Debate Now The 2016 Campaign, Election and Aftermath

Who are you currently leaning toward to be President?

  • Hillary Clinton

  • Ted Cruz

  • John Kasich

  • Marco Rubio

  • Bernie Sanders

  • Donald Trump

  • Other and I'll specify in my post

  • I don't have a preference yet

Results are only viewable after voting.
Well without going into the oft repeated litany of specifics Toro, no it can't be any worse. Whether international, social, economic, military, racial, or political the country is falling apart at the seams. I don't have to go any farther than 10 trillion in debt in eight years. If trump can accomplish half of what he is proposing it will be a huge step forward for the country. There is a revolution against the status quo going on and our republic is designed so the people can right the ship when it goes off course. We want it done peacefully so it does not have to be done some other way.

I can only assume you are making a thinly veiled comment that while trump is humping some European model in the Oval Office he will accidentally hit the nuclear button. Trump brings a whole lot more international experience and responsibility to the Oval Office than Obama ever did, he certainly understands economics more than Obama ever did, he certainly cares for America way more than Obama ever did, and he is certainly more capable of leadership than Obama ever was. What do you think, trump is going to violate the constitution more than Obama has, please! You think trump is going to lie more than Obama does, please! Your apparent distaste for the nominee is way more personal than practical. I will put my trust any day in the candidate that believes in America vs the one who believes in socialist ideologies,fundamental change, and destroying the constitution. Can the world descend into anarchy and chaos, it sort of already has under Obama. Trump can do no worse.
Well without going into the oft repeated litany of specifics Toro, no it can't be any worse. Whether international, social, economic, military, racial, or political the country is falling apart at the seams. I don't have to go any farther than 10 trillion in debt in eight years. If trump can accomplish half of what he is proposing it will be a huge step forward for the country. There is a revolution against the status quo going on and our republic is designed so the people can right the ship when it goes off course. We want it done peacefully so it does not have to be done some other way.

I can only assume you are making a thinly veiled comment that while trump is humping some European model in the Oval Office he will accidentally hit the nuclear button. Trump brings a whole lot more international experience and responsibility to the Oval Office than Obama ever did, he certainly understands economics more than Obama ever did, he certainly cares for America way more than Obama ever did, and he is certainly more capable of leadership than Obama ever was. What do you think, trump is going to violate the constitution more than Obama has, please! You think trump is going to lie more than Obama does, please! Your apparent distaste for the nominee is way more personal than practical. I will put my trust any day in the candidate that believes in America vs the one who believes in socialist ideologies,fundamental change, and destroying the constitution. Can the world descend into anarchy and chaos, it sort of already has under Obama. Trump can do no worse.

This country had a Civil War. 600,000 people died.

There is a very, very wide gap of badness between the situation today and civil war.

So, yes, things could get much, much worse.
Let's get this party started. Thank you Cruz, that was done with class. So once again the chattering class said repubs were in disarray and now trump is the nominee and Clinton can't even beat a socialist who is going all the way to the convention. What happened to a brokered convention. Why do we even listen to these people. They are as clueless as you and me. The trump train is leaving the station, all aboard.

Yes, Cruz bowed out with class, and Trump was completely classy in his victory speech tonight. The media is resigned to a Trump nomination now but they are really stepping up focus on Trump's negatives now. How is he going to overcome them? Fox News was ruthless on that tonight. But the RNC seems to be closing ranks behind Trump now and I for one am happy Sanders is staying in. There's still plenty of room on that train.

Earlier in the day, Birfer Trump said that Cruz's father was with Lee Harvey Oswald. Cruz then responded that Trump was a pathological liar, and referenced Trump on Howard Stern when he said avoiding VD in the 1970s was his own personal Vietnam.

Quite the candidate you have there.


No worse than Cruz has been dumping on Trump saying that Trump is a racist, a rapist, approves of rapists, a serial philanderer and proud of it, cheat, etc. etc. etc. All equally absurd stuff. And we all know Trump's MO is to give as good as he gets. Trump does not seem the one to start these insult fests, but he definitely does treat all who insult him equally. Which of course is why the PC crowd insists he is misogynistic etc.

