The Beast Is Starved: Welcome to the Next Great Depression


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
The Beast Is Starved: Welcome to the Next Great Depression | Common Dreams

News flash for all the debt mongers, Tea Partiers and other assorted ignoramuses. You can’t run a consumer-based economy when the vast majority of consumers don’t have enough money to buy anything. After all, Paris Hilton can only buy so many yachts; Corporate CEOs can only purchase so many jetliners – even with their special jet tax credits; and Wall Street traders can only buy so many Bugattis. But middle and working class Americans need to spend their money on food, lodging, and other necessities.

Here’s the dirty little secret: Republicans want the economy to fail. They want Obama to fail, and they don’t care who gets hurt in the process. They want these things, because the beast is in the bathtub and they can almost taste its demise.

The pieces are in place for the Plutocrats final victory … an industry friendly Supreme Court; a Democratic Party that is either in collusion with the plutocrats, or so cowardly as to be neutered; a press that reports outlandish lies and objective facts as if they were equivalent; and a public that is dazed and confused and convinced the government is their enemy.
Yes, we can't survive on this consumer, debt based economic system. One thing I agree with that article is that we do indeed have a jobs crisis. Our trade deficits are an alarming indicator of this. Plus look at the cloths on everyone's back FE, Made in China, Made in South America. That shit should be manufactured in the US. We need a productive manufacturing economy again. That way we can have the tax revenue to pay off our debts.
The Beast Is Starved: Welcome to the Next Great Depression | Common Dreams

News flash for all the debt mongers, Tea Partiers and other assorted ignoramuses. You can’t run a consumer-based economy when the vast majority of consumers don’t have enough money to buy anything. After all, Paris Hilton can only buy so many yachts; Corporate CEOs can only purchase so many jetliners – even with their special jet tax credits; and Wall Street traders can only buy so many Bugattis. But middle and working class Americans need to spend their money on food, lodging, and other necessities.

Here’s the dirty little secret: Republicans want the economy to fail. They want Obama to fail, and they don’t care who gets hurt in the process. They want these things, because the beast is in the bathtub and they can almost taste its demise.

The pieces are in place for the Plutocrats final victory … an industry friendly Supreme Court; a Democratic Party that is either in collusion with the plutocrats, or so cowardly as to be neutered; a press that reports outlandish lies and objective facts as if they were equivalent; and a public that is dazed and confused and convinced the government is their enemy.

And here we go; the left says they want a debate but tell anyone who actually disagrees to shut up, and they go all the way to deligitimize first amendment protected speech. They believe the first amendment only protects talking dirty, etc.

John F Kerry just said it, Charles Schumer said it, others of the Dem party have just said it. Just when we are really ready for a real debate, they say shut up; stop holding a gun to our heads, terrorists!!!

John F Kerry:
And I have to tell you, I say this to you politely. The media in America has a bigger responsibility than it’s exercising today. The media has got to begin to not give equal time or equal balance to an absolutely absurd notion just because somebody asserts it or simply because somebody says something which everybody knows is not factual.

It doesn’t deserve the same credit as a legitimate idea about what you do. And the problem is everything is put into this tit-for-tat equal battle and America is losing any sense of what’s real, of who’s accountable, of who is not accountable, of who’s real, who isn’t, who’s serious, who isn’t?

(In other words, he thinks its time for the media to start ignoring the Tea Party. Savor the pure, incomprehensible lunacy of his opening, too)

I mean, we literally, I mean, everybody’s talked about it, yes. The Congress was taken hostage, the country, the economy was taken hostage. You had people there who were literally ready to cut the baby in half. I mean, I’ve heard a lot of criticism of the President, and frankly, the President had no choice here. Congress had no choice here. We did the same thing the President had to do, which is save America from default.

Because a default would have been far more disastrous. And what we had were a group of people who were completely unaware, or didn’t understand, the consequences of their actions, who were actually arguing for a default.

Lies, nonsense, and a call for depriving citizens of freedom of speech.
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The problem is not under consumption and lack of consumer spending. Preceding the depression, consumers were spending more than ever, so much so we were going in debt. Prior to the Great Depression, wages were rising and people had more purchasing power than ever.

Not to mention that the industries least affected by both this recession and the great depression were industries based in consumer goods. The industries hurt are those based in capital goods (construction, raw materials, etc).

As for the article's mention of corporatism...that is not free market capitalism. It was Obama who bailed out the banks and big business, engaging in the very corporate welfare the Tea Party is against and this article seems to dislike as well. Corporatism is not Capitalism. Underconsumption does not cause crisis.

The business cycle is caused by artificial lowering of the interest rates, signalling that people are saving more. Obviously, this is not what has happened. Malinvestment has to be liquidated. Recovery will never occur until this happens, and that is precisely what Hoover and FDR prevented from happening for over a decade, and what Obama and progressives are doing now---repeating the same terrible mistakes.

The depression of 1921 ended in one year. No stimulus, bailouts, tax hikes, or increased government regulations were present, in fact it was more the opposite. The problem is not that we aren't doing enough, the problem is we are doing far too much.
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The DC whores were bought by Wall Street to move 14,000 factories overseas, that translates to 3,000,000 manufacturing jobs lost. Now they are looking for "jobs" and wasting tax dollars chasing "jobs".
Until the DC clowns get Wall Street to end "short selling" and get Corporations to expand here in the US...then again look what happened to Boeing building a $1-billion plant in SC...its a lost cause...nevermind the DC whores are morons....
The Beast Is Starved: Welcome to the Next Great Depression | Common Dreams

News flash for all the debt mongers, Tea Partiers and other assorted ignoramuses. You can’t run a consumer-based economy when the vast majority of consumers don’t have enough money to buy anything. After all, Paris Hilton can only buy so many yachts; Corporate CEOs can only purchase so many jetliners – even with their special jet tax credits; and Wall Street traders can only buy so many Bugattis. But middle and working class Americans need to spend their money on food, lodging, and other necessities.

