CDZ The 100 Most Influential Americans

Columbus and other explorers were not American, but I get what they mean (I guess). I don't see where Dillinger is influential. He is next to Lucky Luciano, who, I suspect, would be more influential since he envisioned the modern Mafia. I don't see how a horse is on there. Edith Wharton.

Seems these lists are there to generate conversation and cash more than anything sometimes.
Well there was no "America" when Columbus and other explorers came here, but generations of school children grew up remembering the the date Columbus arrived for their history test by reciting "In fourteen hundred and ninety two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue."

And whether you consider Columbus as the both good and bad person he was or choose to villainize him as some now do, his voyage and discovery of the 'new world' in his time is reflected in myriad schools, names of towns, streets, etc. in America to this day. A large South American country is named for him. Certainly he belongs on a list of people who have been most influential to the Americas and Americans.

Much of the southwest is checkered with historical markers and statues of various Spaniards who, right or wrong, good or bad, arrived here long before we were a country and left their own mark on the history of the development of what is now America/The United States.

Which is why I think it so wrong for the 'woke' folk to be tearing down monuments, statues, historical markers of those individuals who were so influential whether or not we approve of that influence. History is what it is, and Americans should know as much of it as reasonable, both the good and the bad.
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I assume it would have to be for positive reasons, it's easy to list the myriad of negative ones. There are some that have been positive and negative in equal measure.

But just for a positive influential American, I can't think of one.

Edit : Warren Buffet?
It could be good or bad, Hitler was a major influencer but it was all bad.

Sports, maybe Tom Brady?
Presidents, Donald Trump?

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