The Battle Of Athen's

Uh, which states are you kicking, again?

You know I wonder IF your siggy being a LINK out to another social site is a problem? You PANDER much?

A campaign website is not a social website. It's a political website, but without threads like a forum and is therefore allowed as a link. But if you are so sure you are right :lol:, please, dorkyfuzzlenuts, report it, report it, report it!

"If the Siggy doesn't fit, then you must acquit!!"
It's a fund raising web site. You are re-directing members there to fund YOUR cause.

It's a campaign website, the official website for Hillary Clinton's White House bid, and those links are allowed. I am redirecting nothing. It's your choice whether to click or not.

What the fuck, are you a Conservative or not? Do you have balls in your pants, or not? (Uh, please don't answer that one). Ever heard of personal liberty, dorky-fuzzlebug? It means you don't have to click on anything your little pussy-boy heart does not want to click on.

See how that works?
Why would I report you to this site when it's a federal election violation that I HAVE reported to the Federal election group? See YOUR not listed HERE as a money raiser for Clinton and you have NO disclaimer for doing such. But you ARE doing it.







And just for fun, here is the OP title (yes, another Grammy candidate, I am sure):

The Battle Of Athen's

Please, y'all, notice the apostrophe.

So, the battle of Athen's what, precisely?

Athen's big-toe?
Athen's free parking?
Athen's colliseum?
Athen's VD-clinic?

Inquiring minds want to know.
And just for fun, here is the OP title (yes, another Grammy candidate, I am sure):

The Battle Of Athen's

Please, y'all, notice the apostrophe.

So, the battle of Athen's what, precisely?

Athen's big-toe?
Athen's free parking?
Athen's colliseum?
Athen's VD-clinic?

Inquiring minds want to know.
I'm DONE with you. The LAST thing I need is to be tied to a federal election law violation. BYE!
And just for fun, here is the OP title (yes, another Grammy candidate, I am sure):

The Battle Of Athen's

Please, y'all, notice the apostrophe.

So, the battle of Athen's what, precisely?

Athen's big-toe?
Athen's free parking?
Athen's colliseum?
Athen's VD-clinic?

Inquiring minds want to know.
I'm DONE with you. The LAST thing I need is to be tied to a federal election law violation. BYE!

Kneads moar Uhmbrayge!!!

You were done with me last week too, l'il slugger.

Looks like you're "done" a lot!
This may well have been the MOST important fight for voting rights and freedom in the 20th century. Just a small hick town in the south POST WW2. Democrats had taken control of the town through fear and death. It was a normal democratic party thing to take and change ballot boxes.

A group of men that had returned from WW2 VETS took their GUNS and formed a MILITIA and took back their town AND their voting rights. This is a TRUE story and right here in America and MANY of those very vets are alive today.

This video SHOULD be shown in every class room in America. Americans WITH GUN RIGHTS re-took their freedom and the freedom of choice for that ENTIRE town that day AWAY from the OPPRESSIVE democrat run government.

THIS is the very reason WHY you have the 2A and THIS is the very reason you need to PROTECT the 2A. Because without it your done. Short film {12 mins} documented history book backed FACTS. Democrats will lie, cheat, steal or swindle to attain OR keep power.

Athens IS a reflection of what they have in mind for today on a national level.
Fraud and corruption are nothing new to a democrat. They just re-package it and give it a new name. It's currently named Hillary.

Since when is Athens spelled with an apostrophe?
This may well have been the MOST important fight for voting rights and freedom in the 20th century. Just a small hick town in the south POST WW2. Democrats had taken control of the town through fear and death. It was a normal democratic party thing to take and change ballot boxes.

Oh, guy, a bunch of drunks threw out their government, and then didn't have any clue how to run Mayberry, so they got Sherif Taylor back and everyone said, Oh, Shucks.
This may well have been the MOST important fight for voting rights and freedom in the 20th century. Just a small hick town in the south POST WW2. Democrats had taken control of the town through fear and death. It was a normal democratic party thing to take and change ballot boxes.

