The 24 hour coverage of Sandy shooting.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Am I the only one that has a problem with the media's constant 24 hour a day regurgitated and sensationalized coverage of tragedies like this?
What do you want to bet this kid was watching the Aurora theater shooting coverage and mesmerized in some way?
The Psychological profiles of these sick people - there are common threads among every one of them:
Loners, void of friends and emotional stimulation, thus starving for attention - any attention, coupled by a genuine dislike for society.
People like this...who is to say they are not compelled by the drama of the non stop media coverage?
ever since 911 the media exploits and we watch....

I turned the news on for a moment this morning before turning it back off in disgust...two affiliates were interviewing a gentleman who evidently sheltered some of the children in his home immediately next door to the school. Something he said brought out a little bit of emotion, and the vipers pounced on the moment and pushed him on till finally he broke.
Why should we be against capatilistic enterprises making money off of this tragedy?
It is the American way!
I'm not sure how you can sensationalize such a tragedy.

We all want answers as to why this happened. That's why the coverage. People are hard wired to make sense of the tragedy.

You are free to turn off your television.
I'm not sure how you can sensationalize such a tragedy.

We all want answers as to why this happened. That's why the coverage. People are hard wired to make sense of the tragedy.

You are free to turn off your television.

You don read too good do ya?
I said I turned it off, I also said I turned it on to see some news...which of course I received none.
You are Ravi, so I am not sure if you are being sarcastic or just obtuse in your statement "I'm not sure how you can sensationalize such a tragedy.
".....umm...regurgitating the same 911 call over and over and the same scene of people running out of the building with small children again and again - this is not "answering questions" - this is by the very defintion - sensationalizing the drama of what happened.
I don't believe this is a very good idea. I have to wonder is the next crazed lunatic watching every minute of this drama factory and soaking it all in.
It may well promote some other mentally unbalanced person to do a similar thing.
Look how famous they can be and the guilt revenge they can place on their supposed tormentors?
It may well promote some other mentally unbalanced person to do a similar thing.
Look how famous they can be and the guilt revenge they can place on their supposed tormentors?

Exactly why I think this is a BIG mistake. Right before posting this I tuned into Fox and then CNN - sure enough - still on. And both talking about this guy.
Think of a mentally disturbed individual who is alone, depressed, carrying both a hatred and longing for the society that they believe has outcast them. At the same time they have a feeling of hopelessness and no reason for being.
This same person watching all of this HUGE drama and non-stop coverage and talking and talking about the kid who did this - this would be attractive to someone like this.
I'm not sure how you can sensationalize such a tragedy.

We all want answers as to why this happened. That's why the coverage. People are hard wired to make sense of the tragedy.

You are free to turn off your television.

You don read too good do ya?
I said I turned it off, I also said I turned it on to see some news...which of course I received none.
You are Ravi, so I am not sure if you are being sarcastic or just obtuse in your statement "I'm not sure how you can sensationalize such a tragedy.
".....umm...regurgitating the same 911 call over and over and the same scene of people running out of the building with small children again and again - this is not "answering questions" - this is by the very defintion - sensationalizing the drama of what happened.
I don't believe this is a very good idea. I have to wonder is the next crazed lunatic watching every minute of this drama factory and soaking it all in.
I'm saying you can't make something worse than it is.
Am I the only one that has a problem with the media's constant 24 hour a day regurgitated and sensationalized coverage of tragedies like this?
What do you want to bet this kid was watching the Aurora theater shooting coverage and mesmerized in some way?
The Psychological profiles of these sick people - there are common threads among every one of them:
Loners, void of friends and emotional stimulation, thus starving for attention - any attention, coupled by a genuine dislike for society.
People like this...who is to say they are not compelled by the drama of the non stop media coverage?

No one should have a problem with it, it’s an aspect of a truly free society.

And there’s no evidence ‘excessive reporting’ contributes to any sort of violent crime.

Other than whining about it, what do propose be done?
What bugs me is that at some point after the initial breaking news there's nothing else to report because authorities have stepped in and are doing their investigations, which can take quite some time as with this instance, and they've put a much needed lid on things while they try to piece together exactly what went down. So with no additional confirmed news forthcoming that would advance the story we get hours of speculation as alleged expert after expert is interviewed to give their slants on an endless series of what ifs, whys, could'ves, would'ves, should'ves, and on and on. That's when I tune out. No need to watch as sooner or later more facts will emerge.
Am I the only one that has a problem with the media's constant 24 hour a day regurgitated and sensationalized coverage of tragedies like this?
What do you want to bet this kid was watching the Aurora theater shooting coverage and mesmerized in some way?
The Psychological profiles of these sick people - there are common threads among every one of them:
Loners, void of friends and emotional stimulation, thus starving for attention - any attention, coupled by a genuine dislike for society.
People like this...who is to say they are not compelled by the drama of the non stop media coverage?

To iamwhatiseem: Right on. I’ve always seen the media this way:

ghoul (noun)

1. One who delights in the revolting, morbid, or loathsome.

2. A grave robber.

3. An evil spirit or demon in Muslim folklore believed to plunder graves and feed on corpses.

Is there any better description of the people in the media then those three dictionary definitions. Number three is their favorite. They feed on corpses from every tragedy; shootings, mine disasters, natural disasters, train wrecks and plane crashes. You name it and media ghouls are there feasting away before the dead are removed from the scene.

Television’s ghouls are the worst kind because they wash down the flesh of a tragedy’s victims with the blood of advertising dollars. The more heart-wrenching the tragedy the longer they can milk it.

The most disgusting thing about television’s ghouls is their moralizing as though their viewers need to be told how to feel. It’s never enough for media ghouls to report the basic facts. Individuals looking for more than that are asking to be manipulated. Examples: Every shooting brings out the gun-control talking points. If it’s a natural disaster the charity hustlers join in the feasting.

Print always did the same thing, but the written word never did the damage television is doing. Not even radio, before TV, was as ghoulish as is television.

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