Thanks to Republicans, the corrupt Roberts' court has reversed decades of progress

Republicans, via their reshaping America against the will of the people and forwarding a tyranny of the minority, have done more to injure America than any one group. To wit;

Ensuring the persistence of gun violence (District of Columbia v. Heller).....approved.

Paying lip service to being against 'big government' by placing a woman's pregnancy under the control of the state (Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization).....approved.

Securing a path towards reinstating racial discrimination in college admissions, employment, and voting laws.....approved.

Facilitating the adoption of voter suppression tactics (Crawford v. Marion County Election Board).....approved.

Sanctioning discrimination based on sexual identity (Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc.).....approved.

Reversing a century of campaign finance legislation, leading to the rise of super PACs and undisclosed money in politics (Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission).....approved.

Undermining unions by ruling that public-employee unions cannot collect "fair-share" fees from non-union employees who benefit from collective bargaining (Janus v. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, Council 31).....approved.

Ensuring the continued corruption of elections by declaring that federal courts lack jurisdiction over partisan gerrymandering issues (Rucho v. Common Cause).....approved.

Making it significantly more challenging for consumers to file class action lawsuits against corporations (AT&T Mobility LLC v. Concepcion).....approved.

In a callous display of cruelty, determining that the Eighth Amendment does not require a method of execution to be free of pain (Glossip v. Gross).....approved.

Upholding a president's authority to discriminate against immigrants based on their religion (Trump v. Hawaii).....approved.

Guaranteeing increased air pollution by concluding that the Clean Air Act does not grant the EPA broad powers to regulate carbon emissions from power plants (Utility Air Regulatory Group v. Environmental Protection Agency).....approved.

Decreeing that a violation of the Miranda rule does not provide the basis for a civil rights lawsuit in cases of police abuse (District of Columbia v. Wesby).....approved.

Thanks a lot Republicans, you've managed to wreck America but we will kick your collective butts in 2024, you can count on it. Cya at the ballot box in 2024.

***Mod Edit: Need to provide links to statements made as fact. It's in the rules.***
Idiocy is often funny.
Republicans, via their reshaping America against the will of the people and forwarding a tyranny of the minority, have done more to injure America than any one group. To wit;

Ensuring the persistence of gun violence (District of Columbia v. Heller).....approved.

Paying lip service to being against 'big government' by placing a woman's pregnancy under the control of the state (Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization).....approved.

Securing a path towards reinstating racial discrimination in college admissions, employment, and voting laws.....approved.

Facilitating the adoption of voter suppression tactics (Crawford v. Marion County Election Board).....approved.

Sanctioning discrimination based on sexual identity (Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc.).....approved.

Reversing a century of campaign finance legislation, leading to the rise of super PACs and undisclosed money in politics (Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission).....approved.

Undermining unions by ruling that public-employee unions cannot collect "fair-share" fees from non-union employees who benefit from collective bargaining (Janus v. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, Council 31).....approved.

Ensuring the continued corruption of elections by declaring that federal courts lack jurisdiction over partisan gerrymandering issues (Rucho v. Common Cause).....approved.

Making it significantly more challenging for consumers to file class action lawsuits against corporations (AT&T Mobility LLC v. Concepcion).....approved.

In a callous display of cruelty, determining that the Eighth Amendment does not require a method of execution to be free of pain (Glossip v. Gross).....approved.

Upholding a president's authority to discriminate against immigrants based on their religion (Trump v. Hawaii).....approved.

Guaranteeing increased air pollution by concluding that the Clean Air Act does not grant the EPA broad powers to regulate carbon emissions from power plants (Utility Air Regulatory Group v. Environmental Protection Agency).....approved.

Decreeing that a violation of the Miranda rule does not provide the basis for a civil rights lawsuit in cases of police abuse (District of Columbia v. Wesby).....approved.

Thanks a lot Republicans, you've managed to wreck America but we will kick your collective butts in 2024, you can count on it. Cya at the ballot box in 2024.

