The 20 BBBBillion Shakedown


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
Adjuntas, PR , USA
About That $20 Billion

by Jim Davies

I was very disappointed to hear how the D.C. Mafia had subjected BP to what the possibly vertebrate Joe Barton (R-TX) called a "shakedown" for $20B to compensate those hurt by its oil spill, but had also made the company agree not to cap that sum (meaning the bill may be higher yet) and to let a government nominee administer the payments (meaning it is almost sure to be higher yet). Coupled with yet more apologies outside the White House, and inside Congress to the monotonously loathsome Henry Waxman (D-CA), this looked like an abject capitulation; for it has not yet been established that BP is even to blame for the spill, and the law – which government wrote – limits its liability anyway to $75 million. That was the basis on which BP hunted for oil, and on which its owners invested their money. Now that it has voluntarily exceeded that limit by a factor of at least 267, who can ever trust its word again?

The word of the Company, that is. The word of government has long ago been recognized as worthless, for if it finds any of its laws inconvenient (like the one that taxes the income only of those made legally "liable" for it) it will simply ignore them and do what it wants. We know that. But BP is not government. Is it?"

$20 Billion??

Its just the tip of the iceberg. BP will pay out a hell of a lot more before this one is finished

Great job by Obama don't you think?
$20 Billion??

Its just the tip of the iceberg. BP will pay out a hell of a lot more before this one is finished

Great job by Obama don't you think?

"but had also made the company agree not to cap that sum (meaning the bill may be higher yet) and to let a government nominee administer the payments (meaning it is almost sure to be higher yet)."

I do not believe BP was FORCED to do is in BP's best PR interest and BP agreed to this BEFORE obama went on the air about it....heck, this could even be BP's PR marketing firm that suggested it.

So far, BP has been on the up and up since the accident, minus a couple of blips. They know they have to be this way, because the whole world can end up hating them for destroying the gulf, and atlantic coast lines if this continues....
$20 Billion??

Its just the tip of the iceberg. BP will pay out a hell of a lot more before this one is finished

Great job by Obama don't you think?

"but had also made the company agree not to cap that sum (meaning the bill may be higher yet) and to let a government nominee administer the payments (meaning it is almost sure to be higher yet)."


Obama :clap2:
I do not believe BP was FORCED to do is in BP's best PR interest and BP agreed to this BEFORE obama went on the air about it....heck, this could even be BP's PR marketing firm that suggested it.

So far, BP has been on the up and up since the accident, minus a couple of blips. They know they have to be this way, because the whole world can end up hating them for destroying the gulf, and atlantic coast lines if this continues....

"for it has not yet been established that BP is even to blame for the spill, and the law – which government wrote – limits its liability anyway to $75 million. That was the basis on which BP hunted for oil, and on which its owners invested their money. Now that it has voluntarily exceeded that limit by a factor of at least 267, who can ever trust its word again?"

I can't wait! When we win it back and some Lib group fucks up, we're gonna own them!
About That $20 Billion

by Jim Davies

I was very disappointed to hear how the D.C. Mafia had subjected BP to what the possibly vertebrate Joe Barton (R-TX) called a "shakedown" for $20B to compensate those hurt by its oil spill, but had also made the company agree not to cap that sum (meaning the bill may be higher yet) and to let a government nominee administer the payments (meaning it is almost sure to be higher yet). Coupled with yet more apologies outside the White House, and inside Congress to the monotonously loathsome Henry Waxman (D-CA), this looked like an abject capitulation; for it has not yet been established that BP is even to blame for the spill, and the law – which government wrote – limits its liability anyway to $75 million. That was the basis on which BP hunted for oil, and on which its owners invested their money. Now that it has voluntarily exceeded that limit by a factor of at least 267, who can ever trust its word again?

The word of the Company, that is. The word of government has long ago been recognized as worthless, for if it finds any of its laws inconvenient (like the one that taxes the income only of those made legally "liable" for it) it will simply ignore them and do what it wants. We know that. But BP is not government. Is it?"


