seen in that Satan worship service. As I cursed God,suddenly I felt this other Force come into me.

“I gave myself to Satan that night . . and I felt an overwhelming hatred for God—which I knew came from this Force. I damned God until I had no more strength . .

“I would pull all the shades down, take the phone off the hook, put a chain on the door . . and start communicating with spirits. I’d raise my hands to Satan, thank him for all the blessings he’d given me, and pray to him.

“Often the house would become icy cold, and I would see the spirits.

“At first I thought I was in control . . but the more involved I became with Satan, the more I realized he was controlling me . . dictating to me what I could and couldn’t do.

“I would find myself in places I hadn’t intended to go . . I was in sort of a trance, out of control. My life was no longer my own.

I finally decided to commit suicide, because I had lost that peace Satan had seemed to give me at first.”—Greg Jordan, in a personal interview with Dave Hunt, in The Cult Explosion, pp. 148-149.

A husband and wife, who expressed great skepticism about spiritism, went to hear a medium speak at Foresters Hall in the heart of London’s West End. After giving a brief introduction, the spiritist medium named this couple, and mentioned that less than six weeks earlier the wife’s sister had died. —Then something that looked like the dead sister suddenly appeared on the platform beside the spiritist lecturer. After the meeting, the couple said that they were now confirmed spiritualists and would follow them wherever they might lead (Anderson, pp. 10-11).

Next, here are several stories of capture which ultimately resulted in later deliverance as the imperiled ones cried to God for help.

“Consider the case of Bill Slater, head of BBC television drama. One evening, after attending ‘an impromptu séance with a Ouija (pronounced, wee-jee) board, he went home. In the early hours of the morning:

“ ‘I found myself half-awake, knowing there was some kind of presence massing itself on my chest. It was, to my certain knowledge, making every effort to take over my mind and body. It cost me considerable willpower to concentrate all my faculties to push the thing away. And, for what seemed like twenty minutes, this spiritual tussle went on between this awful presence and myself. Needless to say, although before going to bed I had felt perfectly happy and at ease with a very good friend I knew well. But now I was absolutely terrified; I have never known such fear since. I was finally able to call my friend’s name; he woke up, put on the light, and was astonished to find me well-nigh a gibbering idiot. I have never since had any psychic experience.’ ”—Bill Slater, as told to his friend, Colin Wilson, Mysteries: An Investigation into the Occult, p. 451.

In the book, Facts on Spirit Guides, John Ankerberg and John Welden tell about Carl, a psychologist with a degree in physics and a personal interest in religion and parapsychology (the study of the occult).
Becoming a leading parapsychologist researcher, he spent a number of years at a mid-Western university, continuing experiments which included numerous psychic and mystical experiences.

“Gradually, however, Carl admitted to himself that some deep alteration was taking place inside of him. He had earlier encountered some gnawing doubts about the fundamental nature of the spiritual path he was now on. But he had suppressed them, because they were too uncomfortable in their implications. Any doubt as to what kind of spirit was leading him could mean a total revision of his work; it could even mean resigning his professorship and renouncing his parapsychological research . . Eventually, after years of painstaking effort, Carl became consumed by forces so evil he ended up as an incoherent vegetable requiring eleven months of hospitalization . . He finally had to conclude:

“ ‘Solemnly and of my own free will I wish to acknowledge that knowingly and freely I entered into possession by an evil spirit. And, although that spirit came to me under the guise of saving me, perfecting me, helping me to help others, I knew all along it was evil’ (quoted in Malachi Martin, Hostage to the Devil: the Possession and Exorcism of Five Living Americans, p. 485).”—John Ankerberg and John Welden, Facts on Spirit Guides, pp. 40-41.

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If you are going to listen to people ( and I urge you do not do it under any conditions! ) who entice you to learn about the occult and spiritism then you should know the dangers of it before you consider such a thing. These testimonies do not even scratch the surface of those whose lives have been destroyed by getting involved with the occult or even "listening" to those who are involved in it.
The term witchcraft is one of the most frequently misunderstood, misinterpreted words in the entirety of The Bible.

Translated from the Greek word pharmakeia, witchcraft as found in Galatians 5:20 means sorcery via potions.

That's incidentally why so many women were killed by The Church in the Dark Ages, because the little old lady in the woods was thought to have been a witch by virtue of the home brews she made which healed people.