Oh, guy, a bunch of drunks threw out their government, and then didn't have any clue how to run Mayberry, so they got Sherif Taylor back and everyone said, Oh, Shucks.
Guess you are to stupid to watch a video. Any members out there have coloring books for JoeB131?
This may well have been the MOST important fight for voting rights and freedom in the 20th century. Just a small hick town in the south POST WW2. Democrats had taken control of the town through fear and death. It was a normal democratic party thing to take and change ballot boxes.

Oh, guy, a bunch of drunks threw out their government, and then didn't have any clue how to run Mayberry, so they got Sherif Taylor back and everyone said, Oh, Shucks.
Very ignorant lil joey.

See my post earlier in the thread.

You have no clue.
This is at least the second time around for Athens, and isn't it time for Hitler was a socialist again?
That's the new spin for their puppet masters. To tarnish conservativism it must now be linked to any racist act in the history of man. Anything good that ever happened was naturally due to being liberal.

That is why they imposed Common Core on students, so they can re-write history once and for all. Liberal professors have done it for years and now the left has made sure that children begin their indoctrination from the time they start kindergarten. Too many today are ignorant of history and that is how Dems like it.

They have to rewrite their sordid past or people would catch on to their real goals and realize that nothing has changed. From their plot to enslave the minorities in a way that seems much kinder to the way they want minorities to abort their babies to prevent them from becoming a majority or even half the population, the goals of the left have remained the same. Looking back at what Dems said, you see they still feel the same way only they sugarcoat things so people will accept them easier. They just rename their racist policies to make them sound benevolent. They were right about getting blacks hooked on government dependence because it has caused them to continue voting Democrat. It has worked well, unfortunately.

Encouraging dependency in a way that creates more poor people is called helping the poor. Encouraging abortions to keep the population, especially the minority population, in check is called freedom of choice. They tell poor people that wealthy people are the reason they are poor.

The left is using people, especially minorities to gain and keep power. They continue with their efforts to dumb down the masses, keep them dependent and they ridicule anyone who catches on and calls them out for it. They claim everything they do is for the greater good, but the only ones who have really benefitted are themselves.
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Telling the entire story is not is not being a democrat or a republican. It is being a good American who wants the best for every American student. Go read some George Will if you need some conservative counsel on this issue.
You ask most dimocrap scum why there was a Civil War and most of them won't even know. Yes, they ARE that stupid.

The facts are, the DEMOCRAT South wanted to keep and maintain the Institution of Slavery while the North was adamantly AGAINST Slavery and had been since the Country's founding. We had outlawed slavery in our State Constitutions before there was a USA

The Republican Party was formed as an Abolitionist movement,

None of this really bothered the DEMOCRAT SLAVERS except for one minor detail --


That, lying knob-gobbling dimocrap scum, is just the FACTS.

The DEMOCRAT SOUTH saw this, they saw the Country going steadily against Slavery and they wanted to preserve the institution of Slavery for themselves, while Republicans wanted to preserve the Constitution of The United States and maintain the Right to Amend the Constitution.

So dimocrap scum seceded. Why? Are you stupid fucks following this?


And to do that, they need to be PROGRESSIVE and start a new Country -- The Confederate States of America.

While the Republicans wanted to Preserve The United States of America and its Constitution.

dimocrap filth are no different today than they were 150 years ago.

They want to tell you how to live, what to eat, who you can bake a cake for, what weddings you must cater for and if you don't?

They are more than willing to use the full power and FORCE of the Police State against you.

IOW, dimocrap scum want to return to the days when the only reason you needed to obey them is because, they fucking say so.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth, people. They are the SAME people who enslaved Blacks 150 years ago. Exactly the same.

Except now, they enslave in the Inner Cities instead of on the Plantation.
Well, that is one version, a very slanted version, but, hey, Edge, is a concrete learner, so let him go with that.

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