The annexation of the GDR is illegal


Gold Member
Aug 22, 2021
FRG did not have the right to cancel the constitution of the GDR. According to the constitution of the GDR, the decision to join could have only one legal path - a referendum.

There is no de jure united Germany
FRG did not have the right to cancel the constitution of the GDR. According to the constitution of the GDR, the decision to join could have only one legal path - a referendum.

There is no de jure united Germany
Well, good luck with that. Maybe you should take it up with the UN.

Is there any particular reason you're mourning the demise of a totalitarian communist nation?
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Nobody gave me a name
Conceived in haste and without seed.

Mother who never gave birth to me
Tonight I swore
I'll give her sickness
And after that I'll drown in the river
Are you signing up for the East German Freedom Fighters? What is your choice of weapon?
Yes, I am for the liberation of "German" lands, and the complete destruction of German imperialism in all forms.

I would have preferred guerrilla warfare in the style of special operations. But first I would support the rebels of Polish Spring.
Just a nice song:

Germany has never had a real professional army, and now there is none at all.
They always used fortress archers, who were stretched along the front for hundreds of kilometers. Huge masses of slaves.

They got professional SS troops and armored vehicles from Free Austria-Hungary, which was supplied by the USA, for the sake of Freedom. The directly German army of the Prussian model is the Wehrmacht. Untrained unprofessional obedient slaves.
"The risk of Germany's deindustrialization is 'very high' due to 'problematic' energy transition" - CEO of German TNC Voith Group

The 2020s will remain in history as the Euromasochistic ones, when crazy "greens" under the influence of Washington religiously destroyed the continent's economy
FRG did not have the right to cancel the constitution of the GDR. According to the constitution of the GDR, the decision to join could have only one legal path - a referendum.

There is no de jure united Germany

Um Himmels Willen. Haben wir etwas falsch gemacht? Das tut uns aber leid! Will Putin sein DDR zurück damit er dort wieder mal ein paar Leute foltern darf? Aber klar doch. Gerne. Wann sagtest Du beabsichtigt Putin Deutschland zu besuchen? Dürfen wir ein paar Polizisten zu Verfügung stellen die ihn dann bis zum international Gerichthof bringen werden damit dem guten armen alten Mann und Massenmörder auf dem Weg dahin nichts böses geschieht?

(For heaven's sake. Did we do something wrong? We are sorry about that! Does Putin want his GDR back so that he can torture a few people there again? Of course. Gladly. When did you say Putin intends to visit Germany? May we provide a few policemen who will then take him to the international court so that nothing bad happens to the good poor old man and mass murderer on the way there?)
Germany has never had a real professional army, and now there is none at all. ...

Doesn't make any matter. Latest you will see what will go on when a flying German machine will tatoo "What an idiot" onto your forehead in all 24 languages of the EU while you sleep in your bunker.

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"The risk of Germany's deindustrialization is 'very high' due to 'problematic' energy transition" - CEO of German TNC Voith Group

The 2020s will remain in history as the Euromasochistic ones, when crazy "greens" under the influence of Washington religiously destroyed the continent's economy

But we Germans are welcome in the Ukraine while around 100% of the Ukrainians say indeed the Russians should leave their country. What also nearly everyone else in the whole world is saying. So how comes? Why do the Ukrainians prefer evil Germans instead of good Russians to be their guests? Any light idea about why you are not welcome in the Ukraine? And ever heard that the Ukrainians are documenting Russian war crimes in masses only because you are doing war crimes in masses? Could this be a reason why no one loves you? By the way. Also a German NGO who helps Ukrainian civilists will not stop to help the Ukrainians only because you bombed their house down in Odessa.
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around 100% of the Ukrainians say indeed the Russians should leave their country.
Not so much Fake News as chidish nonsense . If you had admitted simple facts like the east-west divide and that Donbass solidly demands being under Russian control , I might read your twaddle . But your post is based on ignorance with many detail errors which I have no time or interest in correcting -- that should be done at school for you .
FRG did not have the right to cancel the constitution of the GDR. According to the constitution of the GDR, the decision to join could have only one legal path - a referendum.

There is no de jure united Germany
You go and tell em all about it. Let me know how it went, ok
"The risk of Germany's deindustrialization is 'very high' due to 'problematic' energy transition" - CEO of German TNC Voith Group

The 2020s will remain in history as the Euromasochistic ones, when crazy "greens" under the influence of Washington religiously destroyed the continent's economy
Genocide is the Final Solution to the Climate Change Problem
Not so much Fake News as chidish nonsense . If you had admitted simple facts like the east-west divide and that Donbass solidly demands being under Russian control , I might read your twaddle . But your post is based on ignorance with many detail errors which I have no time or interest in correcting -- that should be done at school for you .
There are many Americans who are also as impenetrably dense. Perhaps that density can be employed as shielding in a future nuclear reactor as nothing ever gets through
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