The age-old sales pitch ... tax the rich. How about just untaxing, poor working people?


Gold Member
May 24, 2009

See: Biden pitches soak-the-rich tax plan: Here's what's in it

It is absolutely stunning to take note of how they wine and dine our ears endlessly, over their noble cause to “tax the rich” and “help the poor”, while they cleverly design ways under their “income tax code” so millionaires, with untold millions in unearned income, may avoid a meeting with the yearly tax gatherer, while at the same time they grind down on our nation’s poor wage-earning souls, who live on poverty’s doorstep, and are today paying thousands of hidden federal taxes levied on the necessities of life _ supposedly to be ended by the 1913 beloved income tax _ but today, in addition to paying these taxes on necessities, are also having their pockets picked with the most oppressive, and evil taxes of all time ___ an unconstitutional direct tax which robs the meager earnings received when selling the property each has in their own labor.

But don’t believe me. Let us take a trip in a time machine and recall the words of REPRESENTATIVE JAMES, a zealous advocate of the income tax in 1909:

"Mr. Speaker, this battle for an income tax will go on. This is the people's Government and -the right will prevail. During all these years the mighty rich-an army of millionaires-have been exempted from taxation, but the people are now aroused. There are two lines of battle drawn for this great contest. Under which flag will you stand-the flag of Democracy or the flag of plutocracy?
We shall win, for ---

Still, Truth proclaims this motto
In letters of living light: No question is ever settled
Until it is settled right.

[Applause on the Democratic side.]

And I would scorn, Mr. Speaker, a government whose taxing power provides that Lazarus must divide his crumbs with the taxgatherer, but that Dives shall not give of his riches.

[Great applause on the Democratic side.]"


Would it not be a blessing for our nation's laboring class citizens, whose station in life requires them to sell the property each has in their own labor, to be relieved from the tax gathers' heel on their necks which today robs the bread working people earn by the sweat of their labor?


“No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or Enumeration herein before directed to be taken.” ___ Article 1, Section 9, Clause 4
Remember when the previous Republican nominee was mad at poor people and wanted to tax them more?

And despite that, yall still made him the GOP nominee....that was fun....

It is will also be fun when you defend what he said, just because I criticized it
Remember when the previous Republican nominee was mad at poor people and wanted to tax them more?

And despite that, yall still made him the GOP nominee....that was fun....

It is will also be fun when you defend what he said, just because I criticized it
Or Voldemort.

Sen. Rick Scott tax plan would target poor, others​

Washington Post › 2022/02/23 › rick-...

Feb 23, 2022 — Rick Scott (R-Fla.) says that “making sure every American has skin in the game” is a way to get people back to work.
Hey bro....

How are your property rights enforced?

How is your intellectual property protected?

What about a labor is that enforced?

I mean, we definitely can't rely on courts and stuff...that funded by tax dollars and stuff...ewww
What does that have to do with the fact that you're as funny as a 20-car pileup on the 405?

See: Biden pitches soak-the-rich tax plan: Here's what's in it

It is absolutely stunning to take note of how they wine and dine our ears endlessly, over their noble cause to “tax the rich” and “help the poor”, while they cleverly design ways under their “income tax code” so millionaires, with untold millions in unearned income, may avoid a meeting with the yearly tax gatherer, while at the same time they grind down on our nation’s poor wage-earning souls, who live on poverty’s doorstep, and are today paying thousands of hidden federal taxes levied on the necessities of life _ supposedly to be ended by the 1913 beloved income tax _ but today, in addition to paying these taxes on necessities, are also having their pockets picked with the most oppressive, and evil taxes of all time ___ an unconstitutional direct tax which robs the meager earnings received when selling the property each has in their own labor.

But don’t believe me. Let us take a trip in a time machine and recall the words of REPRESENTATIVE JAMES, a zealous advocate of the income tax in 1909:

"Mr. Speaker, this battle for an income tax will go on. This is the people's Government and -the right will prevail. During all these years the mighty rich-an army of millionaires-have been exempted from taxation, but the people are now aroused. There are two lines of battle drawn for this great contest. Under which flag will you stand-the flag of Democracy or the flag of plutocracy?
We shall win, for ---

Still, Truth proclaims this motto
In letters of living light: No question is ever settled
Until it is settled right.

[Applause on the Democratic side.]

And I would scorn, Mr. Speaker, a government whose taxing power provides that Lazarus must divide his crumbs with the taxgatherer, but that Dives shall not give of his riches.

[Great applause on the Democratic side.]"


Would it not be a blessing for our nation's laboring class citizens, whose station in life requires them to sell the property each has in their own labor, to be relieved from the tax gathers' heel on their necks which today robs the bread working people earn by the sweat of their labor?


“No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or Enumeration herein before directed to be taken.” ___ Article 1, Section 9, Clause 4
Poor people are not taxed now. Most lower income middle class people are not taxed now. The only fair tax is a flat tax just sufficient to run the necessary functions of government and that is paid by everybody above a reasonable threshhold. And make the government stay within the boundaries of its tax revenue.

