Texas Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke steps in it


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Texas Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke steps in it

Texas Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke says that there is 'nothing more American' than kneeling during anthem. Beto is a despicable racist demagogue for blowing the racist dog whistle for violent racist such as Micah Johnson who murdered 5 innocent Dallas police officers.

On average 64 law enforcement officers are murdered per year.

Black suspects murder more than twice as many Whites as White suspects murder Blacks per year. Notice that White on Black murders are given epically more News coverage than Black on White murders. The MSM does this to help Democrat Voter turn out. There seems to be huge imbalance of outrage with the Left Wingers.


Congressman Beto O'Rourke Goes Viral For Defending NFL Players Who Take A Knee | HuffPost

List of American police officers killed in the line of duty - Wikipedia

Interracial Homicide Rate Growing
Ted Cruz has only a single digit lead over O'Rourke.

In a red state.

Texas Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke steps in it

Texas Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke says that there is 'nothing more American' than kneeling during anthem. Beto is a despicable racist demagogue for blowing the racist dog whistle for violent racist such as Micah Johnson who murdered 5 innocent Dallas police officers.

On average 64 law enforcement officers are murdered per year.

Black suspects murder more than twice as many Whites as White suspects murder Blacks per year. Notice that White on Black murders are given epically more News coverage than Black on White murders. The MSM does this to help Democrat Voter turn out. There seems to be huge imbalance of outrage with the Left Wingers.

View attachment 212509

Congressman Beto O'Rourke Goes Viral For Defending NFL Players Who Take A Knee | HuffPost

List of American police officers killed in the line of duty - Wikipedia

Interracial Homicide Rate Growing
Trog, and I mean this with the utmost respect...you are full of crap! I just love the way y'all get all choked up with patriotism over the issue of the football players kneeling during the anthem, but it's getting a tad tiresome the way you twist your logic like a pretzel to make the gesture some kind of disrespect. Posting statistics doesn't cloud the issue as much as you would like. G Washington or T Jefferson NOT toasting Geo III was also a way to getting a point across that got attention and pissed off the powers of the day. Another unspoken thing is that standing at attention during the anthem is a custom, not a law, sort of like Presidential candidates posting their tax returns is a custom but not a law.

There are some, like myself, who is impressed with the quietly respectful way this protest is conducted. No flags, no tiki torches, no shouts of 'blood and soil', just a reverential silent kneel. I'm amazed that so many screechers can make themselves look so foolish over an issue of "Law & Order" that they ought to support and face rather than resent. It sure looks like the color of the kneeler's skin is the determining factor in which side Republicans take.
Texas Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke steps in it

Texas Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke says that there is 'nothing more American' than kneeling during anthem. Beto is a despicable racist demagogue for blowing the racist dog whistle for violent racist such as Micah Johnson who murdered 5 innocent Dallas police officers.

On average 64 law enforcement officers are murdered per year.

Black suspects murder more than twice as many Whites as White suspects murder Blacks per year. Notice that White on Black murders are given epically more News coverage than Black on White murders. The MSM does this to help Democrat Voter turn out. There seems to be huge imbalance of outrage with the Left Wingers.

View attachment 212509

Congressman Beto O'Rourke Goes Viral For Defending NFL Players Who Take A Knee | HuffPost

List of American police officers killed in the line of duty - Wikipedia

Interracial Homicide Rate Growing
Trog, and I mean this with the utmost respect...you are full of crap! I just love the way y'all get all choked up with patriotism over the issue of the football players kneeling during the anthem, but it's getting a tad tiresome the way you twist your logic like a pretzel to make the gesture some kind of disrespect. Posting statistics doesn't cloud the issue as much as you would like. G Washington or T Jefferson NOT toasting Geo III was also a way to getting a point across that got attention and pissed off the powers of the day. Another unspoken thing is that standing at attention during the anthem is a custom, not a law, sort of like Presidential candidates posting their tax returns is a custom but not a law.

There are some, like myself, who is impressed with the quietly respectful way this protest is conducted. No flags, no tiki torches, no shouts of 'blood and soil', just a reverential silent kneel. I'm amazed that so many screechers can make themselves look so foolish over an issue of "Law & Order" that they ought to support and face rather than resent. It sure looks like the color of the kneeler's skin is the determining factor in which side Republicans take.

You missed the point.
Mr Beto is pandering to racist for votes.
Texas Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke says that there is 'nothing more American' than kneeling during anthem.

I absolutely agree with him. It's called freedom of expression, something many people around the world don't have.

The freedom is a great thing.

