Thank you for killing reform Joe libermann and republicans

Lieberman is one man and Republicans are a minority. Democrats have the White House, Congress, a veto-proof majority. They have no one else to blame.

Thank the Democratic Party, Harry Reid, and Barack Obama for failing to push for reform. The blame, as well as the reasoning, is simple enough to understand and totally in keeping with their actions: they never wanted reform, they never wanted a public option. If they did, Obama's first move wouldn't have been to privately meet and collude with the pharmaceutical industry to promise them he wouldn't even try to get cheaper medicine for Americans, he wouldn't have then repeatedly said a public option was not a necessity, he wouldn't have partnered with the insurance industry to make sure no real reform was considered. When he wants something done, like the war spending bill, he pushed for it and uses his clout and unleashes Rahm and gets it. Here, he let it go to shit for a reason.

We're getting exactly the bill Obama wanted, a mandate to force people to buy private insurance while providing none of it in the socially responsible manner of every other developed nation on Earth. This is a handout for the insurance companies, plain and simple, because they outbribe Democrats 10-to-1 and Rahm decided the party needed their support. Neither could give a fuck about what's good for the American people.

Lieberman expresses regret to colleagues over healthcare tension -

Sen. Russ Feingold (D-Wis.), among the most vocal supporters of the public option, said it would be unfair to blame Lieberman for its apparent demise. Feingold said that responsibility ultimately rests with President Barack Obama and he could have insisted on a higher standard for the legislation.

"This bill appears to be legislation that the president wanted in the first place, so I don’t think focusing it on Lieberman really hits the truth," said Feingold. "I think they could have been higher. I certainly think a stronger bill would have been better in every respect."
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You're welcome.

And it was not Republicans who "killed reform" but rather the emergence of the American conservative movement this past summer.

The national figure most influential in this ongoing debate was Sarah Palin.

Choke on that you statist libs...:)

sarah palin? are you joking? your delusion is great
Thank you for your uncapitalistic ways to keep the monopoly of the insurance companies around. Thank you for killing grandma by the dening hard working american a chance to survive and to live there lives but it's more important to have your 12 million dollar a year salary paid by these hard working Americans .

Health care reform isn't worth a mandate to buy this crap of insurance or receive a fine. My girlfriend has non allergic rhinitis that has caused breathing problems. She paid her insurance premiums every month. She was denied coverage for her CT scan which cost 400 dollars. Got denied payment for her visits because they determine it was allergy related even though the ct scan looked at by three doctors said it was structural. Now her surgery to get the problem fixed has been denied because it allergy related even though it has been proven to be structural.

This needs to end. You people against health care reform are killing people e everyday. You are terrorist, it obviously accepted terrorism that the republicans do.

Who in the heck ever told you that Republicans or any American for that matter are AGAINST health care reform?

99% of the Americans in this country are FOR health care reform. We just don't want the government to take it over. There are better options than having an inefficient government that has been proven time & time again that they are incompetent at managing our money to take over 7% of this economy.

IOW--the overwhelming majority of this country does not want a public option.
You're welcome. I much say my effort has come from a desire to continue living and actually make some money in my career.
With the public option stripped, Ben Nelson will get the language he wants on abortion in the bill. When he gets that, the Dems will pass the bill by Thursday. The bill is not everything the Party wanted, but it is far, far more than the GOP ever wanted to give.

It's people like this who only support the bullshit gamesmanship that has destroyed this bill. Are you trying to say that passage of a hollow bill that will still cost nearly a trillion dollars over 10 years, will do NOTHING to provide more competition for insurance companies, will do NOTHING to drive down premiums and do NOTHING to drive down costs is good because it is more than the GOP wanted to give??? Are you really this ....hell, I don't even know what to call you...:cuckoo:
To state Democrats have a veto proof majority is a Lie!
Health Care > Health Care Reform Proposal

Get the Facts:

Health Reform Will:

* Hold down rising costs that are picking our pockets. expenses, deductibles and co-pays will have yearly or lifetime limits on the coverage you receive will be outlawed.
* Require insurance companies to fully cover, without checkups and tests that help you prevent illness, such as mammograms or eye and foot exams for diabetics.
* Require all companies to finally pay their fair share at least 72.5 percent of the premium for individual coverage 65 percent of the premium for family coverage, or a amount for part-time employees. Companies that don’t health care for workers will be required to pay to help support the public health insurance option.

This health care reform is worth fighting for. It works for working families and works for America.

