The Benghazi Hearings.


Diamond Member
Oct 11, 2012
I watched the hearings yesterday, and there was no way that you could have called it anything but devastating to the incompetents in the incompetent cesspool of the Obama administration. But in the end after all the fireworks are over no one except us conservatives are going to give a damn about it.
It was very clear.that The State Dept is so hung up on Barack Hussain, that these Obammies won't give a hoot about any of it.

This whole bunch should be made to resign. This cover-up made Nixon's look like a walk in the Park. They ALL knew and heard what was going on for 6 hours and STILL the three of them Rice, Hillary and Obama lied a to the nation , and continued to for over a week!.
Lets hope that Paul Ryan gets this out tonight..and nails them all to the wall. ..
Yes, Bin Laden is dead, but so is Ambassador Stevens and 3 of his staffers!
I thought it was very telling when Norstrom said "For me the Taliban is on the inside of the building".
I was glued to the TV. They danced around so much, I'm surprised their feet didn't hurt when they got though. They did debunk the notion that the budget was cut, for that I'm grateful.

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