Cruz did not mention Trump in his concession speech last night and was pretty classy. Trump was gracious, classy, and entirely complimentary of Cruz and praised him for running a good hard campaign and noted Cruz's wonderful wife and family. And those watching with an objective eye I think all sensed a deliberate, intentional, and honest shift in tone and emphasis from this point on. Trump seems to be now intent on building bridges and inspiring national unity--not party unity so much as national healing and all the different factions stopping tearing each other apart.

How will it all play out? Time will tell. But it is fascinating to watch.
I don't expect them to admit it, but I have a gut feeling that even Cruz and Kasich supporters are just a bit intrigued of what a Trump presidency might do for the country. And I don't expect them to admit it, but I bet we have a fair number of closet Trump supporters among our progressive/liberal/political class friends too because deep down they know Hillary is not going to look good as President of the United States.

If by "intrigued," you mean "horrified," you'd be correct.

But Toro, be honest. Don't you tilt left of center and therefore are neither a Cruz or Kasich supporter? I would easily believe that you are not a Trump supporter and of course not everybody will be or he would be winning by close to 100% everywhere.

It is interesting though that the Cruz and Kasich supporters seem to not be focused on their candidate of choice and spending most of their energy in promoting that person. They instead seem to be wholly consumed and focused on Trump. Likewise those on the left these days. I don't see most of them promoting the qualifications, positive attributes, and other qualities of their candidate of choice but they also seem to be wholly obsessed with Trump.

It has been a fascinating process to watch.

I do not lean left. I have been a member of conservative parties in three different countries, including the Republicans today. But now that Trump is the nominee, I'm voting for Hillary. Had Bernie won, I'd vote Libertarian.

Trump is an embarrassment and totally unfit to hold the most powerful office on earth. Had it been any other candidate, I wouldn't vote for Hillary. And I would have voted for most of the other Republicans. But Trump is a disgrace, a demagogue who mocks, degrades, belittles, bullies and insults people. He is the lowest form of gutter politics I have seen in my life in this country.

People say "It can't get any worse." Yes, it can. It can get much, much worse.

It is fascinating though.

I will accept that as the way you see it. But I just don't believe that anybody who doesn't tilt left would vote for Hillary. I know many on the right who say at this time that they won't vote for Trump, but they won't vote for her either.

I can see some who tilt left voting for Trump, however, as he is not an ideologue or party loyal person and they might see that Hillary just doesn't have the right stuff to be President.
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Well I think you can take your poll down now fox. Is it time to start a new thread? Trump vs. Hilary, the election.

Naw. This thread was designed to carry us through the whole thing. It will be interesting to see if any of the Sanders people, for instance, change their vote to Hillary or "other" if she is the nominee. Ditto, we'll see if any of the Cruz and Kasich people change their vote to Trump or "other". Or if they aren't following the thread, they'll just leave their vote as is. I have already changed my vote from Cruz/Kasich to Trump.

I did set the poll up so people could change their vote.
So why did the chicken cross the road?

SARAH PALIN: The chicken crossed the road because, gosh-darn it, he's a maverick!

BARACK OBAMA: Let me be perfectly clear, if the chickens like their eggs they can keep their eggs. No chicken will be required to cross the road to surrender her eggs. Period.

JOHN McCAIN: My friends, the chicken crossed the road because he recognized the need to engage in cooperation and dialogue with all the chickens on the other side of the road.

HILLARY CLINTON: What difference at this point does it make why the chicken crossed the road?

GEORGE W. BUSH: We don't really care why the chicken crossed the road. We just want to know if the chicken is on our side of the road or not. The chicken is either with us or against us. There is no middle ground here.

DICK CHENEY: Where's my gun?

BILL CLINTON: I did not cross the road with that chicken.

AL GORE: I invented the chicken.

JOHN KERRY: Although I voted to let the chicken cross the road, I am now against it! It was the wrong road to cross, and I was misled about the chicken's intentions. I am not for it now, and will remain against it.