The sentiment however, particularly in these times, is troubling and those troubled are equally free to comment upon it or separate themselves from supporting the kneelers vocations.
Texas Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke says that there is 'nothing more American' than kneeling during anthem.

I absolutely agree with him. It's called freedom of expression, something many people around the world don't have.

The freedom is a great thing.

The sentiment however, particularly in these times, is troubling and those troubled are equally free to comment upon it or separate themselves from supporting the kneelers vocations.

Let them kneel....it hasn't changed a damn thing....well except making them look like jackasses
Texas Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke steps in it

Texas Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke says that there is 'nothing more American' than kneeling during anthem. Beto is a despicable racist demagogue for blowing the racist dog whistle for violent racist such as Micah Johnson who murdered 5 innocent Dallas police officers.

On average 64 law enforcement officers are murdered per year.

Black suspects murder more than twice as many Whites as White suspects murder Blacks per year. Notice that White on Black murders are given epically more News coverage than Black on White murders. The MSM does this to help Democrat Voter turn out. There seems to be huge imbalance of outrage with the Left Wingers.

View attachment 212509

Congressman Beto O'Rourke Goes Viral For Defending NFL Players Who Take A Knee | HuffPost

List of American police officers killed in the line of duty - Wikipedia

Interracial Homicide Rate Growing

Beto, the stupid white boy pretending to be Mexican. Hate that fag.
So we should toss out anyone in government with a DUI or other crimes, eh?
Ted Cruz has only a single digit lead over O'Rourke.

In a red state.


In 2016 the MSM Polling insisted that Texas was in Toss Up and Too Close To Call and what happened the Republicans won with double figures.

Forget 2016. Go back to when Ted Cruz won his first term. He defeated David Duherst who was chosen by the Bush trash to win. After it all shook out, Cruz won. Beto isn’t a real Texan. He gets no funding from Texas, all he is is a pretty white face with a beaner name. Most here speculate he isn’t even really running for senate as much as he is interviewing for a job on MSNBC.
Texas Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke steps in it

Texas Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke says that there is 'nothing more American' than kneeling during anthem. Beto is a despicable racist demagogue for blowing the racist dog whistle for violent racist such as Micah Johnson who murdered 5 innocent Dallas police officers.

On average 64 law enforcement officers are murdered per year.

Black suspects murder more than twice as many Whites as White suspects murder Blacks per year. Notice that White on Black murders are given epically more News coverage than Black on White murders. The MSM does this to help Democrat Voter turn out. There seems to be huge imbalance of outrage with the Left Wingers.

View attachment 212509

Congressman Beto O'Rourke Goes Viral For Defending NFL Players Who Take A Knee | HuffPost

List of American police officers killed in the line of duty - Wikipedia

Interracial Homicide Rate Growing

America was built on protest
Lyin' Ted is back in the saddle again!

I guess having a dad who killed Kennedy isn't as bad as getting arrested for jumping the fence at your college when you were a kid.
Ted Cruz has only a single digit lead over O'Rourke.

In a red state.


In 2016 the MSM Polling insisted that Texas was in Toss Up and Too Close To Call and what happened the Republicans won with double figures.

Forget 2016. Go back to when Ted Cruz won his first term. He defeated David Duherst who was chosen by the Bush trash to win. After it all shook out, Cruz won. Beto isn’t a real Texan. He gets no funding from Texas, all he is is a pretty white face with a beaner name. Most here speculate he isn’t even really running for senate as much as he is interviewing for a job on MSNBC.

I just have read about what this Beto O'Rourke supports, so he's pro-Abortion has 100% rating from Planned Parenthood, he supports the DACA Crowd, he is an Anti-Gun Extremist, he's pro-LGBTQ, he's anti-ICE, so basic very Left-Wing.

In my opinion Ted Cruz wins and with no problem, I cannot see Texas voting for a Far Leftist like this Beto O'Rourke.
Texas Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke steps in it

Texas Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke says that there is 'nothing more American' than kneeling during anthem. Beto is a despicable racist demagogue for blowing the racist dog whistle for violent racist such as Micah Johnson who murdered 5 innocent Dallas police officers.

On average 64 law enforcement officers are murdered per year.

Black suspects murder more than twice as many Whites as White suspects murder Blacks per year. Notice that White on Black murders are given epically more News coverage than Black on White murders. The MSM does this to help Democrat Voter turn out. There seems to be huge imbalance of outrage with the Left Wingers.

View attachment 212509

Congressman Beto O'Rourke Goes Viral For Defending NFL Players Who Take A Knee | HuffPost

List of American police officers killed in the line of duty - Wikipedia

Interracial Homicide Rate Growing
His answer about the NFL players kneeling was a wonderful answer......good for him.

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