Christians need to know the difference between acceptance and tolerance


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
They are not the fucking same, I don't have to accept Christians and Christian behavior in order to be tolerant of it. If I don't harass, bother, discriminate, or physically assault anyone and treat them with respect when I do have to interact with them I am being tolerant. Get over it and stop trying to force people to accept your bullshit.
They are not the fucking same, I don't have to accept Christians and Christian behavior in order to be tolerant of it. If I don't harass, bother, discriminate, or physically assault anyone and treat them with respect when I do have to interact with them I am being tolerant. Get over it and stop trying to force people to accept your bullshit.

Who the fuck is forcing you to partake in any religion or accept any idea???

You don't have to partake in ANY religious activity - you have free will.

You have the RIGHT NOT to partake in religious activities just like others have the RIGHT to partake in those same activities.

Quite frankly this comes down to you somehow believing you have some sort of right to not be offended.... You ever think for a second that your position on religion offends others?

Quite frankly people like you are selfish self-centered assholes.... You think society should bow to your beliefs or lack of beliefs.... Then you fuckers have the audacity to talk about "reason" when you cant even see you're a bunch of unreasonable hypocrites?
They are not the fucking same, I don't have to accept Christians and Christian behavior in order to be tolerant of it. If I don't harass, bother, discriminate, or physically assault anyone and treat them with respect when I do have to interact with them I am being tolerant. Get over it and stop trying to force people to accept your bullshit.

Who the fuck is forcing you to partake in any religion or accept any idea???

You don't have to partake in ANY religious activity - you have free will.

You have the RIGHT NOT to partake in religious activities just like others have the RIGHT to partake in those same activities.

Quite frankly this comes down to you somehow believing you have some sort of right to not be offended.... You ever think for a second that your position on religion offends others?

Quite frankly people like you are selfish self-centered assholes.... You think society should bow to your beliefs or lack of beliefs.... Then you fuckers have the audacity to talk about "reason" when you cant even see you're a bunch of unreasonable hypocrites?
They are not the fucking same, I don't have to accept Christians and Christian behavior in order to be tolerant of it. If I don't harass, bother, discriminate, or physically assault anyone and treat them with respect when I do have to interact with them I am being tolerant. Get over it and stop trying to force people to accept your bullshit.

I know what you are getting at here….

Asking Christians to accept that gays are out there and to tolerate them is no biggie, and if I am not mistaken we have done just that.

It seems to me that Christians are now being asked, rather demanded, to endorse them and their lifestyle… this is what was expected of Dan Cathy and his company, Chic Fil A. When he didn’t do that, and instead said he supported traditional marriage, he and his company was attacked by several gov’t officials.

I didn’t see Cathy attack, harass, bother, discriminate, or physically assault anyone…. And he was still attacked by gays and the left.

A play on your words:
When we encounter gays we treat them with respect and when we do have to interact with them we are tolerant.

Get over it and stop trying to force people to endorse your bullshit.
Christians feel the same way about the left, and the left's support of same sex marriage.

Perhaps both sides should not try to impose their beliefs on anyone else.

It's fine if you have one
It's fine if you're proud of it
But please don't whip it out in public and start waving it around
And please don't try to shove it down my throat.

Kind of like those little crosses Christians wear around their necks? Or Tebowing....don't get me started. :eusa_hand:

I'm perfectly fine if people want to wear religious symbols or of some football player wants to thank god for every touch down.


As long as they aren't asking me to join in, they can do as they please.
IMO Liberal progressives think tolerance and acceptance are the same thing more than any other group.
It's fine if you have one
It's fine if you're proud of it
But please don't whip it out in public and start waving it around
And please don't try to shove it down my throat.

Kind of like those little crosses Christians wear around their necks? Or Tebowing....don't get me started. :eusa_hand:

I'm perfectly fine if people want to wear religious symbols or of some football player wants to thank god for every touch down.


As long as they aren't asking me to join in, they can do as they please.

Exactly. That's how it should be.
Last I checked no one was trying to force people to convert to Christianity and no one was trying to force people to get gay married.

Not the point of the thread.

The point is that tolerance and acceptance are two very different things but have come to mean the same thing to some
Last I checked no one was trying to force people to convert to Christianity and no one was trying to force people to get gay married.

No... the left just wants Christians to start endorsing their sex habits and to endorse gay marriage.

If you don't believe me...
Look at how Dan Cathy was treated by several liberal Democratic mayors… it was un-American what those men did to him.

Its not enough to accept it and to tolerate it...
In our modern world, Christians have to understand that they are a prominent religion, but not the only religion. Religion is a choice, but there should not be campaigning like "Tebowing". Also, Christians should not thrust their views on anyone. I've never seen any Jewish people thrusting their religion on people.

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