The Balance of Powers Act – How People Are Destroyed For Lack of Knowledge


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Jul 11, 2004
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March 22, 2013 · By Publius Huldah · 0 Comments

Our own Ignorance is destroying us. Mark Twain wrote in his autobiography:

“In religion and politics people’s beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second-hand, and without examination, from authorities who have not themselves examined the questions at issue but have taken them at second-hand from other non-examiners, whose opinions about them were not worth a brass farthing.”

That is what has been going on in our Country for a very long time. Our “intellectuals” can’t think; our “scholars” parrot each other; the self-educated fixate on idiotic theories; no one studies original source writings; and The People jump on every bandwagon that rolls by.

In order to write intelligently on our Constitution, one needs to have studied and understood the original source writings of our Framers. No matter what your educational level, if you don’t know what is in our Declaration of Independence and federal Constitution; and if you are not familiar from personal study with The Federalist Papers, The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions of 1798, Madison’s Report on the Virginia Resolutions (1799-1800), and Madison’s Notes on Nullification (1834), among other original source writings, then you have no business writing about these issues.

But we are flooded with rubbish about the Constitution put out by law professors, history professors, Ph.Ds. of this or that, Heritage Foundation, those with no academic qualifications, and politicians. And none of them know what they are talking about!

And The People read their rubbish and believe it.

One of many such writings which plague us is the Balance of Powers Act (“BOPA”). 1

All of it here
So...we're all stupid because we don't go back to understand the actual source documents and such?

Yet, here YOU are parroting something from the North American Law Center. Aren't you doing the very same thing you're criticizing others for doing?

Who IS the North American Law Center? What do you know about them? How do you know they are trustworthy? Why are you posting their take on something and not your own?

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