
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Isn’t it “funny” how a tweet from President Trump about the fake news has the left falling to their knees and screaming in utter terror over the “war on the media” and yet they worshipped Barack Obama who waged an actual and literal war on the media?
The Obama administration’s Justice Department launched more leak investigations under the World War I-era Espionage Act than any other administration in history
What happened to the journalist who broke that story? Well, he was targeted by the Obama Administration.
The Obama administration targeted Risen with a subpoena to force him to reveal his sources.
But...the Obama reign of terror didn’t end there.
In a separate case, the Obama Justice Department named then-Fox News Channel reporter James Rosen as an unindicted co-conspirator. The Justice Department also seized the phone records of Rosen’s parents.
Can you imagine what would happen if the Trump Administration seized the phone records of the parents of a journalist?!? And it wasn’t just Risen and Rosen. The Obama Administration also spied on journalist Sharyl Attkisson (who still has a lawsuit going against them). And, as slanted left as the media is, they even admitted that information was more readily available and forthcoming under President Bush than Obama (who had campaigned on the “most transparent administration ever”).

7 Presidents Tougher Than Trump on the Media
The closer you look at Obama the more you realize he is much more of a scumbag any of us imagined possible.
Trump criticizes the media openly, and typically in response to stupid, and untrue stuff they publish, or broadcast. Obama was the LEAST TRANSPARENT President, and Administration. He was underhanded in his use of NSA, FBI, etc and weaponized the IRS, EPA, Interior and other agencies to PUNISH his political opponents.
The closer you look at Obama the more you realize he is much more of a scumbag any of us imagined possible.
He was a traitor.....and Congress just looked the other way.
The corrupt media made this possible.

This is the problem with a media that answers to nobody.
And if the Democrats ever take full control, they will make sure that media isn't free anymore.
They will clamp down on them immediately.
It must be nice to be a political party patsy for the republicans, democrats and Trump.. A total lack of the ability on individualism or thought processing...
It must be nice to be a political party patsy for the republicans, democrats and Trump.. A total lack of the ability on individualism or thought processing...
Yep......nobody else can spot a rat like you can....simply because you never take sides.
Apathy gives one the ability to make fun of anything and anyone without looking like a total hypocrite.
The problem is apathetic people never solve anything. They just make fun of anyone who tries.
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