And for all the angst and anger, the conservatives in congress, which idiots like you will continue to vote for, are too cowardly to do anything about it. They will roll over like the little bitches that they are

Ah yes. the well being of a trans-national corperation is so much more important than the well being of American Citizens. What a bunch of fecal eaters you Conservatives that take this stand are.
I've heard everything said about the oil spill except, "What can I do to help solve this problem?" Plenty of finger pointing and the blame game is in overdrive and all of that may, or may not be fair BUT when is somebody going to suggest that we stop beating this poor dead horse and actually get around to solving the problem of stopping the flow of oil into the Gulf? I'm beginning to think that the government doesn't really want the oil flow to be stopped because it is fuel for their Cap and Trade scam they are trying to pull off on the American public. Wouldn't it be nice if we could get the damned oil spill under control before we begin the game of playing politics with this tragic event?
I do not believe BP was FORCED to do is in BP's best PR interest and BP agreed to this BEFORE obama went on the air about it....heck, this could even be BP's PR marketing firm that suggested it.

So far, BP has been on the up and up since the accident, minus a couple of blips. They know they have to be this way, because the whole world can end up hating them for destroying the gulf, and atlantic coast lines if this continues....

"for it has not yet been established that BP is even to blame for the spill, and the law – which government wrote – limits its liability anyway to $75 million. That was the basis on which BP hunted for oil, and on which its owners invested their money. Now that it has voluntarily exceeded that limit by a factor of at least 267, who can ever trust its word again?"


bp knows they are to blame....if they knew they were free and clear from any negligence, they would not have offered up the 20 billion and told the world they would pay for the entire clean up. They killed 11 good men as can't be easy on their conscience.

capping lawsuits in my opinion is unconstitutional....congress was given no powers to do such....we have the RIGHT to redress grievances in our country and the members of congress putting in such legislation that prevents us from recouping our losses when we are done wrong ...should lose their jobs... and obviously were in bed with the oil industry.
I do not believe BP was FORCED to do is in BP's best PR interest and BP agreed to this BEFORE obama went on the air about it....heck, this could even be BP's PR marketing firm that suggested it.

So far, BP has been on the up and up since the accident, minus a couple of blips. They know they have to be this way, because the whole world can end up hating them for destroying the gulf, and atlantic coast lines if this continues....

"for it has not yet been established that BP is even to blame for the spill, and the law – which government wrote – limits its liability anyway to $75 million. That was the basis on which BP hunted for oil, and on which its owners invested their money. Now that it has voluntarily exceeded that limit by a factor of at least 267, who can ever trust its word again?"


bp knows they are to blame....if they knew they were free and clear from any negligence, they would not have offered up the 20 billion and told the world they would pay for the entire clean up. They killed 11 good men as can't be easy on their conscience.

capping lawsuits in my opinion is unconstitutional....congress was given no powers to do such....we have the RIGHT to redress grievances in our country and the members of congress putting in such legislation that prevents us from recouping our losses when we are done wrong ...should lose their jobs... and obviously were in bed with the oil industry.

I agree. That's pretty good thinking for a person from Maine. With all the warm weather, your brain must have thawed out! Just kidding. I don't see how Congress critters can put a cap on this mess either. Very good point.
BP alone will not be paying the entire bill. they are looking at Haliburton and Transocean. But I think when the investigation is complete, BP is going to be found negligent. This may let both Haliburton and Transocean walk.

If Obama had not gotten the 20 Billion excrow, the GOP would have slammed him. It doesn't matter what he does, the Republicans are going to slam him.
I've heard everything said about the oil spill except, "What can I do to help solve this problem?" Plenty of finger pointing and the blame game is in overdrive and all of that may, or may not be fair BUT when is somebody going to suggest that we stop beating this poor dead horse and actually get around to solving the problem of stopping the flow of oil into the Gulf? I'm beginning to think that the government doesn't really want the oil flow to be stopped because it is fuel for their Cap and Trade scam they are trying to pull off on the American public. Wouldn't it be nice if we could get the damned oil spill under control before we begin the game of playing politics with this tragic event?
please don't start ANOTHER CONSPIRACY ala crusaderfrank's on this....NO ONE WANTS THIS TO CONTINUE....not the gvt and certainly not bp....

