Texasss city pays Ted Nugent $16K to go away

Well looky here ...

Turns out some rw's do idolize him for ...

You're keeping just as classy as we've come to expect from you.

You are a liar and an overall shit-bag, just like all the libtards before you, from the Jacobins to Lenin, to Stalin and Mao.

You have no respect for Truth, integrity, humanity or anything but power.

Go piss on yourself, lying whore.

the left are rabid in their hate...If's it's not Nugent... it's Rush, Beck, Palin, Fox news and so many it's never ending...must be an awful existence

The left has to hate and blame some one else for their anguish or else they fall apart.

Just imagine what would happen to the left if they simply accepted responsibility and chose to be tolerant of others?

*POOF* they would all become RINOs.

Maybe its good they are so deluded.
Texas city pays Ted Nugent $16K to cancel Fourth of July concert - Washington Times

The city of Longview, Texas, has paid $16,250 to end contract negotiations with controversial rocker Ted Nugent, who was being considered to headline a Fourth of July concert.

The decision comes after Mr. Nugent called President Obama a “subhuman mongrel,” which became an issue this year during a campaign swing with Texas gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott, the Longview News-Journal reported.

City spokesman Shawn Hara said the controversy was just one of several factors that led to the cancellation.

“[There were] a variety of reasons. Cost, structure, is it the right musical act for this type of event — a city-sponsored, family-oriented overall event,” Mr. Hara said. “They decided no, we don’t want to move forward, it is not the right act for this. At that point we decided to end discussions.”

Read more: Texas city pays Ted Nugent $16K to cancel Fourth of July concert - Washington Times
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Gee ... this slime gets a sexual thrill out of blasting the life out of animals, admits to being a child predator, brags about being so cowardly he sat in his own shit for days to get out of serving his country ...

I guess some don't think he's "family oriented".

And here I thought some rw's idolize him.

Yep Ted is big with the Low IQ crowd

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