The "administration" is more interested in securing Ukraine's border than that of its own country!


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023

No, we are not shocked by this or by anything these weirdos do. But thank God Conservatives in Congress rejected briben's request for BILLIONS to

to what?

Process all the illegals he allowed in!

All I can say is... WHEN... When will the impeachment process actually accomplish something!?!
Impeachment was designed by the fanding fouthers to fail. What the fk could they have been thinking?

Perhaps 'fear' of departing too far from the only system they knew of that could work?

Don't initiate any political mechanism that could potentially bring down a king/president!

The American system could be fatally flawed and today's politicians have dug them up, instead of leaving them all buried.

Or maybe it all started when the government assassinated the Kennedys?
Impeachment was designed by the fanding fouthers to fail. What the fk could they have been thinking?

Perhaps 'fear' of departing too far from the only system they knew of that could work?

Don't initiate any political mechanism that could potentially bring down a king/president!

The American system could be fatally flawed and today's politicians have dug them up, instead of leaving them all buried.

Or maybe it all started when the government assassinated the Kennedys?
^ 🤪
They couldn't even impeach Nixon Rod! The system failed on account of no precautions taken by those fandings to stop another president's interference.

America will never come closer to a successful impeachment with due consequences of conviction.

Maybe somebody else will pick up the ball for you, when you go off.
I don't care what liberals say about impeachment since they were all in for impeaching Trump

one of the best presidents we've ever had

They can go kiss something-------
They couldn't even impeach Nixon Rod! The system failed on account of no precautions taken by those fandings to stop another president's interference.

America will never come closer to a successful impeachment with due consequences of conviction.

Maybe somebody else will pick up the ball for you, when you go off.
Nixon resigned, you ding dong! Impeachment would be moot.
In actual fact and in practice Rod, a president has all the powers of any king. The difference is that the president is safe within the bounds of the system and the country's borders.

The king ends up with his fking head rolling in the gutter!
^ 🤪 DerPy dErpy DerRp!
Nixon resigned, you ding dong! Impeachment would be moot.
Yes and the system allowed him to escape paying for his crimes against humanity and the world.

There will never be a successful impeachment with conviction Rod.

The American system will need to be amended, but the system has already been built to make amendment impossible.
Democrats have shown their true colors. Dem policies KILL, RAPE, MAIME Americans with millions of unvetted illegals. Screw Americans over financially. Sell American jobs to the highest foreign bidder.
And there's no possible mechanism to stop the king!

That is, except the only method of stopping the king and his lieutenants that has been tried and has succeeded.

And now that's America.
Yes and the system allowed him to escape paying for his crimes against humanity and the world.

There will never be a successful impeachment with conviction Rod.

The American system will need to be amended, but the system has already been built to make amendment impossible.
^ 🤪 DA-DA-DA- DeRp!
The spineless gutless GOP refuse to do their duty and stop this.
Expect a political assassination that will be an attempt to calm the gathering storm that threatens your country.

Those sort of solutions sometimes have a calming effect that can bring folks back down to reality.

But the opposite effect throughout recent history has been the opposite.

Americans should be prepared and ready to at least protect the children.

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