Thanks O.J. This is Why I Would Find Minneapolis Police Officer Innocent Regardless of the Video


May 23, 2014
Ignorant assholes. There is no such thing as "white privilege" and this black man was allowed to walk for murdering two white people because of a racist almost exclusive black jury. I don't play bullshit games..and my ass never forgets.

To make sure I understand. A perceived injustice nearly thirty years ago requires injustice to make you feel better today.

I am sure this makes some kind of sense. But only if you are certifiable.
Ignorant assholes. There is no such thing as "white privilege" and this black man was allowed to walk for murdering two white people because of a racist almost exclusive black jury. I don't play bullshit games..and my ass never forgets.

To make sure I understand. A perceived injustice nearly thirty years ago requires injustice to make you feel better today.

I am sure this makes some kind of sense. But only if you are certifiable.
A complete racist injustice thirty years ago that I never forget. "Perceived" my ass. Were you even born yet? Probably not. This is where the problems we have today began. I can throw Floyd under the bus as quickly as BLM and Democrats did for political purposes.
Ignorant assholes. There is no such thing as "white privilege" and this black man was allowed to walk for murdering two white people because of a racist almost exclusive black jury. I don't play bullshit games..and my ass never forgets.
Sounds plausible to me.
Ignorant assholes. There is no such thing as "white privilege" and this black man was allowed to walk for murdering two white people because of a racist almost exclusive black jury. I don't play bullshit games..and my ass never forgets.

To make sure I understand. A perceived injustice nearly thirty years ago requires injustice to make you feel better today.

I am sure this makes some kind of sense. But only if you are certifiable.>>>>>!!!!!!!!
Ignorant assholes. There is no such thing as "white privilege" and this black man was allowed to walk for murdering two white people because of a racist almost exclusive black jury. I don't play bullshit games..and my ass never forgets.

To make sure I understand. A perceived injustice nearly thirty years ago requires injustice to make you feel better today.

I am sure this makes some kind of sense. But only if you are certifiable.
What’s the other injustice you’re referring to?
Ignorant assholes. There is no such thing as "white privilege" and this black man was allowed to walk for murdering two white people because of a racist almost exclusive black jury. I don't play bullshit games..and my ass never forgets.

To make sure I understand. A perceived injustice nearly thirty years ago requires injustice to make you feel better today.

I am sure this makes some kind of sense. But only if you are certifiable.
A complete racist injustice thirty years ago that I never forget. "Perceived" my ass. Were you even born yet? Probably not. This is where the problems we have today began. I can throw Floyd under the bus as quickly as BLM and Democrats did for political purposes.

Yes I was alive. In fact. I was on Leave from the Military in Los Angeles while the trial was ongoing. I was visiting my family.

I thought the Defense Attorneys were brilliant. They were able to create doubt on every piece of evidence. Mark Furman got caught lying. The Gloves didn’t fit. And Kato was a stoner idiot. DNA was a new science then and people had doubts about it.

At the time I did not view it racially. Instead I saw it as proof that having money to afford the best attorneys in the country was a good thing. The truth is that I still feel that way.

Now. Let me ask you this. Why not deal with every case based upon the facts instead of the race? Why not do the right thing instead of demanding more injustice to counter the perceived injustice? In other words. Why not get the fuck over it?

Blackstone said it was better that a thousand guilty men go free than one innocent man go to prison. So get over it already.
Ignorant assholes. There is no such thing as "white privilege" and this black man was allowed to walk for murdering two white people because of a racist almost exclusive black jury. I don't play bullshit games..and my ass never forgets.

To make sure I understand. A perceived injustice nearly thirty years ago requires injustice to make you feel better today.

I am sure this makes some kind of sense. But only if you are certifiable.
A complete racist injustice thirty years ago that I never forget. "Perceived" my ass. Were you even born yet? Probably not. This is where the problems we have today began. I can throw Floyd under the bus as quickly as BLM and Democrats did for political purposes.

Yes I was alive. In fact. I was on Leave from the Military in Los Angeles while the trial was ongoing. I was visiting my family.

I thought the Defense Attorneys were brilliant. They were able to create doubt on every piece of evidence. Mark Furman got caught lying. The Gloves didn’t fit. And Kato was a stoner idiot. DNA was a new science then and people had doubts about it.

At the time I did not view it racially. Instead I saw it as proof that having money to afford the best attorneys in the country was a good thing. The truth is that I still feel that way.

