Thank you comrade Donald Trump: Fully automated luxury communism


Gold Member
Oct 23, 2018
The American proletariat has spoken.

Dictatorship of the proletariat is the future of the USA. Unfortunately the dictating proletariat will be Russian.

Donald Trump is the prototype. Algorithms designed in Russia will be selecting and electing US presidents.

The success of the Russian Donald Trump project has ordained the future.

Welcome, Trump mini-me comrade Boris Johnson.

The American proletariat has spoken.

Dictatorship of the proletariat is the future of the USA. Unfortunately the dictating proletariat will be Russian.

Donald Trump is the prototype. Algorithms designed in Russia will be selecting and electing US presidents.

The success of the Russian Donald Trump project has ordained the future.

Welcome, Trump mini-me comrade Boris Johnson.


Eat a bag of dicks nazi

The American proletariat has spoken.

Dictatorship of the proletariat is the future of the USA. Unfortunately the dictating proletariat will be Russian.

Donald Trump is the prototype. Algorithms designed in Russia will be selecting and electing US presidents.

The success of the Russian Donald Trump project has ordained the future.

Welcome, Trump mini-me comrade Boris Johnson.

Brainwashed liberal moron

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Linked video has nothing to do with Trump or Russia. It's just a commie trying to put a positive spin on human workers being replaced by automated systems.
Linked video has nothing to do with Trump or Russia. It's just a commie trying to put a positive spin on human workers being replaced by automated systems.

You actually watched it?

Yeah. Only 8 minutes, brief compared to most youtube political rants.

Never watch a vid put up by the OP... he's over the top with TDS

I've noticed. These TDS people see a Trump/Russia conspiracy in all things. I guess Putin is pulling Orange Hitler's strings so walmart self-checkout aisles put American workers out of employment or something?
Funny how lefties never worried about automated systems during a democrat administration. As long as the "automated systems" are built in the U.S. and workers are trained to do more than flip burgers the crazy angry left will remain hysterical about the unfairness of it all.
The "Trump/Russia" narrative is so "2017." This is almost 2020, fer Christ's sake. Get a new comedy routine already.

Has ownership of the Trump POTUS project been transferred to Ukraine?
The "Trump/Russia" narrative is so "2017." This is almost 2020, fer Christ's sake. Get a new comedy routine already.

Has ownership of the Trump POTUS project been transferred to Ukraine?

Does mental illness run in your family. Where do you come up with the lies about President Trump. Your tinfoil hat isn’t working

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The American proletariat has spoken.

Dictatorship of the proletariat is the future of the USA. Unfortunately the dictating proletariat will be Russian.

Donald Trump is the prototype. Algorithms designed in Russia will be selecting and electing US presidents.

The success of the Russian Donald Trump project has ordained the future.

Welcome, Trump mini-me comrade Boris Johnson.

So if a Democrat wins the 2020, it will because of Russian designed algorithms and they picked the President. It will be interesting who they select.
The American proletariat has spoken.

Dictatorship of the proletariat is the future of the USA. Unfortunately the dictating proletariat will be Russian.

Donald Trump is the prototype. Algorithms designed in Russia will be selecting and electing US presidents.

The success of the Russian Donald Trump project has ordained the future.

Welcome, Trump mini-me comrade Boris Johnson.

This is ridiculous. If things are so terrible in the UK, then why are all the people from the rest of the world trying to get there?

Further, before he even started, I knew what he was going to cite.... household income. Household income is a fail. The reason is because of divorce and living alone.

Say you have 10 homes, with married couple, both working. Women makes $40K and the man makes $60K.

With those numbers the average household income would of course be, $100,000.

Now just two couples divorce.

You have 8 homes with $100,000 incomes, and 4 more with 60K/60K/40K/40K incomes. Wow.... average household income fell to $83K!

But have incomes actually fallen? No. In face, you could even give everyone a pay increase, and from divorce alone, have a decline in household income.

In addition to that, you can have kids in college, move out. When I was in high school, I was working a full time job. When I moved out, I got my own apartment.

My income had not gone down, but rather had gone up. That is why I was able to afford to get an apartment for college.

