The Best Tv Series You Ever Watched?

I still prefer Claudius though.... I do
I have the DVD but I've never gotten around to watching it. I did watch the original BBC House of Cards though.

Cool...... now you like Bangles? do you like "Eternal Flame"? do you? I do :)

Sorry, never heard of the Bangles. I was too busy growing up. I'm filling in my cultural literacy by starting way back in time and moving forward. In terms of women artists I like the chicks who can belt out a tune. Hey, I did like "The Commitments" though.

The Boys from the Black Stuff, its about how Liverpool survived under the draconian jack boots of the witch thatcher.
The best series I have ever watched .............. I Claudius

Oh My Lord how good was that ..have you ever heard of it there in US my darlings?

The Roman Empire know? ....made by the BBC ...lots of culture....not your usual Kardashians shit...

anyway...that's my fab.

This is the best miniseries ever! The cast is fabulous with a script worthy of their talents.
In no particular order

1. Seinfeld
2. All in the Family
3. Twilight Zone
5. The Wire
6. NYPD Blue
7. Game of Thrones
Opps I forgot the Americans (amazing show!) and the Vikings (another will be classic)!

I know people love Breaking Bad and True Blood, but I never seen either of those shows.

1. Wire
2. Jericho (loved the show)
3. Game of Thrones
4. Walking Dead
5. Rome
6. SOA
6a. Vikings
6b. Americans

7. OZ
8. Sopranos
9. Seinfeld
10. Friends
11. Curb Your Enthusiasm
12. Spartacus
BREAKING BAD is so far beyond any other writing/acting/production I have ever seen. The next best would be X-FILES.

The funny thing is, great writing is not brain surgery. A talented writer knows how to tell a story in an interesting way without talking down to his audience. Knowing people in the business, I know it's usually the producer who will completely fuck up a great idea.
Nobody in America is interested in the Roman Empire??????????

I am leaving the room in disgust!:sad:

My God..... what a bunch we have here....:uhh:

I think I stated Rome (which I liked, but it ended too soon) and Spartacus (many people hated this show, since was a lot of the same, but I enjoyed it)!

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