Now. Let me ask you this. Why not deal with every case based upon the facts instead of the race? Why not do the right thing instead of demanding more injustice to counter the perceived injustice? In other words. Why not get the fuck over it?

Blackstone said it was better that a thousand guilty men go free than one innocent man go to prison. So get over it already.
A jury of mostly blacks and Furman discredited for taking the fifth regarding the word ‘nigg@‘. Nothing racial there, no.
In fact, it wasn’t racial until the trial made it so. Then blacks around the country erupted in joy over the not guilty verdict. Celebrating a freed murderer because of his race. Nothing racial there, no.
Ignorant assholes. There is no such thing as "white privilege" and this black man was allowed to walk for murdering two white people because of a racist almost exclusive black jury. I don't play bullshit games..and my ass never forgets.

To make sure I understand. A perceived injustice nearly thirty years ago requires injustice to make you feel better today.

I am sure this makes some kind of sense. But only if you are certifiable.
A complete racist injustice thirty years ago that I never forget. "Perceived" my ass. Were you even born yet? Probably not. This is where the problems we have today began. I can throw Floyd under the bus as quickly as BLM and Democrats did for political purposes.

Yes I was alive. In fact. I was on Leave from the Military in Los Angeles while the trial was ongoing. I was visiting my family.

I thought the Defense Attorneys were brilliant. They were able to create doubt on every piece of evidence. Mark Furman got caught lying. The Gloves didn’t fit. And Kato was a stoner idiot. DNA was a new science then and people had doubts about it.

At the time I did not view it racially. Instead I saw it as proof that having money to afford the best attorneys in the country was a good thing. The truth is that I still feel that way.

Now. Let me ask you this. Why not deal with every case based upon the facts instead of the race? Why not do the right thing instead of demanding more injustice to counter the perceived injustice? In other words. Why not get the fuck over it?

Blackstone said it was better that a thousand guilty men go free than one innocent man go to prison. So get over it already.
A jury of mostly blacks and Furman discredited for taking the fifth regarding the word ‘nigg@‘. Nothing racial there, no.
In fact, it wasn’t racial until the trial made it so. Then blacks around the country erupted in joy over the not guilty verdict. Celebrating a freed murderer because of his race. Nothing racial there, no.
It was racial from the start. Defense strategy even before trial began: "O.J. was set-up by white cops who planted evidence." Nearly all black jury found him innocent despite DNA evidence showed Simpsons blood at the scene to the exclusion of all living beings in the entire universe. Dumbest and most racist jury EVER! Furman said Niggy-poo when a book author was interviewing him for a crime fiction novel she was writing.
Ignorant assholes. There is no such thing as "white privilege" and this black man was allowed to walk for murdering two white people because of a racist almost exclusive black jury. I don't play bullshit games..and my ass never forgets.

To make sure I understand. A perceived injustice nearly thirty years ago requires injustice to make you feel better today.

I am sure this makes some kind of sense. But only if you are certifiable.
A complete racist injustice thirty years ago that I never forget. "Perceived" my ass. Were you even born yet? Probably not. This is where the problems we have today began. I can throw Floyd under the bus as quickly as BLM and Democrats did for political purposes.

Yes I was alive. In fact. I was on Leave from the Military in Los Angeles while the trial was ongoing. I was visiting my family.

I thought the Defense Attorneys were brilliant. They were able to create doubt on every piece of evidence. Mark Furman got caught lying. The Gloves didn’t fit. And Kato was a stoner idiot. DNA was a new science then and people had doubts about it.

At the time I did not view it racially. Instead I saw it as proof that having money to afford the best attorneys in the country was a good thing. The truth is that I still feel that way.

Now. Let me ask you this. Why not deal with every case based upon the facts instead of the race? Why not do the right thing instead of demanding more injustice to counter the perceived injustice? In other words. Why not get the fuck over it?

Blackstone said it was better that a thousand guilty men go free than one innocent man go to prison. So get over it already.
The jury were morons. The travesty is that this seems like it is never going to end. Understand this with that trial back then. It wasn't two quick murders. It was a bludgeon. A primal bludgeon that nearly decapitated two people. And the male was in good physical shape. When the tome comes, and it will, groups involved with primal men will feel it. Extreme feminists, extreme gays and lesbians and white Prog males. We have wasted trillions of dollars to help people. Mainly because there are not tough rules that are easily abused in the social welfare game and the schools that play to the people in the neighborhood over actual learning.
Ignorant assholes. There is no such thing as "white privilege" and this black man was allowed to walk for murdering two white people because of a racist almost exclusive black jury. I don't play bullshit games..and my ass never forgets.

