Thanks to Republicans, the corrupt Roberts' court has reversed decades of progress

Republicans are no more corrupt than the Democrats.
I'm sorry, but in the White House, where it really matters, Republicans win that pissing contest


And that chart was made in 2018, these fellows have been convicted since then, all part of the Trump entourage:

Of the thirteen items you listed, there are only two where I disagree with the ruling of the courts. Maybe you just need to get a better viewpoint on what this country is supposed to be and how it should work.

That those court rulings were based on a conservative court, who were appointed by Republican Presidents who were not elected by the will of the people, but by a fluke of the electoral college, which, in disaccord with framer intent, got elected by a minority of the population? Please, how democracy is supposed to work, well, don't take my word for it, take the word of Alexander Hamilton:

"... the fundamental maxim of republican government, which requires that the sense of the majority should prevail." --Alexander Hamilton, Federalist #22

Simply put, this court, as it is now constructed of 6 conservative justices versus 3 liberal justices, was the result of the tyranny of the minority, which was NEVER the framer's intent.

Therefore, your premise is misguided and does not reflect reality and is ANATHEMA to DEMOCRACY.
That those court rulings were based on a conservative court, who were appointed by Republican Presidents who were not elected by the will of the people, but by a fluke of the electoral college, which, in disaccord with framer intent, got elected by a minority of the population? Please, how democracy is supposed to work,
Where have I ever claimed to believe in Democracy? I’m a PROUD supporter of an Authoritarian Society where those rulings wouldn’t even be considered worth talking about as those positions would be moderate at best.
Simply put, this court, as it is now constructed of 6 conservative justices versus 3 liberal justices, was the result of the tyranny of the minority, which was NEVER the framer's intent
Right and Wrong don’t worry about whether they’re supported by the majority. They simply exist, unshakable as ever.
I'm gonna do it......

"Forwarding the tyranny of the minority" is a nonsensical iteration.
That those court rulings were based on a conservative court, who were appointed by Republican Presidents who were not elected by the will of the people, but by a fluke of the electoral college, which, in disaccord with framer intent, got elected by a minority of the population? Please, how democracy is supposed to work, well, don't take my word for it, take the word of Alexander Hamilton:

"... the fundamental maxim of republican government, which requires that the sense of the majority should prevail." --Alexander Hamilton, Federalist #22

Simply put, this court, as it is now constructed of 6 conservative justices versus 3 liberal justices, was the result of the tyranny of the minority, which was NEVER the framer's intent.

Therefore, my 'iteration' is entirely 'sensical'.

The 2nd amendment is a Right you have nothing to say about it.
No right is absolute. the court defines scope, and that varies with judicial philosophy, which, as described above, is ste by the tyranny of the minority (defined by the will of the people being the majority)
'A woman's pregnancy' is actually a developing human being which is what is being protected.
"Personhood' is not and cannot be established by science, since it's not a scientific question, it's a philosophical question, and as such, can only be defined by judicial decree and/or legislative decree, which varies according to judicial philosophy and the political philosophy of the various state legislatures, and , of which, a new precedent, violating 50 years of judicially backed precedent, is currently monitored by a conservative court, whose judicial philosophy is in disaccord with that of the majority (who support a woman's right to abortion), hence the theme of this thread, 'the tyranny of the minority'.
Removing the discriminatory AA guidelines in college admissions is a step toward equality of opportunity.
In my view, it boils down to hard stats. Will the new ruling set the student body to reasonably resemble America, or is it lopsided in favor of the priveledge few? Whatever gets that right is what I support. So, we shall see if the new policy works.
Suppressing illegal voters is a good thing.
Illegals don't vote, never did (in no where near enough quantities to affect the outcome of an election). So, your premise misses the mark.
Reversing an attack on the 1st Amendment, you silly boy
Not sure which one you are referring to.
Don't Unions have enough money? Tell you what, don't hire a non union employee in the first place.
Unions allow workers bargaining parity, and that's a good thing for a nation, given that the free market tends to give too much power to employers which results in many places of employ, the exploitation of workers
Republicans, via their reshaping America against the will of the people and forwarding a tyranny of the minority, have done more to injure America than any one group. To wit;

Ensuring the persistence of gun violence (District of Columbia v. Heller).....approved.

