Thanks, Antifa thugs, you bloody fools.

Street Juice

Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2018
The ubiquitous Hammer and Sickle at these Antifa tantrums portends much.

It is incredible, really, that there are still people out there defending / advocating for communism. Despite the obscene body counts, despite the indescribable human suffering, despite the oceans of forgotten injustices, and despite the one hundred percent failure rate, there are still people like the Anitfa dupes fantasizing that, if only it had been tried on a grander scale…

There are only two types of people, given the plain historical evidence in front of us, to whom Marxism could still be attractive: 1) those secret tyrants who lust after the naked and absolute power to which communism provides a path, or 2) those afflicted to a pathological degree with Rousseau’s resentment of inequality.

The Antifa leaders (e.g., Soros) are the first type of communist enthusiast, the Antifa monkey dupes getting their noses bloodied are the second type.

Hitler and fascism were largely a response to the Bolshevik/Antifa menace (Antifa was founded in Weimer Germany). So, get ready for the coming of a new Hitler.
The ubiquitous Hammer and Sickle at these Antifa tantrums portends much.

It is incredible, really, that there are still people out there defending / advocating for communism. Despite the obscene body counts, despite the indescribable human suffering, despite the oceans of forgotten injustices, and despite the one hundred percent failure rate, there are still people like the Anitfa dupes fantasizing that, if only it had been tried on a grander scale…

There are only two types of people, given the plain historical evidence in front of us, to whom Marxism could still be attractive: 1) those secret tyrants who lust after the naked and absolute power to which communism provides a path, or 2) those afflicted to a pathological degree with Rousseau’s resentment of inequality.

The Antifa leaders (e.g., Soros) are the first type of communist enthusiast, the Antifa monkey dupes getting their noses bloodied are the second type.

Hitler and fascism were largely a response to the Bolshevik/Antifa menace (Antifa was founded in Weimer Germany). So, get ready for the coming of a new Hitler.

Last I checked we are a social and unbridled capitalist nation. No, Jews were the RED ARMY aka Bolsheviks,

see Germany was very worried the communists would take over their country since they were kicked out of Russia. So yes the Antifa is anti communism, and that is why tramp can't be potus of the US. We do not need a King George III,
Last edited:
The ubiquitous Hammer and Sickle at these Antifa tantrums portends much.

It is incredible, really, that there are still people out there defending / advocating for communism. Despite the obscene body counts, despite the indescribable human suffering, despite the oceans of forgotten injustices, and despite the one hundred percent failure rate, there are still people like the Anitfa dupes fantasizing that, if only it had been tried on a grander scale…

There are only two types of people, given the plain historical evidence in front of us, to whom Marxism could still be attractive: 1) those secret tyrants who lust after the naked and absolute power to which communism provides a path, or 2) those afflicted to a pathological degree with Rousseau’s resentment of inequality.

The Antifa leaders (e.g., Soros) are the first type of communist enthusiast, the Antifa monkey dupes getting their noses bloodied are the second type.

Hitler and fascism were largely a response to the Bolshevik/Antifa menace (Antifa was founded in Weimer Germany). So, get ready for the coming of a new Hitler.

Last I checked we are a social and unbridled capitalist nation. No, Jews were the RED ARMY aka Bolsheviks,

see Germany was very worried the communists would take over their country since they were kicked out of Russia. So yes the Antifa is anti communism, and that is why tramp can't be potus of the US. We do not need a King George III,

Antifa is a group of violent anarchists.
The ubiquitous Hammer and Sickle at these Antifa tantrums portends much.

It is incredible, really, that there are still people out there defending / advocating for communism. Despite the obscene body counts, despite the indescribable human suffering, despite the oceans of forgotten injustices, and despite the one hundred percent failure rate, there are still people like the Anitfa dupes fantasizing that, if only it had been tried on a grander scale…

There are only two types of people, given the plain historical evidence in front of us, to whom Marxism could still be attractive: 1) those secret tyrants who lust after the naked and absolute power to which communism provides a path, or 2) those afflicted to a pathological degree with Rousseau’s resentment of inequality.

The Antifa leaders (e.g., Soros) are the first type of communist enthusiast, the Antifa monkey dupes getting their noses bloodied are the second type.