But if you looked at average household incomes, the average should fall. Because one household with three people working (mother, father and me), turned into two households, with me earning a low wage.

Again, that shows an increase in the standard of living, because I was able to afford my own apartment. No evidence of a decline in the standard of living, just in the average household statistics.

Similarly, I doubt that the hourly wages of people in their 20s, has actually fallen 20%. I don't see that happening. You are telling me that 25 year olds, are now earning 4/5ths of their income just a year or so ago? I doubt it.

I betcha that you have more immigrants, because of the last bunch of years of uncontrolled immigration, and I wager that many of those immigrants are unskilled, and have thus been taking low pay jobs. The result of having a drastic increase in low-wage workers, is that average wage statistics look bad. But you show me how many people in their twenties have actually had pay cuts..... You show me that. How many 20 year olds, not on drugs, no screwing off at home, not showing up late for work....

how many were being paid £20,000, and now are earning £16,000? How many? Give me the numbers on that. Actual people, that have had an actual decline in pay of 20%?

I gotta tell ya, I don't believe it. Bunch of lies. I wager at best, you have an increase in low-skill labor, not a decline in wages.

And he even accidentally spills the truth with the very next one. He complains that average wages for self-employed people has declined. But right before that he admits that the number of people who are self employed has dramatically gone up.

Whoops... math fail? If there has been a dramatic increase in self-employed people, then naturally the average will be lower. Or do you think that a bran new self-employed person, is going to be make the same money as those who have been doing it for years?

If I'm a self employed plumber, or carpenter, and I've been doing it for decades, and have a good reputation, and a long list of customers... and you start off today doing the same thing, with no experience, no reputation, and no customer list.... you think you are going to earn the same amount of money as me?

Of course not. But that will hurt the average. Math dude.... learn math.

This is the problem. Every time I hear people complaining, it's always these spoiled brats, with these bogus made up statistics, complaining their first world luxury life, just isn't enough.

And I love how he starts off with "capitalism isn't working so great...." and immediately lists off a government socialist policy. How can you complain about Capitalism, and then start your discussion with a government intervention?

This would be like Stalin, saying Socialism is working great, just look at all the food from these private farms!

Ridiculous. Sorry, but the stupidity was so thick in that video, I had to stop when he got to the self-employment nonsense.
The American proletariat has spoken.

Dictatorship of the proletariat is the future of the USA. Unfortunately the dictating proletariat will be Russian.

Donald Trump is the prototype. Algorithms designed in Russia will be selecting and electing US presidents.

The success of the Russian Donald Trump project has ordained the future.

Welcome, Trump mini-me comrade Boris Johnson.

^^ Another Marxist assclown accusing American patriots of being “Russian agents”.

The Bolsheviks would be proud of you.
The video concludes with the proclamation "nothing is too good for the working class".

That's what Comrade Trump is giving his howling proletariat, 'nothing'. The Trump bluster, blather, boasting, and bullshit enthralls and excites the Trump howling proletariat for the duration of the rally and they leave with the promise and the realization of nothing.
Linked video has nothing to do with Trump or Russia. It's just a commie trying to put a positive spin on human workers being replaced by automated systems.

What you saw was the future. You can deny it all you wish but it's coming. I would say by 2050 this is exactly where we will be at. The groundwork is already being laid. At some point, we are going to have to figure out what we are going to do with all that labor that has been replaced. And even YOUR job will be either completely replaced or greatly reduced. Notice, I didn't even bother to ask you what your job is. It won't matter.

We are entering a new Industrial Revolution.
Linked video has nothing to do with Trump or Russia. It's just a commie trying to put a positive spin on human workers being replaced by automated systems.

What you saw was the future. You can deny it all you wish but it's coming. I would say by 2050 this is exactly where we will be at. The groundwork is already being laid. At some point, we are going to have to figure out what we are going to do with all that labor that has been replaced. And even YOUR job will be either completely replaced or greatly reduced. Notice, I didn't even bother to ask you what your job is. It won't matter.

We are entering a new Industrial Revolution.

At what point did I deny it? I was just telling people what the video is about. That guy is pretty optimistic about automation, seems to have great faith in humanity's ability to cope with not having shit to do. Personally I don't think its going to be so easy to adjust.

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