don't go only HURTS OUR COUNTRY to start CRAPOLA like are not helping matters one iota by doing such....AND countdrac, you know better....unlike crusaderfrank.
I've heard everything said about the oil spill except, "What can I do to help solve this problem?" Plenty of finger pointing and the blame game is in overdrive and all of that may, or may not be fair BUT when is somebody going to suggest that we stop beating this poor dead horse and actually get around to solving the problem of stopping the flow of oil into the Gulf? I'm beginning to think that the government doesn't really want the oil flow to be stopped because it is fuel for their Cap and Trade scam they are trying to pull off on the American public. Wouldn't it be nice if we could get the damned oil spill under control before we begin the game of playing politics with this tragic event?
please don't start ANOTHER CONSPIRACY ala crusaderfrank's on this....NO ONE WANTS THIS TO CONTINUE....not the gvt and certainly not bp....

don't go only HURTS OUR COUNTRY to start CRAPOLA like are not helping matters one iota by doing such....AND countdrac, you know better....unlike crusaderfrank.

The crux of what I'm saying is simply this. We all know that BP is responsible for this problem. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that. We are not doing enough, soon enough to get this problem under control. In this entire planet Earth, are you telling me that nobody know's how to stop this flow of oil? I don't believe that. Everyday that passes, is another day of political frenzy. That energy should be put towards stopping the flow of oil. Plenty of time for political crap when it's over. When you're bleeding to death from your leg, you don't stop to put a bandaid on your finger.
I've heard everything said about the oil spill except, "What can I do to help solve this problem?" Plenty of finger pointing and the blame game is in overdrive and all of that may, or may not be fair BUT when is somebody going to suggest that we stop beating this poor dead horse and actually get around to solving the problem of stopping the flow of oil into the Gulf? I'm beginning to think that the government doesn't really want the oil flow to be stopped because it is fuel for their Cap and Trade scam they are trying to pull off on the American public. Wouldn't it be nice if we could get the damned oil spill under control before we begin the game of playing politics with this tragic event?
please don't start ANOTHER CONSPIRACY ala crusaderfrank's on this....NO ONE WANTS THIS TO CONTINUE....not the gvt and certainly not bp....

don't go only HURTS OUR COUNTRY to start CRAPOLA like are not helping matters one iota by doing such....AND countdrac, you know better....unlike crusaderfrank.

The crux of what I'm saying is simply this. We all know that BP is responsible for this problem. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that. We are not doing enough, soon enough to get this problem under control. In this entire planet Earth, are you telling me that nobody know's how to stop this flow of oil? I don't believe that. Everyday that passes, is another day of political frenzy. That energy should be put towards stopping the flow of oil. Plenty of time for political crap when it's over. When you're bleeding to death from your leg, you don't stop to put a bandaid on your finger.

tell you not think that BP has every incentive in the world to stop this gusher?

what logic do you have on BP wanting this costly to them gusher to continue?

do you think that if there was some kind of magic cure, that these geniuses would not speak up or that bp would turn a blind eye to it?

the heads of all the major oil corporations were called in the first week of this disaster and asked if they knew how to cap it...heard that on the 24/7.

there was a gusher like this off of mexico in took them 10 months to stop it, by drilling relief wells.... (note that even after the relief wells... it continued to leak, but at a slower rate....)

yes, i understand your concern and it is very frustrating to see an entire ecosystem of one of the most beautiful areas in the world be ruined....:(

i can't understand why BP didn't have a plan in the event of such was in their own best interest to have one, whether our gvt required one or they will on future oil ventures in deep water....but shameful it had to come to such a disaster to make them view things in a less haphazardly manner.
Until the petroleum companies have resources in place, there should be no drilling at all in the Gulf. We cannot afford this catastrophe, let alone another one.

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