Hitler and fascism were largely a response to the Bolshevik/Antifa menace (Antifa was founded in Weimer Germany). So, get ready for the coming of a new Hitler.

Last I checked we are a social and unbridled capitalist nation. No, Jews were the RED ARMY aka Bolsheviks,

see Germany was very worried the communists would take over their country since they were kicked out of Russia. So yes the Antifa is anti communism, and that is why tramp can't be potus of the US. We do not need a King George III,

Antifa is a group of violent anarchists.

For starters, take a look at our government. Who can blame them. All you militia types can throw away your guns now, you have your government.
The ubiquitous Hammer and Sickle at these Antifa tantrums portends much.

It is incredible, really, that there are still people out there defending / advocating for communism. Despite the obscene body counts, despite the indescribable human suffering, despite the oceans of forgotten injustices, and despite the one hundred percent failure rate, there are still people like the Anitfa dupes fantasizing that, if only it had been tried on a grander scale…

There are only two types of people, given the plain historical evidence in front of us, to whom Marxism could still be attractive: 1) those secret tyrants who lust after the naked and absolute power to which communism provides a path, or 2) those afflicted to a pathological degree with Rousseau’s resentment of inequality.

The Antifa leaders (e.g., Soros) are the first type of communist enthusiast, the Antifa monkey dupes getting their noses bloodied are the second type.

Hitler and fascism were largely a response to the Bolshevik/Antifa menace (Antifa was founded in Weimer Germany). So, get ready for the coming of a new Hitler.

Last I checked we are a social and unbridled capitalist nation. No, Jews were the RED ARMY aka Bolsheviks,

see Germany was very worried the communists would take over their country since they were kicked out of Russia. So yes the Antifa is anti communism, and that is why tramp can't be potus of the US. We do not need a King George III,

Why you lying, stinking evil little whore; Antifa is a home-grown (well, actually Eurotrash-spawned) group of terrorists who BRAG about how much violence they commit to get their petulant way. I'm not surprised that a nightcrawling gutter rat of a female like yourself supports such mindless violence against innocent people. Whore.
The ubiquitous Hammer and Sickle at these Antifa tantrums portends much.

It is incredible, really, that there are still people out there defending / advocating for communism. Despite the obscene body counts, despite the indescribable human suffering, despite the oceans of forgotten injustices, and despite the one hundred percent failure rate, there are still people like the Anitfa dupes fantasizing that, if only it had been tried on a grander scale…

There are only two types of people, given the plain historical evidence in front of us, to whom Marxism could still be attractive: 1) those secret tyrants who lust after the naked and absolute power to which communism provides a path, or 2) those afflicted to a pathological degree with Rousseau’s resentment of inequality.

The Antifa leaders (e.g., Soros) are the first type of communist enthusiast, the Antifa monkey dupes getting their noses bloodied are the second type.

Hitler and fascism were largely a response to the Bolshevik/Antifa menace (Antifa was founded in Weimer Germany). So, get ready for the coming of a new Hitler.

Last I checked we are a social and unbridled capitalist nation. No, Jews were the RED ARMY aka Bolsheviks,

see Germany was very worried the communists would take over their country since they were kicked out of Russia. So yes the Antifa is anti communism, and that is why tramp can't be potus of the US. We do not need a King George III,

Why you lying, stinking evil little whore; Antifa is a home-grown (well, actually Eurotrash-spawned) group of terrorists who BRAG about how much violence they commit to get their petulant way. I'm not surprised that a nightcrawling gutter rat of a female like yourself supports such mindless violence against innocent people. Whore.

You must be thinking of the Caucasians like most of our founders were, me as well. You know European white.
The ubiquitous Hammer and Sickle at these Antifa tantrums portends much.

It is incredible, really, that there are still people out there defending / advocating for communism. Despite the obscene body counts, despite the indescribable human suffering, despite the oceans of forgotten injustices, and despite the one hundred percent failure rate, there are still people like the Anitfa dupes fantasizing that, if only it had been tried on a grander scale…

There are only two types of people, given the plain historical evidence in front of us, to whom Marxism could still be attractive: 1) those secret tyrants who lust after the naked and absolute power to which communism provides a path, or 2) those afflicted to a pathological degree with Rousseau’s resentment of inequality.