* President Obama’s vision of health care reform puts you and your doctor, instead of insurance companies, in charge of your own health care.
* This legislation gets a grip on health care costs that are crushing the middle class.
* The legislation will improve health care quality by curbing insurance company abuses, rewarding doctors for improving the quality of care instead of increasing the quantity of care and forcing insurers to compete with a quality public health insurance plan. This means a great deal to all of us and our families.
* Think how much easier contract negotiations will be when America gets a handle on rising health care costs.
* It even helps employers—especially small businesses that now pay the highest insurance premiums—by making it easier to provide and pay for health benefits.
* President Obama’s proposal has a strong public plan option that will keep insurance companies honest and drive waste out of the system. Even the insurance companies admit that hundreds of billions of dollars don’t go for helpful care. With competition from a strong public plan, we can finally stop them from wasting all this money.
* The Obama plan means health care will be there for you, no matter what. If you lose your job, or your kid loses his. If you get sick. When you retire. If your plant closes or your company goes into Chapter 11. That strong public health insurance option means you and your family can’t fall through the cracks. No matter what.
* And finally, the health reform championed by the president helps unions by leveling the playing field. Nonunion companies will have to pay their fair share for the first time instead of dumping their health care costs on the rest of us. It will help American businesses by keeping costs down. Keeping health costs down means more production and more exports. The Obama plan also helps industries with older workforces modernize without casting off their retirees.

Find out how health reform will affect you with this interactive tool from the Center for American Progress.
Health Care: Facts on the Health Care Reform Proposal
With the public option stripped, Ben Nelson will get the language he wants on abortion in the bill. When he gets that, the Dems will pass the bill by Thursday. The bill is not everything the Party wanted, but it is far, far more than the GOP ever wanted to give.

It's people like this who only support the bullshit gamesmanship that has destroyed this bill. Are you trying to say that passage of a hollow bill that will still cost nearly a trillion dollars over 10 years, will do NOTHING to provide more competition for insurance companies, will do NOTHING to drive down premiums and do NOTHING to drive down costs is good because it is more than the GOP wanted to give??? Are you really this ....hell, I don't even know what to call you...:cuckoo:

If that's all you want--then why won't the federal government break up the so-called monopoloy of medical insurance companies--simply by signing a simple bill that allows interestate competition between them? The federal government currently prohibits that.

Ask yourself "why" there is no federal government tort reform that would dramatically reduce the cost of mal-practice insurance--which in turn would reduce the cost of our medical insurance premiums.

Ask yourself "why" small business in this country cannot group together with one another to obtain the same rates as large corporations?

In the end you liberals will finally figure out that this is nothing more than a ploy for the government to get more of your money. And we know already what they do with our money. Just like Social security--they spend it on anything & everything else besides our retirement---:lol: Social security the biggest ponzi scheme of ever--which makes Bernie Maddof look like an amature.
Lieberman is one man and Republicans are a minority. Democrats have the White House, Congress, a veto-proof majority. They have no one else to blame.

Thank the Democratic Party, Harry Reid, and Barack Obama for failing to push for reform. The blame, as well as the reasoning, is simple enough to understand and totally in keeping with their actions: they never wanted reform, they never wanted a public option. If they did, Obama's first move wouldn't have been to privately meet and collude with the pharmaceutical industry to promise them he wouldn't even try to get cheaper medicine for Americans, he wouldn't have then repeatedly said a public option was not a necessity, he wouldn't have partnered with the insurance industry to make sure no real reform was considered. When he wants something done, like the war spending bill, he pushed for it and uses his clout and unleashes Rahm and gets it. Here, he let it go to shit for a reason.

We're getting exactly the bill Obama wanted, a mandate to force people to buy private insurance while providing none of it in the socially responsible manner of every other developed nation on Earth. This is a handout for the insurance companies, plain and simple, because they outbribe Democrats 10-to-1 and Rahm decided the party needed their support. Neither could give a fuck about what's good for the American people.

Sen. Russ Feingold (D-Wis.), among the most vocal supporters of the public option, said it would be unfair to blame Lieberman for its apparent demise. Feingold said that responsibility ultimately rests with President Barack Obama and he could have insisted on a higher standard for the legislation.

"This bill appears to be legislation that the president wanted in the first place, so I don’t think focusing it on Lieberman really hits the truth," said Feingold. "I think they could have been higher. I certainly think a stronger bill would have been better in every respect."

BO is in the pocket of the health insurance industry? Why do they let him get away with calling them crooks and cheats?

And why would a health insurer want the individual mandate? How would being forced to cover pre-existing conditions keep them in business long enough to pay claims?

Of course BO wanted the public option. He just saw early enough on that it wasn't going to fly, so the dems changed their tactic to simply get any bill at all passed, so they'll be able to add more controls and mandates to it later on.

Whatever is passed, it will not go away, but it will be there to tinker with, to add to. For example, next session, they could go for a medicare buy-in for people, say, 55 or over. Session after that, a limited public option and - what the hell? - a medicare buy-in for 45 year olds.