AL SHARPTON: Why are all the chickens white?

DR. PHIL: The problem we have here is that this chicken won't realize that he must first deal with the problem on this side of the road before it goes after the problem on the other side of the road. What we need to do is help him realize how stupid he is acting by not taking on his current problems before adding any new problems.

OPRAH: Well, I understand that the chicken is having problems, which is why he wants to cross the road so badly. So instead of having the chicken learn from his mistakes and take falls, which is a part of life, I'm going to give this chicken a NEW CAR so that he can just drive across the road and not live his life like the rest of the chickens.

ANDERSON COOPER: We have reason to believe there is a chicken, but we have not yet been allowed to have access to the other side of the road.

NANCY GRACE: That chicken crossed the road because he's guilty! You can see it in his eyes and the way he walks.

PAT BUCHANAN: To steal the job of a decent, hardworking American.

MARTHA STEWART: No one called me to warn me which way the chicken was going. I had a standing order at the Farmer's Market to sell my eggs when the price dropped to a certain level. No little bird gave me any insider information.

DR SEUSS: Did the chicken cross the road? Did he cross it with a toad? Yes, the chicken crossed the road, but why it crossed I've not been told.

ERNEST HEMINGWAY: To die in the rain, alone.

GRANDPA: In my day we didn't ask why the chicken crossed the road. Somebody told us the chicken crossed the road, and that was good enough for us.

BARBARA WALTERS: Isn't that interesting? In a few moments, we will be listening to the chicken tell, for the first time, the heartwarming story of how it experienced a serious case of molting, and went on to accomplish its lifelong dream of crossing the road.

ARISTOTLE: It is the nature of chickens to cross the road.

BILL GATES: I have just released eChicken2014, which will not only cross roads, but will lay eggs, file your important documents and balance your checkbook. Internet Explorer is an integral part of eChicken2014. This new platform is much more stable and will never reboot.

ALBERT EINSTEIN: Did the chicken really cross the road, or did the road move beneath the chicken?

COLONEL SANDERS: Did I miss one?

BERNIE SANDERS: To get a free education all the way through college.

JOHN KASICH: To vote for me. I am the only one who can persuade chickens to come to my side of the road instead of HIllary's.

TED CRUZ: To save Mom, apple pie, the Constitution, family values, and the American way.

DONALD TRUMP: Because there was no wall. We're going to build a wall. And who's going to pay for it. . . .?
Maybe I'm really old fashioned, but does it seem proper for a member of the U.S. Congress to be collaborating with a foreign leader to overthrow a Presidential nominee in this country?

Pelosi, Vicente Fox plot to defeat Trump, Mexican calls Trump voters lazy drunks

Latin America's toughest critic of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump spent 30 minutes with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi in Mexico this week plotting to help the Democrats defeat the businessman and give the presidency to Hillary Clinton.

In an interview Friday, former Mexican President Vicente Fox also said that he is "becoming a fan of" Clinton, who he compared to former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and he disparaged Trump supporters as lazy, uneducated, TV watching drunks.

He complained that that Mexico buys billions of dollars of items from the United States that create 10 million American jobs, but Trump supporters still "don't respect us."

He added, "We need to wake up that citizen. We need them to take them away from the TV and drinking beer, to working hard, to getting the skills, to getting knowledge, and they will come along, like everybody else."

On a media tour to promote an anti-Trump, "compassionate, intelligent leadership" agenda, he said that he met with Pelosi at the airport in Mexico City Sunday and discussed ways he can help convince Latin American immigrants in the United States to reject Trump.

"What I've been saying here, I told her. Count with us, with all Mexicans, to support the Democratic Party because you've done much better with us than the Republican Party," he said.

"We will never convince any Mexican either in the (United) States or in Mexico or any Latin American in the States or Latin America to support this false prophet," he said.

He repeatedly called Trump "stupid," and a "false prophet," and called on Americans to "wake up" and reject the Republican.

He even slapped Trump's tweet on Cinco de Mayo that he was eating a taco bowl made by in the Trump Tower Grill. Fox said Trump "is going to get an indigestion. That's not Mexican food."

