Th influence of George Lukacs on the modern left.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
Georg Lukacs was an individual who, though not commonly recognized today, has significantly influenced modern political thought in America, at least among the political left. As I describe the teachings of Lukacs, it will become shockingly apparent how the core belief system of the Democratic party in America has been indirectly influenced by his writings.

Georg Lukacs was a marxist and believed that the first major obstacle standing in the way of worldwide acceptance of Communism was the success of many democratic republics throughout the world and their free market enterprise based economies. He believed those countries needed to be subversively undermined to make room for Cultural Marxism. He also believed that it was vital to first degrade the culture and infiltrate the institutions of those countries. He proposed a movement he called "cultural terrorism". It involved subverting the educational system away from traditional western values. Additionally, he felt it was important to sexualize the youth starting at a very young age in grade school and he wished to normalize sexual deviancy from the outset. He also considered it vital that children should be taught to disrespect authority and despise their cultural heritage. This sounds exactly like what we are seeing in classrooms across America today and is being promoted by the left. He also promoted de-emphasizing science, technology, engineering and mathematics in favor of studying social struggles.

The founders of the Frankfurt school were heavily influenced by Lukacs and his writings. They formalized their degenerate belief system into something they call "Critical Theory" and got it firmly entrenched in the educational system and media in Europe and North America. The Frankfurt school attempted to reduce everything to social power struggles and believed that the goal is not objective progress, except undermining the work of those with whom you disagree with criticism and attempting to subvert their goals. Today, college students are indoctrinated in Critical Theory, which poisons their minds beyond belief. Critical theory does not create; it only destroys. In the words of one of its founders, Max Horkheimer, "Above all…critical theory has no material accomplishments to show for itself." Critical Theory has created legions of SJWs. It has also infected the educational system, the mainstream media, and much of the country and is currently threatening to destroy Western Civilization.

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