You describe the dems as evil geniuses. They're just plain incompetent.
To state Democrats have a veto proof majority is a Lie!
Health Care > Health Care Reform Proposal

Get the Facts:

Health Reform Will:

* Hold down rising costs that are picking our pockets. expenses, deductibles and co-pays will have yearly or lifetime limits on the coverage you receive will be outlawed.
* Require insurance companies to fully cover, without checkups and tests that help you prevent illness, such as mammograms or eye and foot exams for diabetics.
* Require all companies to finally pay their fair share at least 72.5 percent of the premium for individual coverage 65 percent of the premium for family coverage, or a amount for part-time employees. Companies that don’t health care for workers will be required to pay to help support the public health insurance option.

This health care reform is worth fighting for. It works for working families and works for America.

* President Obama’s vision of health care reform puts you and your doctor, instead of insurance companies, in charge of your own health care.
* This legislation gets a grip on health care costs that are crushing the middle class.
* The legislation will improve health care quality by curbing insurance company abuses, rewarding doctors for improving the quality of care instead of increasing the quantity of care and forcing insurers to compete with a quality public health insurance plan. This means a great deal to all of us and our families.
* Think how much easier contract negotiations will be when America gets a handle on rising health care costs.
* It even helps employers—especially small businesses that now pay the highest insurance premiums—by making it easier to provide and pay for health benefits.
* President Obama’s proposal has a strong public plan option that will keep insurance companies honest and drive waste out of the system. Even the insurance companies admit that hundreds of billions of dollars don’t go for helpful care. With competition from a strong public plan, we can finally stop them from wasting all this money.
* The Obama plan means health care will be there for you, no matter what. If you lose your job, or your kid loses his. If you get sick. When you retire. If your plant closes or your company goes into Chapter 11. That strong public health insurance option means you and your family can’t fall through the cracks. No matter what.
* And finally, the health reform championed by the president helps unions by leveling the playing field. Nonunion companies will have to pay their fair share for the first time instead of dumping their health care costs on the rest of us. It will help American businesses by keeping costs down. Keeping health costs down means more production and more exports. The Obama plan also helps industries with older workforces modernize without casting off their retirees.

Find out how health reform will affect you with this interactive tool from the Center for American Progress.
Health Care: Facts on the Health Care Reform Proposal

:lol::lol::lol: All of the above--our government could do by simply making new legislation not planning on a take-over of 7% of this economy.

Boy--you've swallowed the B.S.--hook--line & sinker.

The fact is--our federal government couldn't operate a lemonade stand without driving it into bankrupsy.

"The problem with socialism is that government eventually runs out of other peoples money to spend" Margaret Thatcher.
To state Democrats have a veto proof majority is a Lie!
Health Care > Health Care Reform Proposal

Get the Facts:

Health Reform Will:

* Hold down rising costs that are picking our pockets. expenses, deductibles and co-pays will have yearly or lifetime limits on the coverage you receive will be outlawed.
* Require insurance companies to fully cover, without checkups and tests that help you prevent illness, such as mammograms or eye and foot exams for diabetics.
* Require all companies to finally pay their fair share at least 72.5 percent of the premium for individual coverage 65 percent of the premium for family coverage, or a amount for part-time employees. Companies that don’t health care for workers will be required to pay to help support the public health insurance option.

This health care reform is worth fighting for. It works for working families and works for America.

* President Obama’s vision of health care reform puts you and your doctor, instead of insurance companies, in charge of your own health care.
* This legislation gets a grip on health care costs that are crushing the middle class.
* The legislation will improve health care quality by curbing insurance company abuses, rewarding doctors for improving the quality of care instead of increasing the quantity of care and forcing insurers to compete with a quality public health insurance plan. This means a great deal to all of us and our families.
* Think how much easier contract negotiations will be when America gets a handle on rising health care costs.
* It even helps employers—especially small businesses that now pay the highest insurance premiums—by making it easier to provide and pay for health benefits.
* President Obama’s proposal has a strong public plan option that will keep insurance companies honest and drive waste out of the system. Even the insurance companies admit that hundreds of billions of dollars don’t go for helpful care. With competition from a strong public plan, we can finally stop them from wasting all this money.
* The Obama plan means health care will be there for you, no matter what. If you lose your job, or your kid loses his. If you get sick. When you retire. If your plant closes or your company goes into Chapter 11. That strong public health insurance option means you and your family can’t fall through the cracks. No matter what.
* And finally, the health reform championed by the president helps unions by leveling the playing field. Nonunion companies will have to pay their fair share for the first time instead of dumping their health care costs on the rest of us. It will help American businesses by keeping costs down. Keeping health costs down means more production and more exports. The Obama plan also helps industries with older workforces modernize without casting off their retirees.