Accordingly with the Greek translation of the word for witchcraft, the equivalent of a witch or warlock today would be a drug dealer or pharmacist.

I guess that means Walter White's in trouble, eh? :badgrin:

Pharmakeia The Abuse of Drugs
The philosophy of God's command is to make requests to GOD, not employ the abberation of nature.

My all-time favorite doctor was a pastor while he was on his tour of duty with the US Army in Vietnam.

We need doctors.
God commanded Adam to "subdue the earth"; that includes the mastery of science.
I haven't met a physician who didn't tell his/her patients not to pray for their well being.
Witchcraft is a quick fix which, apparently, to which God objects.
Witchcraft Can Destroy You
Different forms of spiritualism
Other Snares of Satan
There are several other facts about spiritism and witchcraft which we need to understand, so we can warn our friends against them.

First, today there are a number of other types of witchcraft which are captivating large numbers of people. Let us briefly consider some of the leading ones.

Séances. Someone may tell you that something marvelous happened at a séance they attended. Here are some of the actual hoaxes that occur at those gatherings. But not everything done is fakery. You should not attend these gatherings, and you should warn others not to go!

The people are sitting in almost total darkness at séances because the lights are turned down and the windows are blacked out (“because the spirits like it that way” is the excuse given). The small audience is seated in a row facing the front. There is also a table in front, a chair for the medium, and space on both sides and behind him for his assistant to silently and unseen move around. That makes it easier to do special tricks to fool everyone.

The medium’s associate will dress in black from head to toe. Objects which are white or bright will suddenly appear, either on the table or will apparently float in space.

Each visitor is given a blank card to hand in, possibly with his name signed on it. These are placed on the table. Soon they disappear, or float off into space and suddenly disappear from view. Later cards containing messages written on them “from the spirits” float into view and are placed on the table.

A solid object (called an “apport”) suddenly appears in space, floating around. It is often a silver trumpet, which moves around and eventually disappears.

The table tilts. Harry Houdini said this was done by the medium lifting the table with a steel rod or hook under his sleeve or vest.

The table begins “rapping” because the medium taps the leg with the edge of his shoe, which has steel on it. Or wires from the bottom of a table leg lead to the next room, which controls an electric coil under the table top, making certain numbers of clicks. Trick photography produces photos of people who have died, but who now appear semi-transparent. Additional tricks could be mentioned.

Channeling. This is just a modern name for old-fashioned witchcraft. Séances may be held, or “readings” may be given, which predict events to occur that year. (Most of the “prophecies” are not fulfilled. But, by December, few recall what was predicted in January.)

Wicca. This is the modern name for witches and witchcraft. “Wicca” is an ancient word for “witch.” Females are called “witches,” and males are called “wizards” or “warlocks.”

The New Age movement. This, plus Wicca, communication with the dead, astrology, feminism, hippie counterculture, street drugs mixed with mysticism, world disarmament and hunger projects, secular humanism, and atheism.

In this review he covers the various types of occult people get involved in. All of it is condemned in the bible. Anyone involved in the occult must get out and repent. It is forbidden by God and we cannot enter heaven if we are in any way involved in such things. If you have articles, books, amulets, things of the occult - destroy them by fire and be done with it. Repent and ask the LORD to forgive you and he will.
Depends on what kind of witchcraft.
Nothing will ever change my mind about this. Ever. Do No Harm. can still believe in God and still be open to His messages from sources other than a book.
The philosophy of God's command is to make requests to GOD, not employ the abberation of nature.

a gang of home brewed sharts said:
My all-time favorite doctor was a pastor while he was on his tour of duty with the US Army in Vietnam.

We need doctors.

Indeependent said:
God commanded Adam to "subdue the earth"; that includes the mastery of science. I haven't met a physician who didn't tell his/her patients not to pray for their well being.

Me neither, yes.

But there are some of them out there. Make no mistake about that.

Indeependent said:
Witchcraft is a quick fix which, apparently, to which God objects.

Doesn't God want our bodies—our temples—to be strong so that we can fight for Him?

Good medicine is just one of the many things which empowers us to do that. :thup:
More occult activities exposed here. The list is long and there are many things people do not readily recognize as being part of the occult so this teaching is very important!

