The Battle Of Athen's


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
This may well have been the MOST important fight for voting rights and freedom in the 20th century. Just a small hick town in the south POST WW2. Democrats had taken control of the town through fear and death. It was a normal democratic party thing to take and change ballot boxes.

A group of men that had returned from WW2 VETS took their GUNS and formed a MILITIA and took back their town AND their voting rights. This is a TRUE story and right here in America and MANY of those very vets are alive today.

This video SHOULD be shown in every class room in America. Americans WITH GUN RIGHTS re-took their freedom and the freedom of choice for that ENTIRE town that day AWAY from the OPPRESSIVE democrat run government.

THIS is the very reason WHY you have the 2A and THIS is the very reason you need to PROTECT the 2A. Because without it your done. Short film {12 mins} documented history book backed FACTS. Democrats will lie, cheat, steal or swindle to attain OR keep power.

Athens IS a reflection of what they have in mind for today on a national level.
Fraud and corruption are nothing new to a democrat. They just re-package it and give it a new name. It's currently named Hillary.
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They were your basic southern born racist democrats. Conservative is how you handle money MORON not a party.

A 'Conservative' is one who wants to keep the Country as the Founding Fathers created it -- A Republic. A Representative Republic.

"Progressives'' wish to change that. They wish to have one-party-rule, they want to change the electoral College, they want to change the Senate, they want us to be socialist and not capitalist, they want to secede from the Union, they want Central Planning instead of individual liberty, etc, etc.

Conservatives want to keep the Constitution as the paramount Law of The Land.

dimocrap scum, aka; Progressives, want us to believe it is a 'living document'

dimocrap scum, 'progressives' want to ignore the 2nd Amendment.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

That's all you need to know
That's the new spin for their puppet masters. To tarnish conservativism it must now be linked to any racist act in the history of man. Anything good that ever happened was naturally due to being liberal.
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Those Democrats were conservatives, moron.
That town was run by democrats idiot, southern DEMOCRATS.

Yeah, who were conservatives, who were the political predecessors to the southern conservative Republicans who now dominate the South.
Are you going to start with that age old shit for brains argument that racists went republican? The bombings the burnings the lynchings STOPPED because PRACTICE changed because THOUGHTS change.

IF and I say IF YOUR argument were true then where are the BOMBINGS the FIRES the KILLING today? There was NO switching of sides NONE.

There WAS a change in practice and the TYPICAL BIGOTED RACIST DEMOCRAT lost. THAT is why those states are turning RED not that spoon fed drivel you claim. IDIOT.
That's the new spin for their puppet masters. To tarnish conservativism it must now be linked to any racist act in the history of man. Anything good that ever happened was naturally due to being liberal.
Such acts will be linked to those did them. They were conservatives, as were the men who took the town back.
Are you going to start with that age old shit for brains argument that racists went republican? The bombings the burnings the lynchings STOPPED because PRACTICE changed because THOUGHTS change.
The bombings, lynchings, and discrimination stopped because the federal government stepped in.
Are you going to start with that age old shit for brains argument that racists went republican? The bombings the burnings the lynchings STOPPED because PRACTICE changed because THOUGHTS change.
The bombings, lynchings, and discrimination stopped because the federal government stepped in.
Laws cannot change behavior. Only people can.
Are you going to start with that age old shit for brains argument that racists went republican? The bombings the burnings the lynchings STOPPED because PRACTICE changed because THOUGHTS change.
The bombings, lynchings, and discrimination stopped because the federal government stepped in.
Laws cannot change behavior. Only people can.
Laws most certainly can and did change behaviors through aggressive enforcement. The federal government came down on those assholes like a sack of hammers.
Ahhh, another dorky-fuzzzle thread where he is already screaming his head off by the 9th posting. I am shocked.

BTW, NYcarbineer is right.
NO she is NOT. They town was controlled by democrats. The voting boxes were STOLEN by democrats. Democrats SHOT a man in order to STEAL them.

Bold and caps doesn't not make your drivel any more interesting, that much is for such, dorky-fuzzle. What NCcarbineer was saying, that went in one ear, through your wind-tunnel and then out the other ear, is that the Democrats of that time of whom you speak were conservatives, for the Democratic Party in those southern states was the more conservative party. Ever hear of Nixon's Southern State Strategy? It's not fiction, you know. Those White racist Conservatives from the South back then would be or are White Racist conservative Republicans in the South today.

See how that works, dorky-fuzzlenut?
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What point do you rubes think you are making when you harp about the party affiliation of people from 60 or 150 years ago? Are you really so stupid as to think this means something about modern day Democrats?

The geographical area you are talking about is now deep red, and still has a lot of the same racist and bigoted attitudes those old Democrats had. The modern day Southern red state Republicans are the spiritual and political descendants of those long ago racist Democrats.

Just run down the checklist and see. States rights fanatics? Check. Hate the federal government? Check. Hate commies? Check. Hate fags? Check. Hate negroes? Check. Hate Mexicans? Check. Love guns? Check. Love Jesus? Check.

The truth hurts sometimes. Don't deal with it by manufacturing delusions. Face it head on, and start kicking the racist, bigoted bastards infecting our party to the curb. Keep the good stuff, throw out the bad stuff. Don't be fucking retards and think you have to hold onto both to keep the good stuff. Separate the men from the inbred good old boys.
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Are you going to start with that age old shit for brains argument that racists went republican? The bombings the burnings the lynchings STOPPED because PRACTICE changed because THOUGHTS change.
The bombings, lynchings, and discrimination stopped because the federal government stepped in.
Laws cannot change behavior. Only people can.
Laws most certainly can and did change behaviors through aggressive enforcement. The federal government came down on those assholes like a sack of hammers.
Tell it to the two dead cops in New York with it's gun laws okay?
It's BS.

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