The astounding difference between what the preacher said and what Jesus said:


Nov 17, 2011
The preacher said "accept Christ and you will go to heaven, no matter what sins you committed in the past"
But by the power infested in me by the lord Jesus Christ, I say to you the following:
It takes a little more, but not a lot more: all you have to do, is recite the following speech on video and share it with all your friends, then you will be saved:

Animals and Decent people. I am speaking to you not because I want to get elected, not because I need attention or popularity, not to ask for donations or try to sell you anything. I am speaking because I hate the injustice, because I do not want to be led by hypocrites who can only apeal to one side, at the expense of oppressing the other side. I am speaking because I do not want to hear, that my government is in debt, to the likes of international monetary chief Straus Khann who is also a serial rapist, and other criminals who rape nation after nation. And because I am not happy that my government has a better health care, at the cost of the tax payers, then the tax payers themselves.

I am not speaking because I am not happy with my life, I am, happy with my life... but I know, that if we do nothing, then they, the government in debt, will come after all of us, just like a crack whore, who is desperate to pay for her coccaine.
And government free from special interests, can very easily fix the economy, health care, retirement for the elderly, bring peace, reduce crime, get people off welfare, including corporate welfare and so on, without having to steal from the working class, business class, or the investor class, but by simply, eliminating the ability, for special interests, to steal from us all.

I am speaking because I know exactly what the problem and the solution is:There is nothing wrong with money making money or with capitalism, the problem is money buying our politicians. it is a huge problem: they set up trade agreements with countries such as China, which has a completely different set of rules and regulations, they passed laws, so that now people need thousand dollar doctor visits, just to get a prescription, to buy something as simple as eye drops - There is no longer a balance of power, because big money, now fully controls both sides of the political circus. And all those people on the establishment media, including the so called independent networks, independent mvements, who are exposing government fraud, all of them have something in common: their careers and money: if they are not seeking to become career politicians, they are seeking to establish themselves as a news source where they can run adds and make money, if they are not seeking that, they are asking for donations for their cause, or trying to sell us a book, about corruption. But if this political industry would come together to end the corruption, they would put themselves out of business, and they would not have new customers like regular businesses

Today we have internet and cell phones - what money can we need to end the corruption? what establishment media publicity can we need to gain recognition if we have any real ideas? This establishment media in politics is a prostitute stage, where only the candidates who are backed by big money, the special interests, the criminals have a chance to come up on stage, and tell us all how they care about the middle class to get votes, and how they are not part of the establishment. but their hands are tied by these people, and all they can do is accuse each other. for that reason, we must disreguard and disqualify any candidates who participated on CNN, FOXNEWS or MSNBC debates. use your phones and your internet to share this message, use your shirts and your bumper stickers to write the words print pamphlets, and hang them around your neighborhood. because it is our unity that will defeat them in elections. be proud to show to the people around you, that you are against their hypocrisy, just like some people are still proud to wave an American flag. do not betray your neighbor by voting for the lesser of two evils presented to you by the same old establishment media, because the whole purpose of elections is to replace the establishment. replace the people who get too comfortable.

HERE.. IS.. THE SOLUTION... we will elect all new politicians this November 4th. The stage is set. All political industry candidates, will be defeated. This is possible, and the only way - This is possible, because the media will not tell you this, but 94% of American voters who vote for democrats and republicans, (out of about 30% who even bother to vote in the first place) vote not so much for the candidate, but against the candidate. they vote for the lesser of two evils. And only a united leadership will be able to fulfill their campaign promisses, instead of blaming left and right for blocking their ideas. will consist of 435 candidates for congress, one in each district, 100 candidates for senate two in each state, a presidential and vice presidential candidate. these candidates will not campaign blaming left and right, they will not focus on gay rights, climate changes, tax rates or the middle east. because we don't need division. candidates will instead each make the following oath on video, before elections

- I will only serve one 4 year term and then never serve in government again.
- I will not accept any gifts or donations for my campaign from anyone
- I will unconditionally vote for the following 5 laws immediately once elected:
In order to end the criminal monopoly of influence, using money, Create national political media outlet, for the sole purpose of political debates - this will cost tax payers nothing as it will be run by volunteers who will be elected and replaced by the people, just like politicians. they will be considered government officials, and will be upheld to the same bribery law listed below. presence of this media outlet will be made known as follows:
A law that requires any private media outlet that wants to have the right to broadcast any political debate, to air 10 second ads on their radio or television, or, 2"x2" ads on their web sites or news papers, stating the following: "WARNING: being mislead by propaganda on the special interest controlled news media, can be brainwashing, and dangerous to your society, you can alternatively watch the political coverage on a national political media"
Law that makes it a crime, for any special interest lobbyists or anyone else to make any contributions to public officials. and, for public officials to accept any money or gifts, because public officials, are supposed to represent everyone equally - they are not businesses, they can not be turned into prostitutes, they have nothing to sell but humans. children. elderly.
Set up an internet voting system in all parts of the nation, so that each vote can be easily registered and verified.
Implement negative voting, in all elections, in order to offset any propaganda attempts for any candidate. each voter gets one for vote, as well as one against vote. so that we have a choice to vote against a candidate, if we feel he was overly publicized by special interests, targeting all the ignorant and stupid voters
With these laws in place, the balance of power will return, the government will once against be able to represent justice instead of special interests who bribe them. without justice, we are animals, and animals are eaten and abused. I do not have the money or connections to be in your face in front of millions like the people on television, but I did all I can, to try to get through to you, and I am asking you to become an activist to get this message out, starting right now. because it is our unity which will defeat them in elections.
You have power infested in you? Maybe you should call an exterminator...
Is this politics or theology--can't really tell. Can one of you guys help me in understanding the op??

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