Witchcraft Can Destroy You

Astrology. Along with witchcraft books and games, the most widespread interest in the occult today is astrology. It is based on the supposed 12 “houses” of the Zodiac. A person’s “Sun-sign” is said to be the Zodiac sign(Pisces, Libra, Aries, etc.) the sun was passing through at the moment of a person’s birth. In other words, astrological “signs” are supposedly based upon the time of your birth, in relation to the position of the planets, stars, sun, and moon at that time. It is claimed that “the position of the Sun in the Zodiac at the time of your birth determines the vital energy released by that planet and affects the cells of your brain and body” (Anthony Norvell, Astrology, Your Wheel of Fortune, pp. 2-3). Looking to the stars for guidance is condemned in the Bible (Deut. 4:19; 17:2-5).

“For most adherents of astrology, it is enough that it satisfies them. There is a fascination with the power, without a suspicion as to the nature of that power.”—Charles Strohmer (former astrologer), What Your Horoscope Doesn’t Tell You, p. 42. Many researchers tell us that astrology has always been connected to spirits through its contact with supernatural spirit beings who were held to be “gods” (Franz Cumont, Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans; K.C. Tunnicliffe, Aztec Astrology; Colin Wilson, The Occult).

This foolish theory is the means by which those who make “horoscopes” (“charts”) for individuals, and publish them in newspapers, make a lot of money. Here are several flaws in the theory: (1) Twins are born at the same time and in the same place; yet they encounter very different experiences in life. (2) The Earth has an uneven wobble as it spins on its axis. As a result, there has been a shift in the Zodiac to about a month later than centuries earlier, when the present chart theories were formulated. For example, the constellation of Virgo is now in the sign of Scorpio. (3) A new book by an astrologer (Astrology Fourteen) stated that there are actually 14 constellations in the Zodiac, instead of 12. (4) Those born north of the Arctic Circle have no horoscope; yet events regularly happen to them, as to everyone else. (5) In Alaska, Norway, Finland, Greenland, etc., the Zodiac stars only appear for a few months each year. During that time, according to the theory, the stars cannot be “influencing” them. (6) Astrologers claim there are only seven planets, when actually there are nine (if Pluto is considered a planet). (7) There are billions of objects in the sky; why are only the sun, moon, seven planets, and a small band of stars used as guides to predict events? (8) The predictions of astrologers usually fail unless so generally stated that they can be interpreted both ways. (Example: Jeane Dixon predicted that Jackie Kennedy would not remarry,—yet Kennedy then remarried a Greek ship owner, Aristotle Onassis, a few days after that prediction was announced.) (9) All the horoscopes for a person will be different. The daily horoscopes published by various astrologers in newspapers will be entire different from one another. A person can go to two different astrologers for charts, and each will be different than the other. (10) Astrology is based on the theory that the planets revolve around the Earth. This “geocentric theory” was disproved by Copernicus and Galileo over four centuries ago. (11) One’s hereditary patterns are actually fixed at the moment of conception; yet astrologers date their charts from the moment of birth. But the moment of conception cannot be determined. (12) Actual scientific studies of people reveal absolutely no similarities of traits or events occurring in the lives of people with certain ‘signs.’ Dozens of such studies have been done. (13) Repeated studies of astrologers’ predictions have been made—and the failure rate is astoundingly high. For example, from January 1974 to March 1979, astronomers Culver and Ianna examined over 3,000 published predictions in five astrology magazines and two leading newspaper astrologers. The total number of predictions was over 3,000, and the failure rate was over 95%!

Astrology is a worship of nature, instead of nature’s God. It leads people to depend on their astrologer for help, instead of praying to God for help and guidance.

Fortune-telling. Fortune-telling is also known as divination; and the one practicing it is a diviner.
The diviner makes use of various props to receive his supernatural knowledge, including palmistry (“reading” the lines on the hand), cartomancy (tarot cards), mirror mantic (crystal balls or rock crystals), teacup reading (tea leaves in the bottom of cup).

Although some think it is always a complete hoax, yet evil angels are present. This is shown by the effect they exert on the lives of the fortune-tellers themselves. Kurt Koch, in his book, Between Christ and Satan, says that those “diviners” frequently reveal instability, violent tempers, addictions, vices, cursing, nervous disturbances, psychopathic symptoms, paralysis, and other emotional and mental illnesses (see pp. 49-50). In the Bible, God speaks about true and false predictions of the future. Does it turn out to be true? (Deut. 18:20-22; 13:1-5; Eze. 13:3, 6-9). Does it agree with what the Bible teaches? (2 Tim. 3:16-17). God condemns them (Deut. 18:20-22; Lev. 20:6, 27).