***Mod Edit: Need to provide links to statements made as fact. It's in the rules.***
Hold on…so Trumps Court bitch-slapped the living fuck out of the regressive, filthy and degenerate Left and you think that’s bad for America?
If you lefties are bitching…we know it’s great for America and core Americans.
Republicans, via their reshaping America against the will of the people and forwarding a tyranny of the minority, have done more to injure America than any one group. To wit;

Ensuring the persistence of gun violence (District of Columbia v. Heller).....approved.

Paying lip service to being against 'big government' by placing a woman's pregnancy under the control of the state (Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization).....approved.

Securing a path towards reinstating racial discrimination in college admissions, employment, and voting laws.....approved. (Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard) Mod Edit: Links to cases provided. MB.

Facilitating the adoption of voter suppression tactics (Crawford v. Marion County Election Board).....approved.

Sanctioning discrimination based on sexual identity (Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc.).....approved.

Reversing a century of campaign finance legislation, leading to the rise of super PACs and undisclosed money in politics (Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission).....approved.

Undermining unions by ruling that public-employee unions cannot collect "fair-share" fees from non-union employees who benefit from collective bargaining (Janus v. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, Council 31).....approved.

Ensuring the continued corruption of elections by declaring that federal courts lack jurisdiction over partisan gerrymandering issues (Rucho v. Common Cause).....approved.

Making it significantly more challenging for consumers to file class action lawsuits against corporations (AT&T Mobility LLC v. Concepcion).....approved.

In a callous display of cruelty, determining that the Eighth Amendment does not require a method of execution to be free of pain (Glossip v. Gross).....approved.

Upholding a president's authority to discriminate against immigrants based on their religion (Trump v. Hawaii).....approved.

Guaranteeing increased air pollution by concluding that the Clean Air Act does not grant the EPA broad powers to regulate carbon emissions from power plants (Utility Air Regulatory Group v. Environmental Protection Agency).....approved.

Decreeing that a violation of the Miranda rule does not provide the basis for a civil rights lawsuit in cases of police abuse (District of Columbia v. Wesby).....approved.

Thanks a lot Republicans, you've managed to wreck America but we will kick your collective butts in 2024, you can count on it. Cya at the ballot box in 2024.

***Mod Edit: Need to provide links to statements made as fact. It's in the rules.***
Like it or not, this all goes back to the Democrats supporting the monstrous psychopath Hillary.

People found her so disgusting that they voted for Trump.

And he appointed a bunch of judges.

IOW, Democrats brought this upon themselves, or as they like to say:

"Elections have consequences."
Whatever, dipshit. You have no idea what a BAR .270 is, retard.
You are not going to snipe anyone.
You right wingers are nothing at all. The next type of J6 the responsible right to responsible left will be out to end that nonsense forever. No LEO necessary.
You're retarded. What is a .270?

If "J6" was a real American insurrection, they would have had guns and there would have been shootings, you stupid commie

indoctrinated fucktard.
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You would be so afraid to mix it up.

My father carried the WWII version of the BAR.

You MAGA are three steps down while any non-MAGA is four steps above.
Yeah? So did my friend's dad. But that came after being able to kill Nazis and send Lugers and Mausers home on US planes.

He told me all about it. Apparently more than he told his son. They gave him a special harness and taught him how to reload the SAW while still walking n stuff, and keep fire on "target".
Republicans, via their reshaping America against the will of the people and forwarding a tyranny of the minority, have done more to injure America than any one group. To wit;

Ensuring the persistence of gun violence (District of Columbia v. Heller).....approved.

Paying lip service to being against 'big government' by placing a woman's pregnancy under the control of the state (Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization).....approved.

Securing a path towards reinstating racial discrimination in college admissions, employment, and voting laws.....approved. (Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard) Mod Edit: Links to cases provided. MB.

Facilitating the adoption of voter suppression tactics (Crawford v. Marion County Election Board).....approved.

Sanctioning discrimination based on sexual identity (Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc.).....approved.

Reversing a century of campaign finance legislation, leading to the rise of super PACs and undisclosed money in politics (Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission).....approved.

Undermining unions by ruling that public-employee unions cannot collect "fair-share" fees from non-union employees who benefit from collective bargaining (Janus v. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, Council 31).....approved.