Fox's disagreements with Trump are well known, so during the interview he focused on those who support the Republican, calling on them to educate themselves on why Trump's policies are wrong.

"It's fear that's making you follow Trump," he said.

President of Mexico for six years, and a friend of former President Bill Clinton, Fox said that the Republican Party was "making a big mistake" in having Trump as the GOP nominee and said the party will pay a big price in the fall elections.
Maybe I'm really old fashioned, but does it seem proper for a member of the U.S. Congress to be collaborating with a foreign leader to overthrow a Presidential nominee in this country?

Pelosi, Vicente Fox plot to defeat Trump, Mexican calls Trump voters lazy drunks

Latin America's toughest critic of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump spent 30 minutes with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi in Mexico this week plotting to help the Democrats defeat the businessman and give the presidency to Hillary Clinton.

In an interview Friday, former Mexican President Vicente Fox also said that he is "becoming a fan of" Clinton, who he compared to former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and he disparaged Trump supporters as lazy, uneducated, TV watching drunks.

He complained that that Mexico buys billions of dollars of items from the United States that create 10 million American jobs, but Trump supporters still "don't respect us."

He added, "We need to wake up that citizen. We need them to take them away from the TV and drinking beer, to working hard, to getting the skills, to getting knowledge, and they will come along, like everybody else."

On a media tour to promote an anti-Trump, "compassionate, intelligent leadership" agenda, he said that he met with Pelosi at the airport in Mexico City Sunday and discussed ways he can help convince Latin American immigrants in the United States to reject Trump.

"What I've been saying here, I told her. Count with us, with all Mexicans, to support the Democratic Party because you've done much better with us than the Republican Party," he said.

"We will never convince any Mexican either in the (United) States or in Mexico or any Latin American in the States or Latin America to support this false prophet," he said.

He repeatedly called Trump "stupid," and a "false prophet," and called on Americans to "wake up" and reject the Republican.

He even slapped Trump's tweet on Cinco de Mayo that he was eating a taco bowl made by in the Trump Tower Grill. Fox said Trump "is going to get an indigestion. That's not Mexican food."

Fox's disagreements with Trump are well known, so during the interview he focused on those who support the Republican, calling on them to educate themselves on why Trump's policies are wrong.

"It's fear that's making you follow Trump," he said.

President of Mexico for six years, and a friend of former President Bill Clinton, Fox said that the Republican Party was "making a big mistake" in having Trump as the GOP nominee and said the party will pay a big price in the fall elections.

Overthrow? Odd choice of words.

And.....are you certain that any of that actually happened?
Maybe I'm really old fashioned, but does it seem proper for a member of the U.S. Congress to be collaborating with a foreign leader to overthrow a Presidential nominee in this country?

Pelosi, Vicente Fox plot to defeat Trump, Mexican calls Trump voters lazy drunks

Latin America's toughest critic of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump spent 30 minutes with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi in Mexico this week plotting to help the Democrats defeat the businessman and give the presidency to Hillary Clinton.

In an interview Friday, former Mexican President Vicente Fox also said that he is "becoming a fan of" Clinton, who he compared to former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and he disparaged Trump supporters as lazy, uneducated, TV watching drunks.

He complained that that Mexico buys billions of dollars of items from the United States that create 10 million American jobs, but Trump supporters still "don't respect us."

He added, "We need to wake up that citizen. We need them to take them away from the TV and drinking beer, to working hard, to getting the skills, to getting knowledge, and they will come along, like everybody else."

On a media tour to promote an anti-Trump, "compassionate, intelligent leadership" agenda, he said that he met with Pelosi at the airport in Mexico City Sunday and discussed ways he can help convince Latin American immigrants in the United States to reject Trump.

"What I've been saying here, I told her. Count with us, with all Mexicans, to support the Democratic Party because you've done much better with us than the Republican Party," he said.

"We will never convince any Mexican either in the (United) States or in Mexico or any Latin American in the States or Latin America to support this false prophet," he said.