Ouija boards. Pronounced “wee-jee” boards, these should be totally avoided! Two people, sitting opposite one another, place their fingertips on the board—and then it moves by itself back and forth above letters, spelling out something! Evil spirits guide the information which is given. This fact of supernatural guidance has been proven by a number of scientific experiments. In addition, many cases are reported of spirit “possession” after using them. Even though they are sold in toy shops,—Ouija boards are not playthings! (A similar equally occult device is “spirit writing,” which uses similar equipment.)

Dowsing. Dowsing (water witching) is the search for, and location of, underground springs and other objects beneath the ground by the use of a divining rod. This is a V-shaped wooden branch or piece of wire from 6-18 inches in length used by a dowser. A “force” is supposed to suddenly come up into the rod, causing it to snap downward. Actual tests by researchers with many dowsers have shown that they are not able to locate buried glass bottles containing water (M. Christopher, ESP, Seers and Psychics, p. 140).

Yet, at the same time, there are individuals who are able to locate water, even using maps from distant locations (using a pendulum; see below). A spiritist contact is believed to be involved here. For some dowsers, the tree branch in their hands will dip the number of feet that the water is below ground. Those particular spirits are measuring in feet; if they were in Europe, they would use the metric scale! This shows the working of an active spirit intelligence. Stay away from all forms of spirit contact, including dowsing.

Dowsing may be mentioned in the Bible: “My people ask counsel at their stocks [sticks], and their staff [stick] declareth unto them: for the spirit of whoredoms hath caused them to err, and they have gone a-whoring from under their God.”—Hosea 4:12.

Pendulum. The pendulum is a small stone or piece of metal suspended on a string. It is used for several different supernatural functions: (1) Water witching and using maps, as mentioned above under Dowsing. (2) Deciding which herb should be used in healing, or the location of disease in the body, or how many tablets to take at a given meal. (3) It is even used to “purify” food before it is eaten!

The suspended weight is held over a map, or the food, or a person lying horizontally. —And then, in a certain area, the “pendulum” will begin swinging back and forth, circling clockwise, or counterclockwise. Obviously, we have here the very same spiritist principle used in the Ouija board! Both involve a movement beyond human control.

“She carefully lifted the pendulum over the sick neighbor and began to divine for the proper herb to be used for healing. If the pendulum swung clockwise, licorice root should be used, and if it swung counterclockwise, gooseberry bark would be the treatment of choice” (Warren Peters, M.D., Mystical Medicine, p. 31). This is attributed to powers within the person himself, or to “force fields,” or to “mind over matter,” etc. But spiritist activity is the real cause.

Peters also tells of a Christian family that began to rely on the pendulum for every minor decision in the home. Then one day, the father discovered the truth while driving to work:

“I felt like singing of God’s love, so that’s what I did . . [He began singing Christian hymns] . . As I was driving along, singing of God’s love, the thought occurred to me to try using the pendulum while singing. I picked it up, held it over my hand, but it did not move. Next I held it over my lunch, still nothing—dead as a doornail. Needless to say, I was shaken, and very scared . . I had my answer! I felt as if a weight had been lifted from me. I took my pendulum and threw the thing as far into the woods as I could. I’ve not picked one up since. I thank God every day for His protection and deliverance from the power of Satan.”—Ibid., p. 37.

Rock music. The present author has written a complete low-cost book on the deadly effects of rock music on both those who perform it and those who listen to it. (you can order it here.) Demons guide, not only in the message of the lyrics but also, the type of beat and wildness of the music.

“One of the most uncanny stories I have ever heard was related to me by a close friend of mine who works among the hippies. For several weeks he dealt with a sixteen-year-old boy who, by his own admission, communed with evil spirits.

“One day, the boy asked my friend to turn on the radio to a rock and roll station. As they listened, this teenager would relate the words to the songs he had never heard before, just prior to the time the singer on the recording would sing them. When asked how he could do this, the boy replied that the same demon spirits that he was acquainted with had inspired the songs. Also, he explained that while on acid trips he could hear demons sing some of the very songs he would later hear recorded by psychedelic rock groups.