Paying lip service to being against 'big government' by placing a woman's pregnancy under the control of the state (Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization).....approved.

Securing a path towards reinstating racial discrimination in college admissions, employment, and voting laws.....approved. (Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard) Mod Edit: Links to cases provided. MB.

Facilitating the adoption of voter suppression tactics (Crawford v. Marion County Election Board).....approved.

Sanctioning discrimination based on sexual identity (Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc.).....approved.

Reversing a century of campaign finance legislation, leading to the rise of super PACs and undisclosed money in politics (Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission).....approved.

Undermining unions by ruling that public-employee unions cannot collect "fair-share" fees from non-union employees who benefit from collective bargaining (Janus v. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, Council 31).....approved.

Ensuring the continued corruption of elections by declaring that federal courts lack jurisdiction over partisan gerrymandering issues (Rucho v. Common Cause).....approved.

Making it significantly more challenging for consumers to file class action lawsuits against corporations (AT&T Mobility LLC v. Concepcion).....approved.

In a callous display of cruelty, determining that the Eighth Amendment does not require a method of execution to be free of pain (Glossip v. Gross).....approved.

Upholding a president's authority to discriminate against immigrants based on their religion (Trump v. Hawaii).....approved.

Guaranteeing increased air pollution by concluding that the Clean Air Act does not grant the EPA broad powers to regulate carbon emissions from power plants (Utility Air Regulatory Group v. Environmental Protection Agency).....approved.

Decreeing that a violation of the Miranda rule does not provide the basis for a civil rights lawsuit in cases of police abuse (District of Columbia v. Wesby).....approved.

Thanks a lot Republicans, you've managed to wreck America but we will kick your collective butts in 2024, you can count on it. Cya at the ballot box in 2024.

***Mod Edit: Need to provide links to statements made as fact. It's in the rules.***
1) ah because there was no gun violence in DC prior to that case?? hahah
2) yes, small govt, as opposed to under the control over the federal govt.
3) um that case overturned allowing racisl discrimination in college and the work place
4) hahah, that opinion was written by Justice Stevens...all it said was a law requring a photo ID didn't violate the Constitution...geez.
5) Burrel v Hobby Lobby had nothing to do with someone's sexuality....
6) a century of campaign fin law? hahah the law in question was 8 years old....what the F? The law itself tried to overturn centuries of Constituitonal law.
7) hahah yes, Unions can't collect fees from what a horrible concept.
8) The Courts hae never taken up Political Questions...that's been the case since the court was created

I could go on, but it's clear you have no clue what you are talking about already
The Democrats in places raised the minimum wage to $15.00 an hour. You're meal went from $6.00 to $12.00. How does that help?

A minimum wage does not cause inflation, it merely keeps up with inflation, and to not allow minimum wage increases is a de facto tax on the poor to the benefit of the rich, which, not only that, hurts the economy given that the engine of job creation is aggregate purchasing power of the middle and lower classes.