Here’s the dirty little secret: Republicans want the economy to fail. They want Obama to fail, and they don’t care who gets hurt in the process. They want these things, because the beast is in the bathtub and they can almost taste its demise.

The pieces are in place for the Plutocrats final victory … an industry friendly Supreme Court; a Democratic Party that is either in collusion with the plutocrats, or so cowardly as to be neutered; a press that reports outlandish lies and objective facts as if they were equivalent; and a public that is dazed and confused and convinced the government is their enemy.

Just curious. Ever had an original thought of your own? You post biased source after biased source.
The Beast Is Starved: Welcome to the Next Great Depression | Common Dreams

News flash for all the debt mongers, Tea Partiers and other assorted ignoramuses. You can’t run a consumer-based economy when the vast majority of consumers don’t have enough money to buy anything. After all, Paris Hilton can only buy so many yachts; Corporate CEOs can only purchase so many jetliners – even with their special jet tax credits; and Wall Street traders can only buy so many Bugattis. But middle and working class Americans need to spend their money on food, lodging, and other necessities.

Here’s the dirty little secret: Republicans want the economy to fail. They want Obama to fail, and they don’t care who gets hurt in the process. They want these things, because the beast is in the bathtub and they can almost taste its demise.

The pieces are in place for the Plutocrats final victory … an industry friendly Supreme Court; a Democratic Party that is either in collusion with the plutocrats, or so cowardly as to be neutered; a press that reports outlandish lies and objective facts as if they were equivalent; and a public that is dazed and confused and convinced the government is their enemy.

Just curious. Ever had an original thought of your own? You post biased source after biased source.

You noticed that too, huh? :lol:

Original thought requires critical thinking. Critical thinking is a right wing concept.... according to the drooling hordes on the left. :lol:
The Beast Is Starved: Welcome to the Next Great Depression | Common Dreams

News flash for all the debt mongers, Tea Partiers and other assorted ignoramuses. You can’t run a consumer-based economy when the vast majority of consumers don’t have enough money to buy anything. After all, Paris Hilton can only buy so many yachts; Corporate CEOs can only purchase so many jetliners – even with their special jet tax credits; and Wall Street traders can only buy so many Bugattis. But middle and working class Americans need to spend their money on food, lodging, and other necessities.

Here’s the dirty little secret: Republicans want the economy to fail. They want Obama to fail, and they don’t care who gets hurt in the process. They want these things, because the beast is in the bathtub and they can almost taste its demise.

The pieces are in place for the Plutocrats final victory … an industry friendly Supreme Court; a Democratic Party that is either in collusion with the plutocrats, or so cowardly as to be neutered; a press that reports outlandish lies and objective facts as if they were equivalent; and a public that is dazed and confused and convinced the government is their enemy.

If Obama fails the economy won't.
The problem is not under consumption and lack of consumer spending. Preceding the depression, consumers were spending more than ever, so much so we were going in debt. Prior to the Great Depression, wages were rising and people had more purchasing power than ever.

Not to mention that the industries least affected by both this recession and the great depression were industries based in consumer goods. The industries hurt are those based in capital goods (construction, raw materials, etc).

As for the article's mention of corporatism...that is not free market capitalism. It was Obama who bailed out the banks and bug business, engaging in the very corporate welfare the Tea Party is against and this article seems to dislike as well. Corporatism is not Capitalism. Underconsumption does not cause crisis.

The business cycle is caused by artificial lowering of the interest rates, signalling that people are saving more. Obviously, this is not what has happened. Malinvestment has to be liquidated. Recovery will never occur until this happens, and that is precisely what Hoover and FDR prevented from happening for over a decade, and what Obama and progressives are doing now---repeating the same terrible mistakes.

The depression of 1921 ended in one year. No stimulus, bailouts, tax hikes, or increased government regulations were present, in fact it was more the opposite. The problem is not that we aren't doing enough, the problem is we are doing far too much.

Who in the hell keeps their beast in the bathtub? I have a cage for mine.
The Beast Is Starved: Welcome to the Next Great Depression | Common Dreams

News flash for all the debt mongers, Tea Partiers and other assorted ignoramuses. You can’t run a consumer-based economy when the vast majority of consumers don’t have enough money to buy anything. After all, Paris Hilton can only buy so many yachts; Corporate CEOs can only purchase so many jetliners – even with their special jet tax credits; and Wall Street traders can only buy so many Bugattis. But middle and working class Americans need to spend their money on food, lodging, and other necessities.

Here’s the dirty little secret: Republicans want the economy to fail. They want Obama to fail, and they don’t care who gets hurt in the process. They want these things, because the beast is in the bathtub and they can almost taste its demise.

The pieces are in place for the Plutocrats final victory … an industry friendly Supreme Court; a Democratic Party that is either in collusion with the plutocrats, or so cowardly as to be neutered; a press that reports outlandish lies and objective facts as if they were equivalent; and a public that is dazed and confused and convinced the government is their enemy.
Excellent piece from Common Dreams, thanks.

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