The Antifa leaders (e.g., Soros) are the first type of communist enthusiast, the Antifa monkey dupes getting their noses bloodied are the second type.

Hitler and fascism were largely a response to the Bolshevik/Antifa menace (Antifa was founded in Weimer Germany). So, get ready for the coming of a new Hitler.

Last I checked we are a social and unbridled capitalist nation. No, Jews were the RED ARMY aka Bolsheviks,

see Germany was very worried the communists would take over their country since they were kicked out of Russia. So yes the Antifa is anti communism, and that is why tramp can't be potus of the US. We do not need a King George III,

Antifa is a group of violent anarchists.

For starters, take a look at our government. Who can blame them. All you militia types can throw away your guns now, you have your government.
Your concession to ANTIFA's violence is duly noted, penny. sad
The ubiquitous Hammer and Sickle at these Antifa tantrums portends much.

It is incredible, really, that there are still people out there defending / advocating for communism. Despite the obscene body counts, despite the indescribable human suffering, despite the oceans of forgotten injustices, and despite the one hundred percent failure rate, there are still people like the Anitfa dupes fantasizing that, if only it had been tried on a grander scale…

There are only two types of people, given the plain historical evidence in front of us, to whom Marxism could still be attractive: 1) those secret tyrants who lust after the naked and absolute power to which communism provides a path, or 2) those afflicted to a pathological degree with Rousseau’s resentment of inequality.

The Antifa leaders (e.g., Soros) are the first type of communist enthusiast, the Antifa monkey dupes getting their noses bloodied are the second type.

Hitler and fascism were largely a response to the Bolshevik/Antifa menace (Antifa was founded in Weimer Germany). So, get ready for the coming of a new Hitler.

Do you have a link for this bullshit or did you just pull it out of your ass?
I don't condone there behavior but

they are a political protest movement comprising autonomous groups affiliated by their militant opposition to fascism and other forms of extreme right-wing ideology.
The ubiquitous Hammer and Sickle at these Antifa tantrums portends much.

It is incredible, really, that there are still people out there defending / advocating for communism. Despite the obscene body counts, despite the indescribable human suffering, despite the oceans of forgotten injustices, and despite the one hundred percent failure rate, there are still people like the Anitfa dupes fantasizing that, if only it had been tried on a grander scale…

There are only two types of people, given the plain historical evidence in front of us, to whom Marxism could still be attractive: 1) those secret tyrants who lust after the naked and absolute power to which communism provides a path, or 2) those afflicted to a pathological degree with Rousseau’s resentment of inequality.

The Antifa leaders (e.g., Soros) are the first type of communist enthusiast, the Antifa monkey dupes getting their noses bloodied are the second type.

Hitler and fascism were largely a response to the Bolshevik/Antifa menace (Antifa was founded in Weimer Germany). So, get ready for the coming of a new Hitler.

Last I checked we are a social and unbridled capitalist nation. No, Jews were the RED ARMY aka Bolsheviks,

see Germany was very worried the communists would take over their country since they were kicked out of Russia. So yes the Antifa is anti communism, and that is why tramp can't be potus of the US. We do not need a King George III,

Why you lying, stinking evil little whore; Antifa is a home-grown (well, actually Eurotrash-spawned) group of terrorists who BRAG about how much violence they commit to get their petulant way. I'm not surprised that a nightcrawling gutter rat of a female like yourself supports such mindless violence against innocent people. Whore.

Well aren't you the potty mouthed misogynist!!! As well as a liar, and all around ASSHOLE.

What Is Antifa? Explaining the Movement to Confront the Far Right

Right wing terrorism is a far bigger problem than anti-fa. Anti-fa hasn't killed anybody. The same cannot be said for the violent Trump supporters who have murdered dozens in people in the US, sent pipe bombs, threatened politicians and their families:

On Wednesday, the Anti-Defamation League released a report finding that attackers with ties to right-wing extremist movements killed at least 50 people in 2018. That was close to the total number of Americans killed by domestic extremists, meaning that the far right had an almost absolute monopoly on lethal terrorism in the United States last year. That monopoly would be total if, in one case, the perpetrator had not “switched from white supremacist to radical Islamist beliefs prior to committing the murder.”

The ubiquitous Hammer and Sickle at these Antifa tantrums portends much.