He repeatedly called Trump "stupid," and a "false prophet," and called on Americans to "wake up" and reject the Republican.

He even slapped Trump's tweet on Cinco de Mayo that he was eating a taco bowl made by in the Trump Tower Grill. Fox said Trump "is going to get an indigestion. That's not Mexican food."

Fox's disagreements with Trump are well known, so during the interview he focused on those who support the Republican, calling on them to educate themselves on why Trump's policies are wrong.

"It's fear that's making you follow Trump," he said.

President of Mexico for six years, and a friend of former President Bill Clinton, Fox said that the Republican Party was "making a big mistake" in having Trump as the GOP nominee and said the party will pay a big price in the fall elections.

Overthrow? Odd choice of words.

And.....are you certain that any of that actually happened?

Overthrow, defeat, discredit. . .use any word you like.

The Examiner seemed to be reporting from first hand experience and/or posted videos of Fox saying what they say he said. So am I sure? As sure as we can be of anything on the internet and I always leave open the possibility of some hanky panky these days. But I don't see any evidence of manipulation or cherry picking from the statements Fox was making in those videos.
Maybe I'm really old fashioned, but does it seem proper for a member of the U.S. Congress to be collaborating with a foreign leader to overthrow a Presidential nominee in this country?

Pelosi, Vicente Fox plot to defeat Trump, Mexican calls Trump voters lazy drunks

Latin America's toughest critic of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump spent 30 minutes with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi in Mexico this week plotting to help the Democrats defeat the businessman and give the presidency to Hillary Clinton.

In an interview Friday, former Mexican President Vicente Fox also said that he is "becoming a fan of" Clinton, who he compared to former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and he disparaged Trump supporters as lazy, uneducated, TV watching drunks.

He complained that that Mexico buys billions of dollars of items from the United States that create 10 million American jobs, but Trump supporters still "don't respect us."

He added, "We need to wake up that citizen. We need them to take them away from the TV and drinking beer, to working hard, to getting the skills, to getting knowledge, and they will come along, like everybody else."

On a media tour to promote an anti-Trump, "compassionate, intelligent leadership" agenda, he said that he met with Pelosi at the airport in Mexico City Sunday and discussed ways he can help convince Latin American immigrants in the United States to reject Trump.

"What I've been saying here, I told her. Count with us, with all Mexicans, to support the Democratic Party because you've done much better with us than the Republican Party," he said.

"We will never convince any Mexican either in the (United) States or in Mexico or any Latin American in the States or Latin America to support this false prophet," he said.

He repeatedly called Trump "stupid," and a "false prophet," and called on Americans to "wake up" and reject the Republican.

He even slapped Trump's tweet on Cinco de Mayo that he was eating a taco bowl made by in the Trump Tower Grill. Fox said Trump "is going to get an indigestion. That's not Mexican food."

Fox's disagreements with Trump are well known, so during the interview he focused on those who support the Republican, calling on them to educate themselves on why Trump's policies are wrong.

"It's fear that's making you follow Trump," he said.

President of Mexico for six years, and a friend of former President Bill Clinton, Fox said that the Republican Party was "making a big mistake" in having Trump as the GOP nominee and said the party will pay a big price in the fall elections.

Overthrow? Odd choice of words.

And.....are you certain that any of that actually happened?

Overthrow, defeat, discredit. . .use any word you like.

The Examiner seemed to be reporting from first hand experience and/or posted videos of Fox saying what they say he said. So am I sure? As sure as we can be of anything on the internet and I always leave open the possibility of some hanky panky these days. But I don't see any evidence of manipulation or cherry picking from the statements Fox was making in those videos.

Where are quotes from Pelosi?
Maybe I'm really old fashioned, but does it seem proper for a member of the U.S. Congress to be collaborating with a foreign leader to overthrow a Presidential nominee in this country?

Pelosi, Vicente Fox plot to defeat Trump, Mexican calls Trump voters lazy drunks

Latin America's toughest critic of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump spent 30 minutes with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi in Mexico this week plotting to help the Democrats defeat the businessman and give the presidency to Hillary Clinton.

