The '60's Campaign Now With the Anti-Establshment Winner Is Consistent With The Generation!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The most recent vote figures tend to bear out the contention that Trump actually won in the Swing States, where the vote for "other" candidates was less than in other states. It would make as much sense to criticize the "other" candidates for not having devoted enough resources in the Swing States, to pull votes away from Trump. "They Should Have Done More!" is not a chorus being echoed by anyone: Regarding The Green and Libertarian campaign efforts, especially in those states.

2016 National Popular Vote Tracker

Bill Clinton would not have so easily abandoned those states. . .even Bill Clinton, has noticed that--and at his age(?)!

The Aging old Hippies have performed with all the predictability of the 1960's various anti-establishment movements. I myself am 70. Trump is 70. Bill Clinton is 70. We do not trust people over the age of 30!

Trump has even turned has back on his own campaign already! The crass neo-Nazi strategist is now up against a George Wallace type of Desegregationist, two women at least in the cabinet--one in a foreign affairs post, already. There may be a black from a fringe Christian religion, and maybe a Mormon in cabinet to boot.
It is not entirely Haight-Ashbury, but it is distinctly non-conformist.

Famous Cartoonist, Al Capp, would call us all S.W.I.N.E., "Students Wildly Indignant About Nearly Everything!"
And so it appears once again. The rich Coastal Liberals have nothing predictable to opine about. The Plains Area Blue Collar Whites have nothing predictable to support, a new kind of "Silent Majority," opining about not much of anything. And there are Greens and Libertarians in the mix.

The While House has flip-flopped on issues already well over one dozen times, heading for another one of its records.

Pretty much, this is where a lot of us came in(?). . . If memory serves(?). . . or maybe not!)

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Blondish Father in Washington came back from visit with President of Mexico: With Jumping Beans, Aplenty!)

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