Any serious economist will tell you that. Inflation is a monetary phenomenon, caused by the massive injection of fiat currency into the money supply raising the aggregate money supply in the bidding economy, where there are too many dollars chasing too few goods. This is the one issue where I agree with the neoliberal economists, such as Milton Friedman, who was the advisor to Ronald Reagan. (However, where I differ with the neolibs is on solutions in general policies, except how to control inflation, the monetarists know how to curb it, as, fed chair. Jerome Powell, following the successful action of Paul Volcker in the 80s, they know how to prevent runaway inflation, which is, essentially, the art of controlling the prime rate [used to be called the 'discount rate'] ). The current inflation was caused by both the Trump and Biden stimulus packages, which injected $4 trillion of new dollars into the economy, which was necessary given that the pandemic caused world wide lockdowns and supply chain disruptions , and, but for the stimulus, we would have experienced a massive deflation and world wide depression. We had no choice, but the price for that 'quantitative easing' is inflation. But, the pandemic as passed and inflation, too, is fading in it's diminishing wake. Another contributor was the war in Ukraine where Russia choked petroleum supplies causing the price of oil to double, though, technically speaking, a supply side cause is not true inflation, though it has the same effect, rising prices. True inflation is not caused by demand, it's caused by too many dollars chasing too few goods. Demand causes are like ripples in a pool, they go up and down but the water line average is constant, and will only rise if you pump more water (money) into the pool. Inflation is a rising trend, not a temporal increase.
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That those court rulings were based on a conservative court, who were appointed by Republican Presidents who were not elected by the will of the people, but by a fluke of the electoral college, which, in disaccord with framer intent, got elected by a minority of the population? Please, how democracy is supposed to work, well, don't take my word for it, take the word of Alexander Hamilton:

"... the fundamental maxim of republican government, which requires that the sense of the majority should prevail." --Alexander Hamilton, Federalist #22

Simply put, this court, as it is now constructed of 6 conservative justices versus 3 liberal justices, was the result of the tyranny of the minority, which was NEVER the framer's intent.

Therefore, my 'iteration' is entirely 'sensical'.

No right is absolute. the court defines scope, and that varies with judicial philosophy, which, as described above, is ste by the tyranny of the minority (defined by the will of the people being the majority)

"Personhood' is not and cannot be established by science, since it's not a scientific question, it's a philosophical question, and as such, can only be defined by judicial decree and/or legislative decree, which varies according to judicial philosophy and the political philosophy of the various state legislatures, and , of which, a new precedent, violating 50 years of judicially backed precedent, is currently monitored by a conservative court, whose judicial philosophy is in disaccord with that of the majority (who support a woman's right to abortion), hence the theme of this thread, 'the tyranny of the minority'.

In my view, it boils down to hard stats. Will the new ruling set the student body to reasonably resemble America, or is it lopsided in favor of the priveledge few? Whatever gets that right is what I support. So, we shall see if the new policy works.

Illegals don't vote, never did (in no where near enough quantities to affect the outcome of an election). So, your premise misses the mark.

Not sure which one you are referring to.

Unions allow workers bargaining parity, and that's a good thing for a nation, given that the free market tends to give too much power to employers which results in many places of employ, the exploitation of workers
Sounds like you'd be happier living somewhere else.
Like it or not, this all goes back to the Democrats supporting the monstrous psychopath Hillary.

People found her so disgusting that they voted for Trump.
No, 3 million more voted for Hillary. Trump won due to a fluke of the electoral college system.
And he appointed a bunch of judges.

IOW, Democrats brought this upon themselves, or as they like to say:

"Elections have consequences."

A fluke of the electoral college is the source of the tyranny of the minority.
Yes, the framers wanted electors to elect the president, by a majority of electors,
but they never intended for the elector count to disagree with the popular vote,
as evidenced by the fact that in the last 233 years, it has happened only 5 times.

Minority rule was NEVER the founding father's intent.

"...the fundamental maxim of republican government, which requires that the sense of the majority should prevail." --Alexander Hamilton
Where have I ever claimed to believe in Democracy? I’m a PROUD supporter of an Authoritarian Society where those rulings wouldn’t even be considered worth talking about as those positions would be moderate at best.
So, you're a Fascist. Wonderful.
No, 3 million more voted for Hillary. Trump won due to a fluke of the electoral college system.

A fluke of the electoral college is the source of the tyranny of the minority.
Yes, the framers wanted electors to elect the president, by a majority of electors,
but they never intended for the elector count to disagree with the popular vote,
as evidenced by the fact that in the last 233 years, it has happened only 5 times.

Minority rule was NEVER the founding father's intent.

"...the fundamental maxim of republican government, which requires that the sense of the majority should prevail." --Alexander Hamilton

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