In an interview Friday, former Mexican President Vicente Fox also said that he is "becoming a fan of" Clinton, who he compared to former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and he disparaged Trump supporters as lazy, uneducated, TV watching drunks.

He complained that that Mexico buys billions of dollars of items from the United States that create 10 million American jobs, but Trump supporters still "don't respect us."

He added, "We need to wake up that citizen. We need them to take them away from the TV and drinking beer, to working hard, to getting the skills, to getting knowledge, and they will come along, like everybody else."

On a media tour to promote an anti-Trump, "compassionate, intelligent leadership" agenda, he said that he met with Pelosi at the airport in Mexico City Sunday and discussed ways he can help convince Latin American immigrants in the United States to reject Trump.

"What I've been saying here, I told her. Count with us, with all Mexicans, to support the Democratic Party because you've done much better with us than the Republican Party," he said.

"We will never convince any Mexican either in the (United) States or in Mexico or any Latin American in the States or Latin America to support this false prophet," he said.

He repeatedly called Trump "stupid," and a "false prophet," and called on Americans to "wake up" and reject the Republican.

He even slapped Trump's tweet on Cinco de Mayo that he was eating a taco bowl made by in the Trump Tower Grill. Fox said Trump "is going to get an indigestion. That's not Mexican food."

Fox's disagreements with Trump are well known, so during the interview he focused on those who support the Republican, calling on them to educate themselves on why Trump's policies are wrong.

"It's fear that's making you follow Trump," he said.

President of Mexico for six years, and a friend of former President Bill Clinton, Fox said that the Republican Party was "making a big mistake" in having Trump as the GOP nominee and said the party will pay a big price in the fall elections.

Overthrow? Odd choice of words.

And.....are you certain that any of that actually happened?

Overthrow, defeat, discredit. . .use any word you like.

The Examiner seemed to be reporting from first hand experience and/or posted videos of Fox saying what they say he said. So am I sure? As sure as we can be of anything on the internet and I always leave open the possibility of some hanky panky these days. But I don't see any evidence of manipulation or cherry picking from the statements Fox was making in those videos.

Where are quotes from Pelosi?

There are no quotes from Pelosi since it was Vicente Fox talking about his experience with Pelosi.
Maybe I'm really old fashioned, but does it seem proper for a member of the U.S. Congress to be collaborating with a foreign leader to overthrow a Presidential nominee in this country?

Pelosi, Vicente Fox plot to defeat Trump, Mexican calls Trump voters lazy drunks

Latin America's toughest critic of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump spent 30 minutes with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi in Mexico this week plotting to help the Democrats defeat the businessman and give the presidency to Hillary Clinton.

In an interview Friday, former Mexican President Vicente Fox also said that he is "becoming a fan of" Clinton, who he compared to former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and he disparaged Trump supporters as lazy, uneducated, TV watching drunks.

He complained that that Mexico buys billions of dollars of items from the United States that create 10 million American jobs, but Trump supporters still "don't respect us."

He added, "We need to wake up that citizen. We need them to take them away from the TV and drinking beer, to working hard, to getting the skills, to getting knowledge, and they will come along, like everybody else."

On a media tour to promote an anti-Trump, "compassionate, intelligent leadership" agenda, he said that he met with Pelosi at the airport in Mexico City Sunday and discussed ways he can help convince Latin American immigrants in the United States to reject Trump.

"What I've been saying here, I told her. Count with us, with all Mexicans, to support the Democratic Party because you've done much better with us than the Republican Party," he said.

"We will never convince any Mexican either in the (United) States or in Mexico or any Latin American in the States or Latin America to support this false prophet," he said.

He repeatedly called Trump "stupid," and a "false prophet," and called on Americans to "wake up" and reject the Republican.

He even slapped Trump's tweet on Cinco de Mayo that he was eating a taco bowl made by in the Trump Tower Grill. Fox said Trump "is going to get an indigestion. That's not Mexican food."