“Many ‘heavy’ rock groups write their songs while under the influence of drugs. Some of them admit to receiving the inspiration for songs from a power that seems to control them. In 1968, Ginger Baker, the drummer ofThe Cream, was interviewed concerning his emotional feelings while he performed. He replied, ‘It happens to us quite often: It feels as though I’m not playing my instrument. Something else is playing it and that same thing is playing all three of our instruments (referring to the rest of the group). That’s what I mean when I say, it’s frightening sometimes. Maybe we’ll all play the same phrase out of nowhere. It happens very often with us.’ ”—L. E. Tucker, Satanic Spectacular, pp. 12-13.

Evil video games. Millions of kids formerly interested only in video games are now reading, thanks to the unprecedented popularity of the Harry Potter books. This is because both are so much alike—in evil, violence, spiritist influence, murder, and death. The games prepare children for spiritism, crime, street drugs, and violence. Those games prepared millions for the Potter books.

On-line gaming has increased by 50%. The number of 2-17 year olds that play on-line has increased to 92%. Worldwide sales of video games have reached $20 billion dollars a year. Yet research shows that less than 5% of parents know the content of the video games in their own homes. There are no laws regulating who can buy a video game. Many video games instruct the player to kill, run someone over with a car, shoot someone, and mangle the victim. Video games are addictive and can control a person’s life. Sorcery, witchcraft, satanism, and magic play a vital part in many of the games. Do you want your child to play at being a witch, sorcerer, gangster, or rapist?

From the early 1980s, down to the present time, Dungeons & Dragons has been the largest electronic witchcraft game. It is the best example and largest seller among witchcraft-type games. It is just what the title declares it to be—a horrid collection of atrocities, done for the fun of it.

As of 2006, Dungeons & Dragons remains the best-known and best-selling role-playing game (RPG), with an estimated 20 million people having played the game and more than U.S. $1 billion in book and equipment sales. (“Role-playing games” involve actually becoming part of the game and interacting in it with others. The player becomes this other person!) Dungeons & Dragons has also produced other D&D-branded products.

A 1990 survey conducted in the United States, Australia, and Canada estimated that at least 7.5 million people engaged in RPGs (role-playing games) at least once a month in those three countries. A 2000 survey by the RPG company, “Wizards of the Coast,” estimated that approximately 5.5 million Americans play RPGs regularly. Additionally, there are numerous RPG conventions and gatherings held throughout English-speaking nations. There are also sizeable RPG communities in France, Germany, Spain and Italy, among others.

Unlike on-line computer games, RPGs require a close level of face-to-face social interaction. They are usually played in an isolated area, typically a room at a private residence, marked off from the outside world with paraphernalia unique to the subculture of gamers and involving a great deal of jargon and symbols that have meaning only to those who are part of the group. Players actively work to create marked “liminal spaces” in which they can shake off their mainstream socio-cultural identity and adopt symbols and images deemed inimicable to the mainstream cultural construction of the self, but which form their own unique anti-structure in opposition to the mainstream socio-cultural order. Fully 35% of men and 20% of women choose to play characters of the other gender, and 60% prefer to play nonhuman characters.
The philosophy of God's command is to make requests to GOD, not employ the abberation of nature.

a gang of home brewed sharts said:
My all-time favorite doctor was a pastor while he was on his tour of duty with the US Army in Vietnam.

We need doctors.

Indeependent said:
God commanded Adam to "subdue the earth"; that includes the mastery of science. I haven't met a physician who didn't tell his/her patients not to pray for their well being.

Me neither, yes.

But there are some of them out there. Make no mistake about that.

Indeependent said:
Witchcraft is a quick fix which, apparently, to which God objects.

Doesn't God want our bodies—our temples—to be strong so that we can fight for Him?

Good medicine is just one of the many things which empowers us to do that. :thup:
The issues of one person become the sympathy of another.
There will always be the poor who need charity and there will always be the weak, inform and sick who require assistance and medical help.
You can't assume God is happy that someone is suffering from cancer or Alheimer's but you can assume God is pleased that those capable of helping them do so.
Witchcraft Can Destroy You
Spiritualism, commonly called witchcraft, is satanic paganism. Witches and wizards enter into a covenant with the devil to serve him. They hate God and Christ. They hate Christianity and the Bible. They hate the ten commandments and the grace of Christ.