To make sure I understand. A perceived injustice nearly thirty years ago requires injustice to make you feel better today.

I am sure this makes some kind of sense. But only if you are certifiable.
A complete racist injustice thirty years ago that I never forget. "Perceived" my ass. Were you even born yet? Probably not. This is where the problems we have today began. I can throw Floyd under the bus as quickly as BLM and Democrats did for political purposes.

Yes I was alive. In fact. I was on Leave from the Military in Los Angeles while the trial was ongoing. I was visiting my family.

I thought the Defense Attorneys were brilliant. They were able to create doubt on every piece of evidence. Mark Furman got caught lying. The Gloves didn’t fit. And Kato was a stoner idiot. DNA was a new science then and people had doubts about it.

At the time I did not view it racially. Instead I saw it as proof that having money to afford the best attorneys in the country was a good thing. The truth is that I still feel that way.

Now. Let me ask you this. Why not deal with every case based upon the facts instead of the race? Why not do the right thing instead of demanding more injustice to counter the perceived injustice? In other words. Why not get the fuck over it?

Blackstone said it was better that a thousand guilty men go free than one innocent man go to prison. So get over it already.
This case was based solely on race. I had already been to L.A. riots as a US Marine. I had seen what cops have to deal with in savage areas of the city. The defense played race card when they implied Detective Vanattar carried a vile of victim's blood around with him to splash in O.J.s vehicle and on his socks. Defense got the ignorant racist jury that they wanted. How could they lose? Cochran could have said cops committed the murders and this group of simpleton jurors would have bought it. The Juice should still be in the can.
Ignorant assholes. There is no such thing as "white privilege" and this black man was allowed to walk for murdering two white people because of a racist almost exclusive black jury. I don't play bullshit games..and my ass never forgets.

To make sure I understand. A perceived injustice nearly thirty years ago requires injustice to make you feel better today.

I am sure this makes some kind of sense. But only if you are certifiable.
A complete racist injustice thirty years ago that I never forget. "Perceived" my ass. Were you even born yet? Probably not. This is where the problems we have today began. I can throw Floyd under the bus as quickly as BLM and Democrats did for political purposes.

Yes I was alive. In fact. I was on Leave from the Military in Los Angeles while the trial was ongoing. I was visiting my family.

I thought the Defense Attorneys were brilliant. They were able to create doubt on every piece of evidence. Mark Furman got caught lying. The Gloves didn’t fit. And Kato was a stoner idiot. DNA was a new science then and people had doubts about it.

At the time I did not view it racially. Instead I saw it as proof that having money to afford the best attorneys in the country was a good thing. The truth is that I still feel that way.

Now. Let me ask you this. Why not deal with every case based upon the facts instead of the race? Why not do the right thing instead of demanding more injustice to counter the perceived injustice? In other words. Why not get the fuck over it?

Blackstone said it was better that a thousand guilty men go free than one innocent man go to prison. So get over it already.

No single person in the country thought that OJ was innocent.
The trial was lost the moment it was moved from Brentwood into the hood.
Simple jury nullification.
Ignorant assholes. There is no such thing as "white privilege" and this black man was allowed to walk for murdering two white people because of a racist almost exclusive black jury. I don't play bullshit games..and my ass never forgets.

To make sure I understand. A perceived injustice nearly thirty years ago requires injustice to make you feel better today.

I am sure this makes some kind of sense. But only if you are certifiable.
A complete racist injustice thirty years ago that I never forget. "Perceived" my ass. Were you even born yet? Probably not. This is where the problems we have today began. I can throw Floyd under the bus as quickly as BLM and Democrats did for political purposes.

Yes I was alive. In fact. I was on Leave from the Military in Los Angeles while the trial was ongoing. I was visiting my family.

I thought the Defense Attorneys were brilliant. They were able to create doubt on every piece of evidence. Mark Furman got caught lying. The Gloves didn’t fit. And Kato was a stoner idiot. DNA was a new science then and people had doubts about it.

At the time I did not view it racially. Instead I saw it as proof that having money to afford the best attorneys in the country was a good thing. The truth is that I still feel that way.