Fox's disagreements with Trump are well known, so during the interview he focused on those who support the Republican, calling on them to educate themselves on why Trump's policies are wrong.

"It's fear that's making you follow Trump," he said.

President of Mexico for six years, and a friend of former President Bill Clinton, Fox said that the Republican Party was "making a big mistake" in having Trump as the GOP nominee and said the party will pay a big price in the fall elections.

Overthrow? Odd choice of words.

And.....are you certain that any of that actually happened?

Overthrow, defeat, discredit. . .use any word you like.

The Examiner seemed to be reporting from first hand experience and/or posted videos of Fox saying what they say he said. So am I sure? As sure as we can be of anything on the internet and I always leave open the possibility of some hanky panky these days. But I don't see any evidence of manipulation or cherry picking from the statements Fox was making in those videos.

Where are quotes from Pelosi?

There are no quotes from Pelosi since it was Vicente Fox talking about his experience with Pelosi.

Right. she plotting or collaborating to do anything with Fox regarding the election?

If you do not know, please refrain from saying that she is. Thanks.
Maybe I'm really old fashioned, but does it seem proper for a member of the U.S. Congress to be collaborating with a foreign leader to overthrow a Presidential nominee in this country?

Pelosi, Vicente Fox plot to defeat Trump, Mexican calls Trump voters lazy drunks

Latin America's toughest critic of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump spent 30 minutes with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi in Mexico this week plotting to help the Democrats defeat the businessman and give the presidency to Hillary Clinton.

In an interview Friday, former Mexican President Vicente Fox also said that he is "becoming a fan of" Clinton, who he compared to former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and he disparaged Trump supporters as lazy, uneducated, TV watching drunks.

He complained that that Mexico buys billions of dollars of items from the United States that create 10 million American jobs, but Trump supporters still "don't respect us."

He added, "We need to wake up that citizen. We need them to take them away from the TV and drinking beer, to working hard, to getting the skills, to getting knowledge, and they will come along, like everybody else."

On a media tour to promote an anti-Trump, "compassionate, intelligent leadership" agenda, he said that he met with Pelosi at the airport in Mexico City Sunday and discussed ways he can help convince Latin American immigrants in the United States to reject Trump.

"What I've been saying here, I told her. Count with us, with all Mexicans, to support the Democratic Party because you've done much better with us than the Republican Party," he said.

"We will never convince any Mexican either in the (United) States or in Mexico or any Latin American in the States or Latin America to support this false prophet," he said.

He repeatedly called Trump "stupid," and a "false prophet," and called on Americans to "wake up" and reject the Republican.

He even slapped Trump's tweet on Cinco de Mayo that he was eating a taco bowl made by in the Trump Tower Grill. Fox said Trump "is going to get an indigestion. That's not Mexican food."

Fox's disagreements with Trump are well known, so during the interview he focused on those who support the Republican, calling on them to educate themselves on why Trump's policies are wrong.

"It's fear that's making you follow Trump," he said.

President of Mexico for six years, and a friend of former President Bill Clinton, Fox said that the Republican Party was "making a big mistake" in having Trump as the GOP nominee and said the party will pay a big price in the fall elections.

Overthrow? Odd choice of words.

And.....are you certain that any of that actually happened?

Overthrow, defeat, discredit. . .use any word you like.

The Examiner seemed to be reporting from first hand experience and/or posted videos of Fox saying what they say he said. So am I sure? As sure as we can be of anything on the internet and I always leave open the possibility of some hanky panky these days. But I don't see any evidence of manipulation or cherry picking from the statements Fox was making in those videos.

Where are quotes from Pelosi?

There are no quotes from Pelosi since it was Vicente Fox talking about his experience with Pelosi.

Right. she plotting or collaborating to do anything with Fox regarding the election?

If you do not know, please refrain from saying that she is. Thanks.

I didn't say she was. Vicente Fox said she was.
Overthrow? Odd choice of words.

And.....are you certain that any of that actually happened?

Overthrow, defeat, discredit. . .use any word you like.