It is incredible, really, that there are still people out there defending / advocating for communism. Despite the obscene body counts, despite the indescribable human suffering, despite the oceans of forgotten injustices, and despite the one hundred percent failure rate, there are still people like the Anitfa dupes fantasizing that, if only it had been tried on a grander scale…

There are only two types of people, given the plain historical evidence in front of us, to whom Marxism could still be attractive: 1) those secret tyrants who lust after the naked and absolute power to which communism provides a path, or 2) those afflicted to a pathological degree with Rousseau’s resentment of inequality.

The Antifa leaders (e.g., Soros) are the first type of communist enthusiast, the Antifa monkey dupes getting their noses bloodied are the second type.

Hitler and fascism were largely a response to the Bolshevik/Antifa menace (Antifa was founded in Weimer Germany). So, get ready for the coming of a new Hitler.

Last I checked we are a social and unbridled capitalist nation. No, Jews were the RED ARMY aka Bolsheviks,

see Germany was very worried the communists would take over their country since they were kicked out of Russia. So yes the Antifa is anti communism, and that is why tramp can't be potus of the US. We do not need a King George III,

Why you lying, stinking evil little whore; Antifa is a home-grown (well, actually Eurotrash-spawned) group of terrorists who BRAG about how much violence they commit to get their petulant way. I'm not surprised that a nightcrawling gutter rat of a female like yourself supports such mindless violence against innocent people. Whore.

You must be thinking of the Caucasians like most of our founders were, me as well. You know European white.

Then why is it, you nightcrawling imitation of a female lifeform, that us "white men" have created the most successful, technologically advanced, human-right-respecting nations on Earth??? Versus the third-world bloodthirsty, low-I.Q. savages that obviously turn you liberal women on so much? No human culture in history has historically made more great, advanced accomplishments than us Western white males cultures! White males have split the atom, put men on the moon, invented thousands of cures for thousands of diseases (saving millions of 3rd-world non-lives), invented every piece of modern technology we use today and wrote the greatest volume of great literary works in recorded history! You swaggering, ahistorical dumb little girl.
The ubiquitous Hammer and Sickle at these Antifa tantrums portends much.

It is incredible, really, that there are still people out there defending / advocating for communism. Despite the obscene body counts, despite the indescribable human suffering, despite the oceans of forgotten injustices, and despite the one hundred percent failure rate, there are still people like the Anitfa dupes fantasizing that, if only it had been tried on a grander scale…

There are only two types of people, given the plain historical evidence in front of us, to whom Marxism could still be attractive: 1) those secret tyrants who lust after the naked and absolute power to which communism provides a path, or 2) those afflicted to a pathological degree with Rousseau’s resentment of inequality.

The Antifa leaders (e.g., Soros) are the first type of communist enthusiast, the Antifa monkey dupes getting their noses bloodied are the second type.

Hitler and fascism were largely a response to the Bolshevik/Antifa menace (Antifa was founded in Weimer Germany). So, get ready for the coming of a new Hitler.

Last I checked we are a social and unbridled capitalist nation. No, Jews were the RED ARMY aka Bolsheviks,

see Germany was very worried the communists would take over their country since they were kicked out of Russia. So yes the Antifa is anti communism, and that is why tramp can't be potus of the US. We do not need a King George III,

The ubiquitous Hammer and Sickle at these Antifa tantrums portends much.

It is incredible, really, that there are still people out there defending / advocating for communism. Despite the obscene body counts, despite the indescribable human suffering, despite the oceans of forgotten injustices, and despite the one hundred percent failure rate, there are still people like the Anitfa dupes fantasizing that, if only it had been tried on a grander scale…

There are only two types of people, given the plain historical evidence in front of us, to whom Marxism could still be attractive: 1) those secret tyrants who lust after the naked and absolute power to which communism provides a path, or 2) those afflicted to a pathological degree with Rousseau’s resentment of inequality.

The Antifa leaders (e.g., Soros) are the first type of communist enthusiast, the Antifa monkey dupes getting their noses bloodied are the second type.

Hitler and fascism were largely a response to the Bolshevik/Antifa menace (Antifa was founded in Weimer Germany). So, get ready for the coming of a new Hitler.

