That a girl

This is not atypical for young people. They tend to see the world in black and white. It's not until they grow up, get a real job, have to pay bills, maybe have children and see how the world really works. Most of them grow up and start seeing that the world and individual's treatment in that world isn't as cut and dry as their media outlets would have them believe. While I don't like seeing looting and destruction of businesses, I can totally understand wanting to get rid of statues. Move the things to history museums where proper context and explanations can be made. Since I was a kid, I've never understood wanting to lionize Confederate figures with statues...jeez, they were traitors!
This is not atypical for young people. They tend to see the world in black and white. It's not until they grow up, get a real job, have to pay bills, maybe have children and see how the world really works. Most of them grow up and start seeing that the world and individual's treatment in that world isn't as cut and dry as their media outlets would have them believe
Hilarious that you think people "grow up to liberalism". Nope, she'll forever be a great AMERICAN conservative
She goes head of line for gulag

View attachment 356194
Nope. She'll be the solution

I completely forgot to include the influence of her parents and their family in helping to shape her views. Again, until she goes out on her own and sees how the world really works, her attitude is not unsurprising.
She won't be the solution to anything. If her views stay as they are, she'll be the next generation of the ever dwindling alt-right. A dying breed.
She goes head of line for gulag

View attachment 356194
Nope. She'll be the solution

I completely forgot to include the influence of her parents and their family in helping to shape her views. Again, until she goes out on her own and sees how the world really works, her attitude is not unsurprising.
She won't be the solution to anything. If her views stay as they are, she'll be the next generation of the ever dwindling alt-right. A dying breed.
Shes not "alt-right", shes just "right". Alt-right is Nazi, they are not conservative. "Alt-right" is socialist. Btw, I proudly follow her on tiktok. You'd be surprised by the YUGE number of conservatives and Trump supporters there. They give me hope
This is not atypical for young people. They tend to see the world in black and white. It's not until they grow up, get a real job, have to pay bills, maybe have children and see how the world really works. Most of them grow up and start seeing that the world and individual's treatment in that world isn't as cut and dry as their media outlets would have them believe
Hilarious that you think people "grow up to liberalism". Nope, she'll forever be a great AMERICAN conservative
Lefties They're brain dead retards locked into thier simplistic stereotypes
I was never lefty either ...even as a teen
We're not that uncommon....

They wanna sentence her to 4 years of genders studies ....or a lobotomy...same thing

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