They idolize selfishness, force, cruelty, death, and dead corpses. They love to inflict pain, suffering, and death on both people and animals. When they can’t kill people, they kill animals. They love cemeteries and dead bodies.

Their animal “pets” are owls, black cats, bats, buzzards, snakes, and spiders. Anything that could possibly be considered gruesome, they enjoy. Everything clean and pure and holy they hate. They have a special liking for snakes and often worship them. Their pictures frequently include snakes and the head of a goat in the shape of a five-pointed upside-down star. (The horns, chin, and two-sided beards are the five “points.”) They especially like pictures and statues of snakes and goats because, in the Bible, both, at times, symbolize Satan (Gen. 3:1-5 and Lev. 16:21-22). Of course, we can understand why spiritualists like symbols of Satan, for he is their master.

Their superstitions include creatures; most of them are horrid and don’t exist—such as ogres, trolls, elves, goblins, gnomes, fairies, mishapen giants, banshees, dragons (imaginary giant four-legged snakes), and blood-sucking vampires. Other nonexistent creatures that they speak lovingly about include unicorns, the phoenix, and a large three-headed black dog.

They talk about these imaginary things in order to frighten people. They know that the minds of people who are afraid are easier to control.

But we know that perfect trust in God casts out fear; it rejects superstitions. If we cling to Jesus and avoid such things, we will be safe.

Spiritualists love to figure out devices to control people’s minds or, hopefully, curse them with disease or other problems. But they cannot injure anyone who trusts implicitly in God and stays away from their dark kingdom. They usually can only hurt people who get too close to them.

Anton LaVey (1930-1997), founder of the Church of Satan in San Francisco in the 1950s, was a leading twentieth-century spiritualist. In his satanic Bible, he wrote the rules of demon worshipers. Those rules include selfishness instead of helpfulness, indulgence instead of self-control, vengeance instead of forgiveness, and love for sin because it produces immediate gratification. He said man is just an animal and should live like one. All morality should be ignored. Selfishness and brute force are the highest good.
But is such miserable living something anyone should want for his life? No, of course not.

Even though all forms of spiritualism and witchcraft are extremely dangerous, people are intrigued by it because it seems so mysterious. They are curious to know more. It is their curiosity that catches them.
But when they dig more deeply into it,—all they find it to be is a bunch of lies and fakery. It is like cobwebs on the wall. There is really nothing there. But, by the time they make that discovery, it may be too late for them. They have been caught.

You might ask, “Caught by what?” Caught by the one thing in spiritualism which is not a fake; it is real! Along with the mystery, it is what keeps people coming back until they are snared in a net.

The curiosity seekers sense that a supernatural power is present in all this, and they crave to have that power for themselves. They want to be able to either control or hurt others. But that selfish craving leads them into a pit from which many never escape. They are the ones who are controlled; they are the ones who are hurt.

They have entered a web of demons. And the power which controls them is the power of Satan.
They have permitted themselves to be captured by evil angels. Unless in the strength of Christ they break loose from this connection, they will be lost souls.

All forms of spiritualism are extremely dangerous, and none should be toyed with. Even though the whole thing consists of only false claims and mysterious apparitions,—you and I can still be trapped by it if, through curiosity, we start liking any of it.

In reality, the whole thing is a gigantic fraud. Witches say they can fly, but they can’t. They say they can put curses on people, but they can’t. They say they can pronounce magic formulas and make magic potions, but it is all worthless.

Yet there is a power there! They sense its presence. It is the power of Satan. Oddly enough, the spiritualists don’t have this power. Instead, it is a power controlling them which has it! It is a power, working through them, to catch others who get too close.

These evil angels can cause people, who start playing with spiritualism, to see things that are not really there. It may seem real and exciting, but what those persons think they see—are only appearances, also called apparitions.

At the request of a paying visitor, the medium mutters incantations (a collection of usually meaningless phrases) and something that seems to be a dead relative may appear. It looks exactly like the person and talks the way he always talked. But it is not that person; it is a demon.

An example of this is when King Saul visited the witch of Endor (1 Sam. 28:7-15). That witch had entered into a covenant with Satan, to do his bidding. While the prophet Samuel was living, Saul despised his counsel. But now, in a time of crisis, he wanted to talk to the prophet—who by that time had died.
So Saul asked the witch to show him Samuel. Then something appeared in the room which looked like Samuel.

