"THAT, Would Almost Prove the Existence of God...."


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
"Imagine how different life on planet earth would be if our moms had met just a few years later."

What if Mother Europe had had her socio-evolutionary pms melt-downs we affectionately refer to as the eras of religious and social persecution before she met Miss America?

"Would life at this time and occupying this space in this universe be different?"

What if Columbus had gotten intimate with a Hurricane and lost 3 Spanish ships instead of discovering "India"?

:eusa_think: "That would almost prove the existence of God...."

What if conquering Alexander was thought an ass-hole by history instead of "The Great"?

"Every culture and time had their well-armed assholes with appetites!"

True enough. Africa had her Idi Amin and others... any one who has seen the movie "Apocalypto" understands that Tonto and 'the peaceful hunter gatherers of the plains' are not the only faces of the first Americans.

"Every culture spawned its Christ killers!"

True enough, but not every culture thought 'Ruling the World' was keen...Hell, maybe they did... When only a partial history of this planet survives, who the fuck really knows what was going on in the place later named 'Seattle' when Western 'Civilization' was crucifying his god?

Could have been summers of half naked women teaching kids to fish in the sun shine and evenings of salmon feasts with winters spent huddled 'round a cozy fire after a day harvesting clams at the beach.... a vacation that can be arranged, for a price.

"Could have been summers sweating under clothing to heavy for the environment but necessary to ward of mosquitos and cold winters of funerals..."

Hell, it could have been raiding parties from rival tribes taking what they wanted because nobody could stop them. That's part of the frustration of not knowing all of earth's history.

"The past needs to die with those who died to get us here - the past is either worth building the infrastructure our children need to reach the stars on or it's irrelevant."

Irrelevant does not mean not remembered... education of the next generation is what separates us from the animals, not our "image" and God having two hands and a dick or the emotional understanding of either of those tools.

:eusa_think: The only thing sadder than infrastructure destroyed by nature is infrastructure torn down so someone else can't use it.

"Yeah, but white folk don't 'get' it because their history disrupted or destroyed everyone else's."

Not true. There is a sliding scale of 'getting it' that knows no color barriers. And assholes who take what they want if they feel they can get away with it come in similar percentages of all breeds of men.

"Same can be said of the worlds Good Samaritans.... as a percentage of colors and cultures wise, that is."

"The good news and bad news is that it's a big fucking planet and Europe's 'conquest and colonize phase' didn't complete the job before the cost of accurate information came with in the reach of the majority."

I'll admit that there's a selfish bastard in me who would be better off if the planet had been smaller and / or the Europeans had squabbled less among themselves over ownership of "The New World" they found and done a better job of conquering the whole planet for their descendants - I can certainly pass for one - but the romantic in me wishes the boats of Columbus had met Katrina's big sister.


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