See: Biden pitches soak-the-rich tax plan: Here's what's in it

It is absolutely stunning to take note of how they wine and dine our ears endlessly, over their noble cause to “tax the rich” and “help the poor”, while they cleverly design ways under their “income tax code” so millionaires, with untold millions in unearned income, may avoid a meeting with the yearly tax gatherer, while at the same time they grind down on our nation’s poor wage-earning souls, who live on poverty’s doorstep, and are today paying thousands of hidden federal taxes levied on the necessities of life _ supposedly to be ended by the 1913 beloved income tax _ but today, in addition to paying these taxes on necessities, are also having their pockets picked with the most oppressive, and evil taxes of all time ___ an unconstitutional direct tax which robs the meager earnings received when selling the property each has in their own labor.

But don’t believe me. Let us take a trip in a time machine and recall the words of REPRESENTATIVE JAMES, a zealous advocate of the income tax in 1909:

"Mr. Speaker, this battle for an income tax will go on. This is the people's Government and -the right will prevail. During all these years the mighty rich-an army of millionaires-have been exempted from taxation, but the people are now aroused. There are two lines of battle drawn for this great contest. Under which flag will you stand-the flag of Democracy or the flag of plutocracy?
We shall win, for ---

Still, Truth proclaims this motto
In letters of living light: No question is ever settled
Until it is settled right.

[Applause on the Democratic side.]

And I would scorn, Mr. Speaker, a government whose taxing power provides that Lazarus must divide his crumbs with the taxgatherer, but that Dives shall not give of his riches.

[Great applause on the Democratic side.]"


Would it not be a blessing for our nation's laboring class citizens, whose station in life requires them to sell the property each has in their own labor, to be relieved from the tax gathers' heel on their necks which today robs the bread working people earn by the sweat of their labor?


“No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or Enumeration herein before directed to be taken.” ___ Article 1, Section 9, Clause 4
In Left Wing Economics the citizens are the Slaves, and the Ruling Elites are the Slave Masters.
This is why the greedy corrupt Democrat Politicians are spending $$Trillions$$.
They don't care because their Slaves will carry the burden.

I strongly suggest you read the actual FAIR TAX ACT which does not withdraw Congress' power to lay and collect "excise" taxes calculated from profits, gains and other types of incomes. But it does establish a new national sales tax, and with regard to the selling point that the Fair Tax “… abolishes the abusive Internal Revenue Service …”, in its place it creates two new tax collecting agencies, an “Excise Tax Bureau” and the “Sales Tax Bureau", in addition to keeping the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms alive which will also be collecting taxes.

And if you think businesses and individuals subject to the Fair Tax are free from filling out annual tax returns, the shocking truth is, they will have to start filling out and filing Fair Tax returns, under the penalty of perjury, every month ___ that’s twelve frickin times a year!

Additionally, even ordinary working people, who sell the property each has in their own labor, and work odd jobs, such as baby sitting, handyman jobs etc., to meet today’s high cost of living, not only will they have to file Fair Tax returns twelve times a year but will have to register with the federal government to exercise their inalienable right to sell their labor.

And if the above is not enough to make one recoil from the notoriously evil and deceptive Fair Tax proposal, the Fair Tax would also create another entitlement called the “family consumption allowance”, which is a monthly government check sent to every household in America which allows the purchase of a rationed supply of tax-free necessities of life and puts our entire population on the public dole! Of course, this new entitlement, if adopted, will become another issue used during election time to buy votes.

Why on earth would anyone in their right mind support this rope-a-dope proposal which strengthens the federal government's iron grip around the American people's necks?
Poor people are not taxed now. Most lower income middle class people are not taxed now. The only fair tax is a flat tax just sufficient to run the necessary functions of government and that is paid by everybody above a reasonable threshhold. And make the government stay within the boundaries of its tax revenue.
A wage earner who earns about $12,000 a year pays about 12% to our federal government, not to mention the thousands of hidden federal taxes on the necessities of life.

Stop making shit up!
I strongly suggest you read the actual FAIR TAX ACT which does not withdraw Congress' power to lay and collect "excise" taxes calculated from profits, gains and other types of incomes. But it does establish a new national sales tax, and with regard to the selling point that the Fair Tax “… abolishes the abusive Internal Revenue Service …”, in its place it creates two new tax collecting agencies, an “Excise Tax Bureau” and the “Sales Tax Bureau", in addition to keeping the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms alive which will also be collecting taxes.

And if you think businesses and individuals subject to the Fair Tax are free from filling out annual tax returns, the shocking truth is, they will have to start filling out and filing Fair Tax returns, under the penalty of perjury, every month ___ that’s twelve frickin times a year!

Additionally, even ordinary working people, who sell the property each has in their own labor, and work odd jobs, such as baby sitting, handyman jobs etc., to meet today’s high cost of living, not only will they have to file Fair Tax returns twelve times a year but will have to register with the federal government to exercise their inalienable right to sell their labor.

And if the above is not enough to make one recoil from the notoriously evil and deceptive Fair Tax proposal, the Fair Tax would also create another entitlement called the “family consumption allowance”, which is a monthly government check sent to every household in America which allows the purchase of a rationed supply of tax-free necessities of life and puts our entire population on the public dole! Of course, this new entitlement, if adopted, will become another issue used during election time to buy votes.

Why on earth would anyone in their right mind support this rope-a-dope proposal which strengthens the federal government's iron grip around the American people's necks?
The only "far tax" I'm interested in is NO TAX!

Boortz's Rub Goldberg rigmarole is a total sham.

Apology accepted.

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