The Examiner seemed to be reporting from first hand experience and/or posted videos of Fox saying what they say he said. So am I sure? As sure as we can be of anything on the internet and I always leave open the possibility of some hanky panky these days. But I don't see any evidence of manipulation or cherry picking from the statements Fox was making in those videos.

Where are quotes from Pelosi?

There are no quotes from Pelosi since it was Vicente Fox talking about his experience with Pelosi.

Right. she plotting or collaborating to do anything with Fox regarding the election?

If you do not know, please refrain from saying that she is. Thanks.

I didn't say she was. Vicente Fox said she was.

You said this:

"Maybe I'm really old fashioned, but does it seem proper for a member of the U.S. Congress to be collaborating with a foreign leader to overthrow a Presidential nominee in this country?"

Are you going to be yourself and claim that you didn't mean to say that or that you were just posing the question exclusive of Rep. Pelosi? Or...will you shock me and admit your error?
Overthrow, defeat, discredit. . .use any word you like.

The Examiner seemed to be reporting from first hand experience and/or posted videos of Fox saying what they say he said. So am I sure? As sure as we can be of anything on the internet and I always leave open the possibility of some hanky panky these days. But I don't see any evidence of manipulation or cherry picking from the statements Fox was making in those videos.

Where are quotes from Pelosi?

There are no quotes from Pelosi since it was Vicente Fox talking about his experience with Pelosi.

Right. she plotting or collaborating to do anything with Fox regarding the election?

If you do not know, please refrain from saying that she is. Thanks.

I didn't say she was. Vicente Fox said she was.

You said this:

"Maybe I'm really old fashioned, but does it seem proper for a member of the U.S. Congress to be collaborating with a foreign leader to overthrow a Presidential nominee in this country?"

Are you going to be yourself and claim that you didn't mean to say that or that you were just posing the question exclusive of Rep. Pelosi? Or...will you shock me and admit your error?

Do you know the difference between a question and a statement? I was referring to what Vicente Fox said happened. Now if you have a quarrel with what somebody said, take it up with him please.
Fox, there is way too much prognostication going on. Thread after thread of Donald will lose or Donald will win. We have so much time ahead of us. Believe it is a waste of time. So much can still happen one way or the other. All I can see now is that Donald has a lot more upside than Hilary, and almost all libs just seem to ignore the fbi investigation.
I'm operating on the assumption that the FBI investigation is a non starter. This administration is not going to indict her and if the GOP wins in November, they would burn way too much political capital continuing to try to nail her, so in all likelihood she is free and clear.

As for Trump, the media is going to continue to milk that for all the ratings they can get. All we can do is just make the best case we can that even Donald Trump will not possibly be as disastrous in many ways than Hillary will be.
Fox, there is way too much prognostication going on. Thread after thread of Donald will lose or Donald will win. We have so much time ahead of us. Believe it is a waste of time. So much can still happen one way or the other. All I can see now is that Donald has a lot more upside than Hilary, and almost all libs just seem to ignore the fbi investigation.

In the wonderful world of media profits, it sells newspapers, Shrimp. It boosts ratings. Newspaper sales and boosted ratings on TV sell lots and lots more advertising. Trump is big BIG money to the media right now because he is generating interest in this campaign as nobody else has done in a long time.

So the shift has moved from who will be the GOP nominee to what does Trump have to do to win the hearts and minds, or more importantly votes, of those who oppose him? And of course the same people who were so totally wrong about the primary process are now so certain about how Trump should structure his campaign in the general election? Give me a break.

So what happens with Hillary doesn't matter much. She will be the Democratic nominee unless Sanders can pull off a miracle.

And unless the GOP can pull some rabbit out of the hat we don't know about, Trump will be the GOP nominee, not because the GOP wanted him, but because the people did. He is beholden to no party or special interest, he is no ideologue tied to rigid positions on anything, and he has a long track record of thinking big, setting achievable goals, and getting things done.

Trump may be a terrible President or he may accomplish something amazing and wonderful that even the died-in-the-wool conservatives and the most bleeding-heart liberals will see as pretty okay.

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