Texas Has 1000 New Virus Cases 5 Consecutive Days


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014

Texas opened back up the first of May.

Now the past 5 consecutive days they've had 1 thousand new cases. That's 5 thousand cases in just 5 days.

The state attorney general has further guaranteed more cases by telling the cities to not enforce stricter rules than what the governor has imposed.

It seems to me that the state government in Texas is doing all they can to cause more virus infections and more death.

They could find 10,000 if they do more testing. If they don't test, they won't find any new cases
This is the underlying scam of the new battle cry of "TESTING!"

More tests means that you're going to find more peole exposed, whether they are sick or not....Then, the shutdown tyrants can claim that the numbers are still high and keep their people under house arrest.

These liberoidals are seriously fucked up.

Texas opened back up the first of May.

Now the past 5 consecutive days they've had 1 thousand new cases. That's 5 thousand cases in just 5 days.

The state attorney general has further guaranteed more cases by telling the cities to not enforce stricter rules than what the governor has imposed.

It seems to me that the state government in Texas is doing all they can to cause more virus infections and more death.

Sure it has, lying hack.
They could find 10,000 if they do more testing. If they don't test, they won't find any new cases
Sure, they can claim anyone has it and how would we know? The list of names of the people who they say do have it is a more closely guarded secret than the Manhattan project. I call bullshit on the whole demochina inspired load of crap!

Texas opened back up the first of May.

Now the past 5 consecutive days they've had 1 thousand new cases. That's 5 thousand cases in just 5 days.

The state attorney general has further guaranteed more cases by telling the cities to not enforce stricter rules than what the governor has imposed.

It seems to me that the state government in Texas is doing all they can to cause more virus infections and more death.

List their names.
Any worker that does get it should receive a month off paid then see if they can return.
Now the past 5 consecutive days they've had 1 thousand new cases. That's 5 thousand cases in just 5 days.


Why do you dimwits keep acting like this is Ebola or some shit? The models were wrong. The predicted death rates were wrong. Enough is enough. Let the virus run it's course so we can put it behind us. If you're so concerned, YOU are still free to stay at home wrapped up in your binky.

EEEK! WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!!! Testing is meaningless. Just means the flu is doing what flues, do, spread. 99.75% of people live, unless you are old and sick or just sick. The sooner a critical number of people get it and develop antibodies the sooner it will go away, because there will be no one left to spread it. It's called herd immunity, and it is an established virology and epidemiology concept.

Now mortality rate .25% down from 2.0 to 4.0%, ordinary flu s .1%:

List their names
Pretty dumb comment. You want to violate everybody’s privacy rights? Not even legal. Also, the figures come from Texas’ own Department of State Health!

Just saying ....

[P.S. The issue of naming names, like the number judged “infected” by testing, and the larger issue of the seriousness of the disease and whether or when to open up factories and clubs or to loosen social distancing ... these are not the same. @Dana7360’s opinion that “It seems to me that the state government in Texas is doing all they can to cause more virus infections and more death” is also obviously wrong and exaggerated for effect.]
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Texas opened back up the first of May.

Now the past 5 consecutive days they've had 1 thousand new cases. That's 5 thousand cases in just 5 days.

The state attorney general has further guaranteed more cases by telling the cities to not enforce stricter rules than what the governor has imposed.

It seems to me that the state government in Texas is doing all they can to cause more virus infections and more death.

Enjoy your sick twisted celebration

Texas opened back up the first of May.

Now the past 5 consecutive days they've had 1 thousand new cases. That's 5 thousand cases in just 5 days.

The state attorney general has further guaranteed more cases by telling the cities to not enforce stricter rules than what the governor has imposed.

It seems to me that the state government in Texas is doing all they can to cause more virus infections and more death.

Over 42,400 cases, 1,158 deaths


Texas opened back up the first of May.

Now the past 5 consecutive days they've had 1 thousand new cases. That's 5 thousand cases in just 5 days.

The state attorney general has further guaranteed more cases by telling the cities to not enforce stricter rules than what the governor has imposed.

It seems to me that the state government in Texas is doing all they can to cause more virus infections and more death.

They will be fine....it's Texas.....90 percent of the new cases will recover and continue to build the economy...some will not. Business and life continues on as usual......8000 people a day die in the US as they have for the past five years with or without the Virus. Interestingly Covid 19 has not even put up statistically significant numbers so the daily death count has basically been the same as it always has.

List their names.
Pretty dumb comment. You want to violate everybody’s privacy rights? Not even legal. Also, the figures come from Texas state’s own Department of Health!

Just saying ....
Stay on your knees believing everything they tell you, and you say I'm dumb? You sound like another brainwashed parrot.
List their names
Pretty dumb comment. You want to violate everybody’s privacy rights? Not even legal. Also, the figures come from Texas state’s own Department of Health!

Just saying ....

[P.S. The issue of naming names, like the number judged “infected” by testing, and the larger issue of the seriousness of the disease and whether or when to open up factories and clubs or to loosen social distancing ... are not the same.]

The Best opportunity lefty has had in an entire generation to subjugate the nation to socialism is slipping away from them as they watch. America is a lot tougher than they think it is....lol. Yeah the virus is real but it's not armageddon and life will go on.


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