Last I checked we are a social and unbridled capitalist nation. No, Jews were the RED ARMY aka Bolsheviks,

see Germany was very worried the communists would take over their country since they were kicked out of Russia. So yes the Antifa is anti communism, and that is why tramp can't be potus of the US. We do not need a King George III,

Why you lying, stinking evil little whore; Antifa is a home-grown (well, actually Eurotrash-spawned) group of terrorists who BRAG about how much violence they commit to get their petulant way. I'm not surprised that a nightcrawling gutter rat of a female like yourself supports such mindless violence against innocent people. Whore.

Well aren't you the potty mouthed misogynist!!! As well as a liar, and all around ASSHOLE.

What Is Antifa? Explaining the Movement to Confront the Far Right

Right wing terrorism is a far bigger problem than anti-fa. Anti-fa hasn't killed anybody. The same cannot be said for the violent Trump supporters who have murdered dozens in people in the US, sent pipe bombs, threatened politicians and their families:

On Wednesday, the Anti-Defamation League released a report finding that attackers with ties to right-wing extremist movements killed at least 50 people in 2018. That was close to the total number of Americans killed by domestic extremists, meaning that the far right had an almost absolute monopoly on lethal terrorism in the United States last year. That monopoly would be total if, in one case, the perpetrator had not “switched from white supremacist to radical Islamist beliefs prior to committing the murder.”

Yes, ANTIFA is as pure as a new born baby.
The propensity to violence for bodily injury and the damage to small mom and pop businesses is very
acceptable to the whacko's on the left who condone their behavior. idiot
The ubiquitous Hammer and Sickle at these Antifa tantrums portends much.

It is incredible, really, that there are still people out there defending / advocating for communism. Despite the obscene body counts, despite the indescribable human suffering, despite the oceans of forgotten injustices, and despite the one hundred percent failure rate, there are still people like the Anitfa dupes fantasizing that, if only it had been tried on a grander scale…

There are only two types of people, given the plain historical evidence in front of us, to whom Marxism could still be attractive: 1) those secret tyrants who lust after the naked and absolute power to which communism provides a path, or 2) those afflicted to a pathological degree with Rousseau’s resentment of inequality.

The Antifa leaders (e.g., Soros) are the first type of communist enthusiast, the Antifa monkey dupes getting their noses bloodied are the second type.

Hitler and fascism were largely a response to the Bolshevik/Antifa menace (Antifa was founded in Weimer Germany). So, get ready for the coming of a new Hitler.

Last I checked we are a social and unbridled capitalist nation. No, Jews were the RED ARMY aka Bolsheviks,

see Germany was very worried the communists would take over their country since they were kicked out of Russia. So yes the Antifa is anti communism, and that is why tramp can't be potus of the US. We do not need a King George III,

Antifa is a group of violent anarchists.

For starters, take a look at our government. Who can blame them. All you militia types can throw away your guns now, you have your government.

And we plan to keep it! (Along with THE REPUBLIC).
The ubiquitous Hammer and Sickle at these Antifa tantrums portends much.

It is incredible, really, that there are still people out there defending / advocating for communism. Despite the obscene body counts, despite the indescribable human suffering, despite the oceans of forgotten injustices, and despite the one hundred percent failure rate, there are still people like the Anitfa dupes fantasizing that, if only it had been tried on a grander scale…

There are only two types of people, given the plain historical evidence in front of us, to whom Marxism could still be attractive: 1) those secret tyrants who lust after the naked and absolute power to which communism provides a path, or 2) those afflicted to a pathological degree with Rousseau’s resentment of inequality.

The Antifa leaders (e.g., Soros) are the first type of communist enthusiast, the Antifa monkey dupes getting their noses bloodied are the second type.

Hitler and fascism were largely a response to the Bolshevik/Antifa menace (Antifa was founded in Weimer Germany). So, get ready for the coming of a new Hitler.

Last I checked we are a social and unbridled capitalist nation. No, Jews were the RED ARMY aka Bolsheviks,

see Germany was very worried the communists would take over their country since they were kicked out of Russia. So yes the Antifa is anti communism, and that is why tramp can't be potus of the US. We do not need a King George III,

Why you lying, stinking evil little whore; Antifa is a home-grown (well, actually Eurotrash-spawned) group of terrorists who BRAG about how much violence they commit to get their petulant way. I'm not surprised that a nightcrawling gutter rat of a female like yourself supports such mindless violence against innocent people. Whore.