But both you and I know that God did not permit a servant of the devil to bring Samuel up from the grave into that room! And Satan cannot restore life or raise the dead.

Nor would a witch be permitted by God to have any power over Samuel, either when he was alive or after he died. We know that is true because God repeatedly said in the Bible that witches are bad and no one should have anything to do with them.

Even though that apparition, which spoke to Saul, may have said something true, it was not Samuel but a demon that spoke to the king. It was one of Satan’s devils in the form of a man.

Here is another reason it could not have been Samuel: The Bible clearly states that King Saul died because he went to that witch for advice instead of going to God! We are told that Saul “inquired of it.” He inquired of “it,” that is, the evil spirit. He didn’t talk to Samuel, but to a demon: “Saul died for his transgression which he committed against the Lord, even against the word of the Lord, which he kept not, and also for asking counsel of one that had a familiar spirit, to inquire of it; and inquired not of the Lord; therefore He slew him.”—1 Chronicles 10:13-14.

God forbids us to go to witches, wizards, or other spiritualists for guidance or, in any way, to seek counsel from the dead. Here is another important Bible verse: “And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep and that mutter, should not a people seek unto their God? [instead of] for the living to [seek guidance of] the dead? To the law and to the testimony; if they speak not according to this Word, it is because there is no light in them.”—Isaiah 8:19-20.

Again we see that God forbids any type of occult involvement. We are not to have any part of it. It is forbidden. Those who practice such arts, dabble in such arts, will not inherit the kingdom of heaven. That is what the Word of God says. We must stay away from these type of activities and have nothing to do with them. ( other than exposing them which God also commands us to do )
How to help someone get deliverance out of the occult:
Witchcraft Can Destroy You

How to be delivered - or help someone else to be delivered
Deliverance from the Occult
First, recognize the sovereignty of God. Christ and Christ alone is the source of deliverance from spiritist bondage. The worldly methods (psychology, ritual, hypnosis, meditation, etc.) will only add to the problem!

The prayerful help of a godly counselor (pastor or earnest Christian friend) should be sought. He should be a person who is fully dedicated to God and has no personal problems which the spirits can take advantage of. Full deliverance may take a period of time. But, with united prayer of a few faithful friends, it can occur rather quickly.

All paraphernalia of occultism must be destroyed (Acts 19:19). This includes even little figures made out of precious stones. They often originate from heathen temples.

All occult contacts and friendship must be broken, and not even gifts from occultists should be accepted.

In the difficult case of a person living with parents who are occultists, it may be necessary to secure other living arrangements. Conditions must be right before the prayer of faith and intercession can succeed. Because the powers of darkness may attempt to strike back without mercy, battles should be undertaken only when the participant is fully prepared.

Deliverance from the power of the occult requires complete surrender to Christ on the part of both counselor and the one needing help. Our first responsibility must be to Christ and our relationship to Him. We cannot help others in so difficult an area until we ourselves are securely grounded as Christians. Every person who really wants to be delivered from the hold of the occult must be prepared to commit his life entirely to Christ.

When a person is delivered from a state of occult subjection, he must withhold nothing in his life from the Lord. Those areas which are not surrendered to his Lord will soon be occupied again by the enemy.
If we have truly made Jesus Christ our Lord, then He will protect us from the lordship of others or secret sins. Our commitment cannot be half-hearted.

The occultly oppressed person must acknowledge and confess his participation in occult activity as sin, because such practices are indeed sinful before God and require confession (Deut. 18:9-12; 1 John 1:9). This confession must be voluntary, or it is worthless. The purpose of the confession is to bring into the light that which is occult (hidden, secret), as well as to renounce the horrid thing and put it away. Open confession of every single hidden thing in the life should be made, in order to remove the very last foothold of the enemy. This confession should not only cover the occult, but also every other area of departure from the Lord and His will in his life. Nothing should be allowed to build up or develop which may give the devil an opportunity to return (Eph. 4:27). A prayer renouncing everything occult is important.

Frequently, the subjected person finds it difficult to grasp the fact that his sins have been forgiven. A barrier seems to lie in his way. Therefore explain that he must pray the prayer of renunciation of the occult first of all. This is because every sin connected with sorcery is basically a contract with the powers of darkness. By means of sorcery, the archenemy of mankind gains the right of ownership over a person’s life.