Ensuring the continued corruption of elections by declaring that federal courts lack jurisdiction over partisan gerrymandering issues (Rucho v. Common Cause).....approved.

Making it significantly more challenging for consumers to file class action lawsuits against corporations (AT&T Mobility LLC v. Concepcion).....approved.

In a callous display of cruelty, determining that the Eighth Amendment does not require a method of execution to be free of pain (Glossip v. Gross).....approved.

Upholding a president's authority to discriminate against immigrants based on their religion (Trump v. Hawaii).....approved.

Guaranteeing increased air pollution by concluding that the Clean Air Act does not grant the EPA broad powers to regulate carbon emissions from power plants (Utility Air Regulatory Group v. Environmental Protection Agency).....approved.

Decreeing that a violation of the Miranda rule does not provide the basis for a civil rights lawsuit in cases of police abuse (District of Columbia v. Wesby).....approved.

Thanks a lot Republicans, you've managed to wreck America but we will kick your collective butts in 2024, you can count on it. Cya at the ballot box in 2024.

***Mod Edit: Need to provide links to statements made as fact. It's in the rules.***
Oh, Dearie Me... a LibProg melting down over a Return to Sanity, led by the present US Supreme Court... darned funny stuff... :auiqs.jpg:
If the election of 2024 goes GOP and MAGA, the red is safe for a bit.

If the election goes Blue by big majorities, MAGA is finished and the GOP will have to recreate itself.
Republicans, via their reshaping America against the will of the people and forwarding a tyranny of the minority, have done more to injure America than any one group. To wit;

Ensuring the persistence of gun violence (District of Columbia v. Heller).....approved.

Paying lip service to being against 'big government' by placing a woman's pregnancy under the control of the state (Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization).....approved.

Securing a path towards reinstating racial discrimination in college admissions, employment, and voting laws.....approved. (Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard) Mod Edit: Links to cases provided. MB.

Facilitating the adoption of voter suppression tactics (Crawford v. Marion County Election Board).....approved.

Sanctioning discrimination based on sexual identity (Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc.).....approved.

Reversing a century of campaign finance legislation, leading to the rise of super PACs and undisclosed money in politics (Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission).....approved.

Undermining unions by ruling that public-employee unions cannot collect "fair-share" fees from non-union employees who benefit from collective bargaining (Janus v. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, Council 31).....approved.

Ensuring the continued corruption of elections by declaring that federal courts lack jurisdiction over partisan gerrymandering issues (Rucho v. Common Cause).....approved.

Making it significantly more challenging for consumers to file class action lawsuits against corporations (AT&T Mobility LLC v. Concepcion).....approved.

In a callous display of cruelty, determining that the Eighth Amendment does not require a method of execution to be free of pain (Glossip v. Gross).....approved.

Upholding a president's authority to discriminate against immigrants based on their religion (Trump v. Hawaii).....approved.

Guaranteeing increased air pollution by concluding that the Clean Air Act does not grant the EPA broad powers to regulate carbon emissions from power plants (Utility Air Regulatory Group v. Environmental Protection Agency).....approved.

Decreeing that a violation of the Miranda rule does not provide the basis for a civil rights lawsuit in cases of police abuse (District of Columbia v. Wesby).....approved.

Thanks a lot Republicans, you've managed to wreck America but we will kick your collective butts in 2024, you can count on it. Cya at the ballot box in 2024.

***Mod Edit: Need to provide links to statements made as fact. It's in the rules.***
Reversing your tyrannical barbarism IS progress.

Eat the whole bag of dicks.
When it is pointed out that the recent spate of “conservative ” rulings by this activist Court actually INSERTS government into our daily lives it falls on deaf ears.

Why? Because they don’t actually care about that. As long as government is doing so regarding things they favor.

It’s always been a bullshit argument
Aww, Rump-hole.... you had me at "Thanks to Republicans"....

I didn't have time to wade through your incoherent sniveling, but anything that causes you to realize how defective and substandard you are is, by definition, good for me.... and good for this 3rd world shithole where you and I reside.

Thanks for pointing that out. Maybe there's some hope after all.....
Why do you hate your own country?

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