That"New New York Ad"Seriously?,Open A Business There, Mayor Doomberg Up Your Butt?

Feb 1, 2013
Naples,Marco Area

Have you all seen the ad by now? Promoting small business to come back to New York? So what happened? Did a few thousand small business owners pack up and moved south?
And add to the financial dilemma New York is in, along with a "Laughable Mayor", why would anyone want to invest in a small business in New York? Do you really want to take that risk? What if "The Crappers" return like they did last winter(was it last winter/fall?) and poop on your front lawn and rip out your restroom sinks?
Residents and Business Owners in New York are leaving in groves. New York is done! just like California and Illinois. And don't try to add the temptation of "New Lower Taxes". HOW ABOUT NO LEASE AND NO TAXES EVER Governor Coomo!!!
Lotsa money in New York.



Credit to auditor0007
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Have you all seen the ad by now? Promoting small business to come back to New York? So what happened? Did a few thousand small business owners pack up and moved south?
And add to the financial dilemma New York is in, along with a "Laughable Mayor", why would anyone want to invest in a small business in New York? Do you really want to take that risk? What if "The Crappers" return like they did last winter(was it last winter/fall?) and poop on your front lawn and rip out your restroom sinks?
Residents and Business Owners in New York are leaving in groves. New York is done! just like California and Illinois. And don't try to add the temptation of "New Lower Taxes". HOW ABOUT NO LEASE AND NO TAXES EVER Governor Coomo!!!

Yes, I've seen this commercial. I laughed to myself when I saw it run the other night. If a state like New York has to remind people how "good" for business they are they're in trouble.

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