Find out how health reform will affect you with this interactive tool from the Center for American Progress.
Health Care: Facts on the Health Care Reform Proposal

The stated purpose of this health care reform was :

1. To keep costs of health care insurance down.

2. To insure everyone.

This plan does neither. If health care reform was their priority they would have done.

1. Tort reform, which would reduce the costs of healthcare.
2. Open competition among the states.
3. Promoted health savings plans with pre-tax dollars.
4. Grouped small business.
5. Passed legislation making insurance portable.
6. Passed legislation on pre-existing conditions.

They have done none of these simple measures to reduce costs and expand coverage, this is NOT about health care reform it is about a national take-over of 6% of our economy.

56% of Americans now OPPOSE the senate's health care reform legislation, only 40% favor it, you are in the minority. In America the majority wins, you lost.

" When the people fear the government there is tyranny. When the government fear the people there is liberty." Thomas Jefferson
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First there is no insurance monopoly to speak of. And the differeing cost in varying states as mucha s anythingelse reflect the amount of coverage the states force the insurers to provide at a minimum for the work force.

2nd I certainly hope this bastard child of an idiot and a crazy person is dead, but the Democrats ability to screw up damn near anything in short order means that we will get something - likely worse - than the bill currently in the senate.
First there is no insurance monopoly to speak of. And the differeing cost in varying states as mucha s anythingelse reflect the amount of coverage the states force the insurers to provide at a minimum for the work force.

2nd I certainly hope this bastard child of an idiot and a crazy person is dead, but the Democrats ability to screw up damn near anything in short order means that we will get something - likely worse - than the bill currently in the senate.

I don't see that yet. To many democrats against it.

To state Democrats have a veto proof majority is a Lie!
Health Care > Health Care Reform Proposal

Get the Facts:

Health Reform Will:

* Hold down rising costs that are picking our pockets. expenses, deductibles and co-pays will have yearly or lifetime limits on the coverage you receive will be outlawed.
* Require insurance companies to fully cover, without checkups and tests that help you prevent illness, such as mammograms or eye and foot exams for diabetics.
* Require all companies to finally pay their fair share at least 72.5 percent of the premium for individual coverage 65 percent of the premium for family coverage, or a amount for part-time employees. Companies that don’t health care for workers will be required to pay to help support the public health insurance option.

This health care reform is worth fighting for. It works for working families and works for America.

* President Obama’s vision of health care reform puts you and your doctor, instead of insurance companies, in charge of your own health care.
* This legislation gets a grip on health care costs that are crushing the middle class.
* The legislation will improve health care quality by curbing insurance company abuses, rewarding doctors for improving the quality of care instead of increasing the quantity of care and forcing insurers to compete with a quality public health insurance plan. This means a great deal to all of us and our families.
* Think how much easier contract negotiations will be when America gets a handle on rising health care costs.
* It even helps employers—especially small businesses that now pay the highest insurance premiums—by making it easier to provide and pay for health benefits.
* President Obama’s proposal has a strong public plan option that will keep insurance companies honest and drive waste out of the system. Even the insurance companies admit that hundreds of billions of dollars don’t go for helpful care. With competition from a strong public plan, we can finally stop them from wasting all this money.
* The Obama plan means health care will be there for you, no matter what. If you lose your job, or your kid loses his. If you get sick. When you retire. If your plant closes or your company goes into Chapter 11. That strong public health insurance option means you and your family can’t fall through the cracks. No matter what.
* And finally, the health reform championed by the president helps unions by leveling the playing field. Nonunion companies will have to pay their fair share for the first time instead of dumping their health care costs on the rest of us. It will help American businesses by keeping costs down. Keeping health costs down means more production and more exports. The Obama plan also helps industries with older workforces modernize without casting off their retirees.

Find out how health reform will affect you with this interactive tool from the Center for American Progress.
Health Care: Facts on the Health Care Reform Proposal

The stated purpose of this health care reform was :

1. To keep costs of health care insurance down.

2. To insure everyone.

This plan does neither. If health care reform was their priority they would have done.

1. Tort reform, which would reduce the costs of healthcare.
2. Open competition among the states.
3. Promoted health savings plans with pre-tax dollars.
4. Grouped small business.
5. Passed legislation making insurance portable.
6. Passed legislation on pre-existing conditions.

They have done none of these simple measures to reduce costs and expand coverage, this is NOT about health care reform it is about a national take-over of 6% of our economy.

56% of Americans now OPPOSE the senate's health care reform legislation, only 40% favor it, you are in the minority. In America the majority wins, you lost.

" When the people fear the government there is tyranny. When the government fear the people there is liberty." Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson owned slaves.
The U.S. Senate needs to be changed to a majority vote.

We need to be a democracy.

And the Democrats need to ignore the Republicans and pass the public option through reconciliation.
Chris ole dipstick if the Democrats were all on board with the public option it would be a done deal now.

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