The person may be unable to give this prayer, to bring his hands together to pray, or his lips or vocal chords may be unusable. He may fall into a trance when it comes to renouncing the devil. What should be done?

One can either command the evil powers to leave in the name of Jesus or else call some other Christian brothers to join him in praying for the subjected person.

Renunciation may be followed by a remarkable change for the better. But not everyone experiences such elated feeling after deliverance; yet the change of ownership is still valid no matter how one feels.
It is vital to assure the individual that in Christ his sins have been forgiven. No matter how bad a person’s sins may have been, they can be forgiven.

Scriptures may be read which will help him. These could include John 5:24; 6:47; 20:31; Galatians 1:4; Ephesians 1:7, 13-14; Colossians 1:14; 1 Peter 1:3-5, 18-19; Isaiah 53:4-7; 1 Peter 2:24; 1 John 1:7-9. All of these will be quoted in full at the end of this chapter.

Counseling should involve teamwork. The support of other Christians, church elders, etc. is important. Counseling the occultly oppressed is generally a matter of teamwork. The individual counselor is far too weak to take upon his own shoulders all the problems he will meet.

This is because people with occult subjection will often suffer their first attacks from the demons after they first seek to follow Christ and serve Him. In other words, the battle often does not begin until a person tries to receive Christ or actually does so.

Prayer will continue to be important afterward. Even after a person is delivered from the occult, he is still vulnerable. It is thus vital that a small group of Christians take upon themselves to continue to pray for him and care for him after his conversion. Many times a converted occultist has struggled tremendously because he could find no one in the church to help him.

If necessary, this group need only consist of two Christians. They should meet together two or three times a week for prayer. The best thing is for the subjected person to be present; yet this is not absolutely necessary. Neither is it necessary that the oppressed person have made an open confession before all the members of the group. His renunciation of the occult may only have been made before the counselor at the very start.

When a person is delivered from occult oppression, it is crucial that he grow as a Christian! Through the enabling grace of Christ, he must obey the Ten Commandments, the Moral Code which God gave to mankind. He must continually read in the Bible and submit to its teachings. He should fellowship with fellow Christians each week. He should know and share with others basic Christian doctrine and how to come to Christ and live with Him.

Sometimes it will be found that demons have returned into a person’s life; and, at this point, it seems the battle is greater. Very often this occurs when the liberated one leaves the Christian atmosphere and returns to a home where others are involved in occultism and sorcery.

Those who have been delivered from occult oppression and then returned to live in a spiritistic atmosphere never find real peace. It is best that those folk stay away from their parents or other relatives or former friends who they know are into occultism.

Warn them that anyone who fails to remain close to Christ and act on all that the Bible says for our protection will live in continuous danger of falling victim once more to the influence of the spirits who earlier left them.

Christian counselors and those they seek to help must keep in mind that the victory is won because of the power of Christ; through His enabling strength alone; to complete submission and obedience to His Written Word, the Bible and the Ten Commandments. We must believe God’s promises and act in faith, even in what may seem to be hopeless situations. But none are finally hopeless; for, with God, all things are possible—if, in his heart, the possessed person really wants to be delivered.

Furthermore, just because a battle may continue to rage is not evidence that the battle will be lost. Many times, in Biblical history and church history, spiritual battles have been undertaken which have required great endurance, perseverance, patience, and faith.

It is urgent that each of us remain close to Christ every day. Each person that seeks our prayers, encouragement and help is not just “another case,” but a special individual who we must earnestly pray for and help to come to Christ and His saving power.

As I conclude this book, I just learned of this incident: David Gates, a missionary to South America, met a warlock (male witch) in Georgia who told Gates that he did what people asked him to do. “They mainly ask me to get them someone else’s wife, and I can do it 100% of the time! I can take your wife away too!”

David replied, “No, you can’t; I’m a Christian.”

“Sure I can; I do it to lots of people, including some Christians.”

David replied, “You can’t touch me or my wife.”

“The warlock replied, “Yes, I can, and I’ll prove it to you: Do you go to the movies or watch soap operas on TV?”


“Do you listen to rock music?”


“Do you have novels in your home?”


“Well, then, you’re right; I can’t touch you.”

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