Well aren't you the potty mouthed misogynist!!! As well as a liar, and all around ASSHOLE.

What Is Antifa? Explaining the Movement to Confront the Far Right

Right wing terrorism is a far bigger problem than anti-fa. Anti-fa hasn't killed anybody. The same cannot be said for the violent Trump supporters who have murdered dozens in people in the US, sent pipe bombs, threatened politicians and their families:

On Wednesday, the Anti-Defamation League released a report finding that attackers with ties to right-wing extremist movements killed at least 50 people in 2018. That was close to the total number of Americans killed by domestic extremists, meaning that the far right had an almost absolute monopoly on lethal terrorism in the United States last year. That monopoly would be total if, in one case, the perpetrator had not “switched from white supremacist to radical Islamist beliefs prior to committing the murder.”


Bullshit, you sow, right-wing terrorism is a delusion in the mind of you toxic, self-loathing-American female bowel movements like you, you whore. Under Obama America has had HUNDREDS of
times more black crime and muslim crime than all other groups in America put together, you traitorous piece of female oxen. YOU'RE the politically correct liar who refuses to acknowledge the genocidal, rape-epidemic, beheading-fetish, child-suicide-bomber HATE ideology that your precious Pisslam has been in EVERY society it has infected! I've studied your Pisslam filth for 8 years, you yeast-infected queen-insect!

The ubiquitous Hammer and Sickle at these Antifa tantrums portends much.

It is incredible, really, that there are still people out there defending / advocating for communism. Despite the obscene body counts, despite the indescribable human suffering, despite the oceans of forgotten injustices, and despite the one hundred percent failure rate, there are still people like the Anitfa dupes fantasizing that, if only it had been tried on a grander scale…

There are only two types of people, given the plain historical evidence in front of us, to whom Marxism could still be attractive: 1) those secret tyrants who lust after the naked and absolute power to which communism provides a path, or 2) those afflicted to a pathological degree with Rousseau’s resentment of inequality.

The Antifa leaders (e.g., Soros) are the first type of communist enthusiast, the Antifa monkey dupes getting their noses bloodied are the second type.

Hitler and fascism were largely a response to the Bolshevik/Antifa menace (Antifa was founded in Weimer Germany). So, get ready for the coming of a new Hitler.

Last I checked we are a social and unbridled capitalist nation. No, Jews were the RED ARMY aka Bolsheviks,

see Germany was very worried the communists would take over their country since they were kicked out of Russia. So yes the Antifa is anti communism, and that is why tramp can't be potus of the US. We do not need a King George III,

Why you lying, stinking evil little whore; Antifa is a home-grown (well, actually Eurotrash-spawned) group of terrorists who BRAG about how much violence they commit to get their petulant way. I'm not surprised that a nightcrawling gutter rat of a female like yourself supports such mindless violence against innocent people. Whore.

Well aren't you the potty mouthed misogynist!!! As well as a liar, and all around ASSHOLE.

What Is Antifa? Explaining the Movement to Confront the Far Right

Right wing terrorism is a far bigger problem than anti-fa. Anti-fa hasn't killed anybody. The same cannot be said for the violent Trump supporters who have murdered dozens in people in the US, sent pipe bombs, threatened politicians and their families:

On Wednesday, the Anti-Defamation League released a report finding that attackers with ties to right-wing extremist movements killed at least 50 people in 2018. That was close to the total number of Americans killed by domestic extremists, meaning that the far right had an almost absolute monopoly on lethal terrorism in the United States last year. That monopoly would be total if, in one case, the perpetrator had not “switched from white supremacist to radical Islamist beliefs prior to committing the murder.”

Yes, ANTIFA is as pure as a new born baby.
The propensity to violence for bodily injury and the damage to small mom and pop businesses is very
acceptable to the whacko's on the left who condone their behavior. idiot

No disrespect..but they came from OWS..

A bunch of retards
The ubiquitous Hammer and Sickle at these Antifa tantrums portends much.