Now. Let me ask you this. Why not deal with every case based upon the facts instead of the race? Why not do the right thing instead of demanding more injustice to counter the perceived injustice? In other words. Why not get the fuck over it?

Blackstone said it was better that a thousand guilty men go free than one innocent man go to prison. So get over it already.
The jury were morons. The travesty is that this seems like it is never going to end. Understand this with that trial back then. It wasn't two quick murders. It was a bludgeon. A primal bludgeon that nearly decapitated two people. And the male was in good physical shape. When the tome comes, and it will, groups involved with primal men will feel it. Extreme feminists, extreme gays and lesbians and white Prog males. We have wasted trillions of dollars to help people. Mainly because there are not tough rules that are easily abused in the social welfare game and the schools that play to the people in the neighborhood over actual learning.

They were not morons -
They simply were not going to let whitey get The Juice.
Ignorant assholes. There is no such thing as "white privilege" and this black man was allowed to walk for murdering two white people because of a racist almost exclusive black jury. I don't play bullshit games..and my ass never forgets.

To make sure I understand. A perceived injustice nearly thirty years ago requires injustice to make you feel better today.

I am sure this makes some kind of sense. But only if you are certifiable.
A complete racist injustice thirty years ago that I never forget. "Perceived" my ass. Were you even born yet? Probably not. This is where the problems we have today began. I can throw Floyd under the bus as quickly as BLM and Democrats did for political purposes.

Yes I was alive. In fact. I was on Leave from the Military in Los Angeles while the trial was ongoing. I was visiting my family.

I thought the Defense Attorneys were brilliant. They were able to create doubt on every piece of evidence. Mark Furman got caught lying. The Gloves didn’t fit. And Kato was a stoner idiot. DNA was a new science then and people had doubts about it.

At the time I did not view it racially. Instead I saw it as proof that having money to afford the best attorneys in the country was a good thing. The truth is that I still feel that way.

Now. Let me ask you this. Why not deal with every case based upon the facts instead of the race? Why not do the right thing instead of demanding more injustice to counter the perceived injustice? In other words. Why not get the fuck over it?

Blackstone said it was better that a thousand guilty men go free than one innocent man go to prison. So get over it already.
This case was based solely on race. I had already been to L.A. riots as a US Marine. I had seen what cops have to deal with in savage areas of the city. The defense played race card when they implied Detective Vanattar carried a vile of victim's blood around with him to splash in O.J.s vehicle and on his socks. Defense got the ignorant racist jury that they wanted. How could they lose? Cochran could have said cops committed the murders and this group of simpleton jurors would have bought it. The Juice should still be in the can.

The jury knew, they just wanted to get payback.
So let me get this straight.....because you felt a black guy got away with murder, you feel that cops should be able to murder black people.....

cool.....good thing the majority of black folks thru out the history of this country were more blessed than you -- because white folks getting away with murdering black folks (including CHILDREN) was the norm for decades........and it didn't result in the majority of them being as depraved and souless as you are....

Ignorant assholes. There is no such thing as "white privilege" and this black man was allowed to walk for murdering two white people because of a racist almost exclusive black jury. I don't play bullshit games..and my ass never forgets.

To make sure I understand. A perceived injustice nearly thirty years ago requires injustice to make you feel better today.

I am sure this makes some kind of sense. But only if you are certifiable.
A complete racist injustice thirty years ago that I never forget. "Perceived" my ass. Were you even born yet? Probably not. This is where the problems we have today began. I can throw Floyd under the bus as quickly as BLM and Democrats did for political purposes.

Yes I was alive. In fact. I was on Leave from the Military in Los Angeles while the trial was ongoing. I was visiting my family.

I thought the Defense Attorneys were brilliant. They were able to create doubt on every piece of evidence. Mark Furman got caught lying. The Gloves didn’t fit. And Kato was a stoner idiot. DNA was a new science then and people had doubts about it.

At the time I did not view it racially. Instead I saw it as proof that having money to afford the best attorneys in the country was a good thing. The truth is that I still feel that way.

Now. Let me ask you this. Why not deal with every case based upon the facts instead of the race? Why not do the right thing instead of demanding more injustice to counter the perceived injustice? In other words. Why not get the fuck over it?

