The annexation of the GDR is illegal

The essence of German slavery danger

I never told you anything like that.

You did do so.

On the contrary, you claimed that you little dogshit.

:lol: ... I will never undestand your lack of fantasy and how you are able to take yourselve serios. I guess you will not take yourselve serios until you will become the victim of the toothpick of Putin - while the death of Basel meditates about the future of Putin and Russia in total.

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The essence of German slavery danger ...

The older historical essence is we respect our enemies and that's why we kill them. It's not honorful to make slaves out of enemies. The newer historical essence is we made our enemeis to Christians what made them also to our sisters and brothers. The last historical essence had been we made death factories and industrialized mass murder because of unplausible conspiracy myths. And I have an idea about what the future historical essence could be in case of Russia - and this looks either damn bad for Russia or damn bad for the rest of the world ... or both. Our duty is to be on the side of the life of the rest of the world. Oh by the way: Why does Russia not just simple end on the own free will this stupid, senseless and criminal war on Europe and leave the Ukraine? No war - no duty - and much more freedom to find again a new modus vivendi.

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The historical essence is we respect our enemies and that's why we kill them. It's not honorful to make slaves out of enemies.
It is not "you" who kill, but the Prussian slaves who kill, and not "enemies", but those who are set on by the owners with the "face" command. Slaves have no enemies, they only have commands from their masters.
Therefore, slave dogs are valued in Germany.
A romantic knight defeats a pack of Germanic plebeian dogs.

Initially, the Germanic peoples were subject to women. This explains why most German women are ugly, but German men still get erections on them. This is evolutionary selection, where female beauty was not valued, since a woman did not need to attract men with her beauty. She could just rape him.
A man becomes truly strong only when he is inspired by a woman. Even if there are those among the German people who came from the free, they are not capable of romantic feelings that could make warriors out of them, because there is no source of inspiration. So they stay cold and just stand in a slave formation of cannon fodder and fight against Freedom.

In America, there is a huge number of beautiful women of the Indo-Latin type. These women are the first target of the German slave owners. As long as there is an American woman, there is an American superhero who threatens German slavery.

Because of this, they killed Brittany Murphy and many other beautiful women in the United States.
Schiller's "superhero" is the most infamous superhero ever. As conceived by the shiller, he should not be inspired by the high feelings of liberation from the villain, but by the owner's team. His noble impulse is condemned by the shameful German ethics of Schiller.

Good. When do you say will your soldiers leave the Ukraine? Yesterday? Today?
It was hypocrisy.

Hetmans are also Germans, Hauptmanns, who joined the Litvins and Muscovites.

Now that the real question has arisen - the Polish question, Putin has de facto sided with Bandera's policy - he does not want the Poles to be freed from the oppression of the Litvins and the Lesser Russians.
Putin destroys Russia on reasons of hyocrisy? Give me an explanation for this absurdity, Russian.
The explanation is simple - fraud. Arrange a meat grinder and send objectionable peoples there, the descendants of the Free, from both sides, and then populate the space with German-Moscow loyal slaves
The explanation is simple - fraud.

Fraud? Do you like to say Putin is an ET?

Arrange a meat grinder

A what? ... Einen Fleischwolf? ... For burghers?

and send objectionable

¿? ... interesting word ... nevertheless what for heavens sake do you try to speak about?

Peoples ... plural from people? ... It exists a plural from the word people in the English language? ... Aha. You speak about "Völker" now. But what are "objectionable peoples"?

there, the descendants of the Free, from both sides, and then populate the space with German-Moscow loyal slaves

Good grief. What do you do with your brain all day long? Free climbing in a sea of alcohol?
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A totally idiotic video. Romanticism was in the early 19th century and nothing in this Borg video has to do with romance.
It's absolutely the same. Knightly morals and aesthetics of the Roman "empire" before its capture by the Germanic Gothic servants.

In the 19th century, the revival of romance is associated with the overthrow of the German old order, the Spring of Nations.
Peoples ... plural from people? ... It exists a plural from the word people in the English language?
Before you argue with a smart look, check in the dictionary. German slaves know nothing but the word "state"
It's absolutely the same. Knightly morals and aesthetics of the Roman "empire" before its capture by the Germanic Gothic servants.

In the 19th century, the revival of romance is associated with the overthrow of the German old order, the Spring of Nations.

Why do you try to spreak about themes where you have absolutelly not any light idea about what it is what you try to speak about?

Better for you to think about that Putin plays currently with the life of every single Russian wordwide. You underestimate drastically the dangers for Russia.

Why do you try to spreak about themes where you have absolutelly not any light idea about what it is what you try to speak about?

Better for you to think about that Putin plays currently with the life of every single Russian wordwide. You underestimate drastically the dangers for Russia.
First of all, don't call our Federation of different peoples the word "Russia". Muscovy is not a Federation, but a former appendage of Lithuania.

Second, I know exactly what I'm talking about. Romance is the pre-German chivalric culture of Europe, its revival in the 19th century was due to the weakening of the German terror of the old order.

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