It is incredible, really, that there are still people out there defending / advocating for communism. Despite the obscene body counts, despite the indescribable human suffering, despite the oceans of forgotten injustices, and despite the one hundred percent failure rate, there are still people like the Anitfa dupes fantasizing that, if only it had been tried on a grander scale…

There are only two types of people, given the plain historical evidence in front of us, to whom Marxism could still be attractive: 1) those secret tyrants who lust after the naked and absolute power to which communism provides a path, or 2) those afflicted to a pathological degree with Rousseau’s resentment of inequality.

The Antifa leaders (e.g., Soros) are the first type of communist enthusiast, the Antifa monkey dupes getting their noses bloodied are the second type.

Hitler and fascism were largely a response to the Bolshevik/Antifa menace (Antifa was founded in Weimer Germany). So, get ready for the coming of a new Hitler.

Last I checked we are a social and unbridled capitalist nation. No, Jews were the RED ARMY aka Bolsheviks,

see Germany was very worried the communists would take over their country since they were kicked out of Russia. So yes the Antifa is anti communism, and that is why tramp can't be potus of the US. We do not need a King George III,

Why you lying, stinking evil little whore; Antifa is a home-grown (well, actually Eurotrash-spawned) group of terrorists who BRAG about how much violence they commit to get their petulant way. I'm not surprised that a nightcrawling gutter rat of a female like yourself supports such mindless violence against innocent people. Whore.

Well aren't you the potty mouthed misogynist!!! As well as a liar, and all around ASSHOLE.

What Is Antifa? Explaining the Movement to Confront the Far Right

Right wing terrorism is a far bigger problem than anti-fa. Anti-fa hasn't killed anybody. The same cannot be said for the violent Trump supporters who have murdered dozens in people in the US, sent pipe bombs, threatened politicians and their families:

On Wednesday, the Anti-Defamation League released a report finding that attackers with ties to right-wing extremist movements killed at least 50 people in 2018. That was close to the total number of Americans killed by domestic extremists, meaning that the far right had an almost absolute monopoly on lethal terrorism in the United States last year. That monopoly would be total if, in one case, the perpetrator had not “switched from white supremacist to radical Islamist beliefs prior to committing the murder.”


Bullshit, you sow, right-wing terrorism is a delusion in the mind of you toxic, self-loathing-American female bowel movements like you, you whore. Under Obama America has had HUNDREDS of
times more black crime and muslim crime than all other groups in America put together, you traitorous piece of female oxen. YOU'RE the politically correct liar who refuses to acknowledge the genocidal, rape-epidemic, beheading-fetish, child-suicide-bomber HATE ideology that your precious Pisslam has been in EVERY society it has infected! I've studied your Pisslam filth for 8 years, you yeast-infected queen-insect!


The ubiquitous Hammer and Sickle at these Antifa tantrums portends much.

It is incredible, really, that there are still people out there defending / advocating for communism. Despite the obscene body counts, despite the indescribable human suffering, despite the oceans of forgotten injustices, and despite the one hundred percent failure rate, there are still people like the Anitfa dupes fantasizing that, if only it had been tried on a grander scale…

There are only two types of people, given the plain historical evidence in front of us, to whom Marxism could still be attractive: 1) those secret tyrants who lust after the naked and absolute power to which communism provides a path, or 2) those afflicted to a pathological degree with Rousseau’s resentment of inequality.

The Antifa leaders (e.g., Soros) are the first type of communist enthusiast, the Antifa monkey dupes getting their noses bloodied are the second type.

Hitler and fascism were largely a response to the Bolshevik/Antifa menace (Antifa was founded in Weimer Germany). So, get ready for the coming of a new Hitler.

Last I checked we are a social and unbridled capitalist nation. No, Jews were the RED ARMY aka Bolsheviks,

see Germany was very worried the communists would take over their country since they were kicked out of Russia. So yes the Antifa is anti communism, and that is why tramp can't be potus of the US. We do not need a King George III,

Why you lying, stinking evil little whore; Antifa is a home-grown (well, actually Eurotrash-spawned) group of terrorists who BRAG about how much violence they commit to get their petulant way. I'm not surprised that a nightcrawling gutter rat of a female like yourself supports such mindless violence against innocent people. Whore.
I think Penelope would LIKE to be a whore, but the big nurse probably keeps her under pretty tight wraps .

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