Blackstone said it was better that a thousand guilty men go free than one innocent man go to prison. So get over it already.
This case was based solely on race. I had already been to L.A. riots as a US Marine. I had seen what cops have to deal with in savage areas of the city. The defense played race card when they implied Detective Vanattar carried a vile of victim's blood around with him to splash in O.J.s vehicle and on his socks. Defense got the ignorant racist jury that they wanted. How could they lose? Cochran could have said cops committed the murders and this group of simpleton jurors would have bought it. The Juice should still be in the can.

The jury knew, they just wanted to get payback.
payback for what exactly??
Ignorant assholes. There is no such thing as "white privilege" and this black man was allowed to walk for murdering two white people because of a racist almost exclusive black jury. I don't play bullshit games..and my ass never forgets.

To make sure I understand. A perceived injustice nearly thirty years ago requires injustice to make you feel better today.

I am sure this makes some kind of sense. But only if you are certifiable.
A complete racist injustice thirty years ago that I never forget. "Perceived" my ass. Were you even born yet? Probably not. This is where the problems we have today began. I can throw Floyd under the bus as quickly as BLM and Democrats did for political purposes.

Yes I was alive. In fact. I was on Leave from the Military in Los Angeles while the trial was ongoing. I was visiting my family.

I thought the Defense Attorneys were brilliant. They were able to create doubt on every piece of evidence. Mark Furman got caught lying. The Gloves didn’t fit. And Kato was a stoner idiot. DNA was a new science then and people had doubts about it.

At the time I did not view it racially. Instead I saw it as proof that having money to afford the best attorneys in the country was a good thing. The truth is that I still feel that way.

Now. Let me ask you this. Why not deal with every case based upon the facts instead of the race? Why not do the right thing instead of demanding more injustice to counter the perceived injustice? In other words. Why not get the fuck over it?

Blackstone said it was better that a thousand guilty men go free than one innocent man go to prison. So get over it already.
This case was based solely on race. I had already been to L.A. riots as a US Marine. I had seen what cops have to deal with in savage areas of the city. The defense played race card when they implied Detective Vanattar carried a vile of victim's blood around with him to splash in O.J.s vehicle and on his socks. Defense got the ignorant racist jury that they wanted. How could they lose? Cochran could have said cops committed the murders and this group of simpleton jurors would have bought it. The Juice should still be in the can.

The jury knew, they just wanted to get payback.
payback for what exactly??

Perceived injustice to their communities.
But you knew that.
Ignorant assholes. There is no such thing as "white privilege" and this black man was allowed to walk for murdering two white people because of a racist almost exclusive black jury. I don't play bullshit games..and my ass never forgets.

To make sure I understand. A perceived injustice nearly thirty years ago requires injustice to make you feel better today.

I am sure this makes some kind of sense. But only if you are certifiable.
A complete racist injustice thirty years ago that I never forget. "Perceived" my ass. Were you even born yet? Probably not. This is where the problems we have today began. I can throw Floyd under the bus as quickly as BLM and Democrats did for political purposes.

Yes I was alive. In fact. I was on Leave from the Military in Los Angeles while the trial was ongoing. I was visiting my family.

I thought the Defense Attorneys were brilliant. They were able to create doubt on every piece of evidence. Mark Furman got caught lying. The Gloves didn’t fit. And Kato was a stoner idiot. DNA was a new science then and people had doubts about it.

At the time I did not view it racially. Instead I saw it as proof that having money to afford the best attorneys in the country was a good thing. The truth is that I still feel that way.

Now. Let me ask you this. Why not deal with every case based upon the facts instead of the race? Why not do the right thing instead of demanding more injustice to counter the perceived injustice? In other words. Why not get the fuck over it?

Blackstone said it was better that a thousand guilty men go free than one innocent man go to prison. So get over it already.
A jury of mostly blacks and Furman discredited for taking the fifth regarding the word ‘nigg@‘. Nothing racial there, no.
In fact, it wasn’t racial until the trial made it so. Then blacks around the country erupted in joy over the not guilty verdict. Celebrating a freed murderer because of his race. Nothing racial there, no.
It was racial from the start. Defense strategy even before trial began: "O.J. was set-up by white cops who planted evidence." Nearly all black jury found him innocent despite DNA evidence showed Simpsons blood at the scene to the exclusion of all living beings in the entire universe. Dumbest and most racist jury EVER! Furman said Niggy-poo when a book author was interviewing him for a crime fiction novel she was writing.
From the start of the trial period.
O.J. transcended race before the murder and arrest.

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